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All of Module 4

scoliosis abnormal lateral curvature of the spine
intercellular between cells
intracellular within the cell
orthopnea needing to sit up straight to breathe comfortably
hematopoiesis the formation of blood
red bone marrow produces blood cells
yellow bone marrow stores energy as fat
functions of the skeletal system protect internal organs, store minerals and fat, produce blood cells, facilitate movement, support the body
cranium skull
cranial bones frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal
facial bones maxilla, mandible, zygomatic
upper jaw bone maxilla
lower jaw bone mandible
cheekbone zygomatic
total number of vertebrae 33
cervical vertebrae neck bones (7 total)
thoracic vertebrae upper back (12 total)
lumbar vertebrae lower back (5 total)
Sacrum 5 fused vertebrae
Coccyx tailbone (4 fused)
xiphoid process inferior portion of the sternum
upper arm bone humerus
forearm bones radius and ulna
forearm bone on the thumb side radius
forearm bone on the pinky side ulna
wrist bones carpals
palm bones metacarpals
fingers and toes phalanges
pelvic bones ilium, ischium, pubis
thigh bone femur
kneecap patella
lower leg bones tibia and fibula
medial lower leg bone tibia
lateral lower leg bone fibula
ankle bones tarsals
foot bones metatarsals
clavicle collar bone
scapula shoulder bone
tendon connects muscle to bone
ligament connects bone to bobe
greenstick fracture bone breaks incompletely
transverse fracture complete fracture that is straight across the bone
comminuted fracture bone breaks into many fragments
spiral fracture bone is broken in a spiral because of a twisting force
compound (open) fracture bone breaks through the skin
simple (closed) fracture bone is broken but there is no open wound in the skin
arthritits inflammation of a joint
osteoarthritis wear-and-tear arthritis, most commonly associated with aging
rheumatoid arthritis a chronic autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks the lining of the joints
gouty arthritis inflammation and painful swelling of joints caused by excessive uric acid in the body
osteoporosis loss of bone density that can result in an increased risk of fractures
lordosis A curving inward of the lower back
kyphosis excessive outward curvature of the spine, causing hunching of the back.
herniated disk when the disk between two vertebrae starts slipping out of place, often causing a pinched nerve
S&S of herniated disk Pain, numbness or tingling of extremity, weakness
carpal tunnel syndrome A numbness and tingling in the hand caused by a pinched nerve in the wrist
bursitis inflammation of the bursa, a fluid-filled sac around joints
strain injury to a tendon or muscle
sprain injury to a ligament
frontal region forehead
ocular region eye
nasal region nose
otic region ear
zygomatic region cheek bone
buccal region cheek
mental region chin
cranial region skull
cervical region neck
scapular region shoulder
brachial region upper arm
cubital region elbow
carpal region wrist
femoral region thigh
popliteal region behind the knee
tarsal region ankle
-ia abnormal condition
-iasis abnormal condition
-osis abnormal condition
-graphy process of producing a picture or record
-gram picture or record
-scopy visual examination
super-, supra- above, excessive
sub- below, under, less
inter- between
intra- within
arthr/o joint
burs/o bursa
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
radi/o x-rays
-poiesis making, formation
orth/o straight
Created by: kalin.organ
Popular Medical sets




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