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L4 Core Glossary P2

L4 Core Glossary Part 2

Chronic conditions Enfermedades crónicas, afectaciones crónicas
Circulatory disease Enfermedades circulatorias
Circumcision Circuncisión
Clavicle, collar bone Clavícula
Cold symptoms Síntomas del resfriado/gripe
Colic, cramps Cólico
Collodion - Clear or slightly opalescent, highly flammable, syrupy liquid, used as a topical protectant, applied to the skin to close small wounds, abrasions, and cuts, to hold surgical dressings in place, and to keep medications in contact with the skin. Colodión
Colonoscopy - A medical procedure in which a special tube-shaped instrument which has a tiny video camera at the tip of the tube is used to take pictures of the inside of someone's colon. Colonoscopia
Colostrum - A thin white opalescent fluid, the first milk secreted at the termination of pregnancy. Calostro, calostro
Colposcopy - A procedure to closely examine your cervix, vagina and vulva for signs of disease. Colposcopia
Compression stockings Medias de compresión
Computerized Tomography (CT scan) Tomografía computarizada
condom preservativo, condón
Consent form Autorización, formulario de consentimiento
Constipation Estreñimiento
Contraception/birth control Anticonceptivo, control de la natalidad
Contractions Contracciones
Contrast dye - A solution that is used to accentuate specific structures when looking at a body image. medio de contraste, colorante de contraste, líquido de contraste.
Cough Tos
Cough syrup Jarabe / remedio para la tos
Cracked Agrietados
Cramp Calambre muscular
Cramps Retorcijón o cólico estomacal o intestinal
Crawling sensation Sensación de agitación nerviosa/ hormigueo
Crib death Muerte de cuna, fallecimiento en la cuna del bebé, muerte en la cuna
C-section Cesárea
Cubic centimeters (“cc’s) Centímetros cúbicos
Cystitis - Cystitis (sis-TIE-tis) is the medical term for inflammation of the bladder. Cistitis
Dairy products Productos lácteos
Dehydrated Deshidratado (a)
Deoxyribonucleicacid (DNA) ácido desoxirribonucleico (ADN)
Diabetes Diabetes
Diabetes pills Pastillas para la diabetes
Diagnosis Diagnóstico, dictamen médico
Dialysis Diálisis
Dietitian Dietista, nutricionista, nutriólogo
Digestive System Sistema digestivo
Dilation and Curettage (D & C) - A minor surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated (expanded) to remove tissue from the cervical canal and uterine lining by means of a curette (spoon shaped instrument). Dilatación y curetaje, legrado, raspado
Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus (DPT) - A combination of vaccines against three infectious diseases in humans: diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and tetanus. Difteria, tosferina y tétanos
Discharge instructions Instrucciones para darle de alta
Discharge (from hospital) Dar de alta
Discomfort Molestia
Disorder Trastorno
Distracted Distraído
Diverticulitis - The inflammation or infection of a diverticulum of the colon that is marked by abdominal pain or tenderness often accompanied by fever, chills, and cramping. Diverticulitis
Dizzy Mareado(a)
Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) Orden de no resucitar
Dosage Dosis
Dosage button Botón de la dosis, dosis pulsando un botón, botón dosificado
Douching Duchas vaginales, lavados vaginales
Drain Drenar, supurar
Drainage, discharge Drenaje, secreción, supuración
Dull pain Dolor sordo, apagado, dolor leve
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare -A legal document that gives someone you choose the power to act in your place. Poder legal duradero para cuidados de la salud
Created by: 182257894266269
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