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Anatomy/Med Term 1

Prefixes Related to Position or Direction

ab- away from Ex: abscission = to cut away from
ad- toward Ex: adneural = in the direction of a nerve
ante- before Ex: antemortem = before death
circum- around Ex: circumduction = movement of a part of the body in a circular direction
dia- through or complete Ex: dialysate = the part of a mixture that passes through a dialyzing membrane
ecto- outside Ex: ectoplacental = outside the placenta
endo- within Ex: endobiotic = living as a parasite within a host
epi- around, upon, on, or above Ex: epispinal = on the vertebral column
ex- out, outward, or outside Ex: exclave = detached portion or a gland or outer part
exo- out, outward, or outside Ex: exoteric = arising outside the organism
extra- out, outward, or outside Ex: extraprostatic = outside or independent of the prostrate
hyper- excessive or above Ex: hyperoxidation = excessive oxidation
hypo- below or under Ex: hypocitraturia = abnormally low concentration of citrate in the urine
in- in or into Ex: incision = a cut into
infra- below or beneath Ex: infrathoracic = below the thorax
inter- between Ex: interfemoral = between the thighs
intra- within Ex: intragenal = within a gene
meta- beyond Ex: metainfective = occuring after an infection
para- beside or near Ex: paracystic = alongside or near the bladder
per- through Ex: peranum = by or through the anus
peri- around Ex: pericellular = surrounding a cell
post- after Ex: postcostal = behind the ribs
pre- before or in front of Ex: precapillary = preceding a capillary
pro- before Ex: prochondral = developmental stage prior to the formation of cartilage
retro- back or behind Ex: retropharynx = the back part of the pharnyx
sub- under or below Ex: sublingual = beneath or below the tongue
supra- above Ex: supracerebral = on or above the surface of the cerebrum
trans- across Ex: transcortical = across or through the cortex of the brain
ultra- beyond Ex: ultraligation = ligation of a blood vessel beyond the point where a branch is given off
Created by: jmwhelpley
Popular Medical sets



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