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A&P I : chapter 1

Anatomy "A" -- Architecture Describes STRUCTURES of the body their physical relationships to one another
Physiology "P" -- Purpose Study of FUNCTION How vital processes work
Gross Anatomy large, VISABLE structures, Macroscopic
Cytology study of an individual cell
Histology study of tissues, ( groups of specialized cells that make up an organ )
Symptoms SUBJECTIVE changes in body functions that you can't just see - Reported by patient
Signs OBJECTIVE changes, observed & measured -Reported by clinician
The Scientific Method -Whatever Q or Observation you MUST formulate it into a Q (hypothesis) Then ask how do I create an experiment to answer hyp. -Have to be able to replicate experiment & you want others to do get the same result ( if its what you wanted )
Correct Order of Organization starting w Simplest chemical (atoms) -> cellular (cells) -> tissue -> organ -> organ system -> organism
Surface Anatomy locating body structures near one another that can be seen & used as a reference
Describe Anatomical Position Hands at sides, palms forward stance clinicians use
Anatomical landmarks what can be felt
Anatomical regions specific areas used for reference purposes
Anatomical directions Closer/Further away from structure of plane
Supine Lying down, face up , on your back
Prone Lying down, face down, on stomach
Lateral Recumbent Laying on your side
Acromial a-chrom-eal point of shoulder
Antecubital anterior surface of elbow
Axillary armpit
Brachial upper arm
buccal cheeks area
Cervical neck region
Coxal Hip
Crural lower, front of leg
Femoral thigh
Fibular lateral part of leg next to Tibia
Inguinal area where thigh meets body part
Patellar anterior knee
Sternal breastbone
Tarsal ankle region
thoracic chest
calcaneal heel of foot
cephalic head
deltoid curve of shoulder formed by large deltoid muscle
lumbar area of back b/w ribs and hips
occipital posterior head
olecranal posterior elbow
popliteal back of knee
scapular shoulder blade region
sural posterior surface of lower leg
plantar sole of foot
sacral end of vertebral column
otic ear
mental chin
antebrachial forearm
palmar palm
pollex thumb
hallux great toe
pedal foot
manual hand
superior above
inferior below
anterior in front of ventral to
posterior behind dorsal to
medial middle
lateral away from middle outer sides
intermediate b/w a medial and lateral surface
proximal close to the body part
distal away from body part
superficial external ; at the surface
deep internal ; away from surface
frontal plane coronal anterior and posterior
sagittal plane divides right from left
midsagittal equal right and left
parasagittal off center right and left
transverse plane divides superior and inferior
peritoneal cavity peritoneum abdominal region
pleural cavities pleura lungs
pericardial cavity pericardium contains heart
serosa (serous membrane ) makes fluid to reduce friction
serosa - covering on organ visceral viscera = internal organs
serosa - covering on wall (wallpaper) parietal paries = wall , attaches to and lines cavity walls
Serous Fluid secreted by serous membranes 1) reduces friction b/w body walls and viscera 2) moistens membranes to prevent sticking
peritoneal inside ventral cavity
retroperitoneal behind and underneath , not wrapped in serous membrane
homeostasis staying the same -- stable internal environment despite unpredictable surroundings state of equilibrium
Negative Feedback response reverses original stimulus restores homeostasis to normal range determined by set point
Thermoregulation type of negative feedback ex. sweating to cool body, shivering to warm body regularly center - hypothalamus in brain
Positive Feedback initial stimulus produces a response that amplifies the original change in conditions body is moved AWAY from homeostasis , normal range not maintained ex. child & labor
dynamic equilibrium continual adaptation to changing conditions
EFFECT OUT carries out instructions from control center to restore homeostasis
Control Center processes receptors information , then decides based on set point
Receptor receives stimulus to detect changes in the environment
Created by: tbmartin2
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