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Neurocritical Care

Neurocritical Care Neurocritical Care
GCS Eyes = 4, Verbal = 5, Motor = 6
FOUR Score Eyes, Motor, Brainstem, Respiration. All from 0-4
Decorticate posturing anatomy Lesion in corticospinal tract above red nucleus
Decerebrate posturing anatomy Lesion in corticospinal tract between red nucleus and vestibular nuclei
Triple flexion anatomy Lesion in corticospinal tract below vestibular nuclei (ie. below medulla)
Cheyne-Stokes breathing Looks like torsades with fluctuating high-low amplitudes
Apneustic breathing Pauses at full inspiration. Pontine lesions
Ataxic breathing Random pattern. Low pontine or medullary lesions
Three types of edema Vasogenic (blood-brain barrier), Cytotoxic (cell damg), Interstitial (CSF)
TTM Criteria Must be: >18yo, altered mental status, not pregnant, no coagulopathy
TTM Goal Temp goal 36. References: HACA, Bernard, TTM Trials 1 & 2
TTM Shivering treatment Tylenol, surface warming (baer hugger), Buspirone 30q8, Magnesium
TTM Complications Coagulopathy, hypokalemia, hyperglycemia, hypotension
Apnea test basics Pre-oxygenate 100% O2, stop vent, ABG in 10 mins showing PCO2 >60
Brain death tests Clinical exam, apnea test, EEG, Angiogram, Tech99 scan, CT perfusion
Battle sign Posterior auricular brusing. Seen with skull fractures
Monroe Kelli doctrine Skull is closed cavity containing only brain + CSF + blood
Cerebral perfusion pressure CPP = MAP - ICP
Cerebral blood flow CBF (flow) = CPP (pressure) / CVR (resistance)
Cushing's response /\BP \/HR \/RR. Sign of baroreceptor dysfunction
Uncal herniation sign Ipsilateral CN3 = ipsilateral pupillary dilation
Central herniation sign Bilateral CN3 + CN4, PCA stroke
Subfalxine herniation sign ACA stroke
Lundberg A waves A = high plateau of intracranial pressure for >5 mins. Poor compliance
ICP monitor: P1, P2, P3 P1 = systole, P2 = dural compliance, P3 = dicrotic notch
ICP 1st line interventions Raise head, stop fever, hypervent (pCO2 30-35), 3%, 23%, mannitol
ICP 2nd line interventions Propofol, Pentobarbitol, EVD/drain, craniotomy
Durett hemorrahges Brainstem hemorrage due to shear injury
Status epilepticus pathophysiology Seizure = /\Glut \/GABA --> over time --> \/GABA-receptors = resistant status epilepticus
ESES Electrographic Status in Sleep. Presents with aphasia and regression
Status epilepticus treatment protocol Benzos q5mins x3 -> Pheny/VPA/Keppra load -> rpt load x2 -> propofol/pentobarb
Ketamine mechanism of action NMDA antagonist. Better in late stage status when GABA-receptors are non-functional
Status epilepticus mortality 10-30% mortality. Note: 20% have ongoing subclinical status even after clinical seizures end
Man-in-a-barrel Watershed infarcts (MCA-ACA territory). Inability to move arms/legs, but intact thorax/midline
Neurons most susceptible to hypoxia CA1 hippocampal neurons. Also cerebellar purkingee fibers, basal ganglia, thalamus
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy histopathology Red eiosinophilic cytoplasm, laminar necrosis, pyknotic nuclei
Post cardiac arrest / hypoxia care TTM to 36, sedation, MAP>80, continuous EEG. Rewarm after 24-48hrs
Post cardiac arrest / hypoxia prognosis Worse prognosis if arrest >10mins, no reflexes at day 3, absent N20s on SSEP, myoclonic status
Concussion vs contusion Concussion = transient, can have loss of conciousness, n/v, dizziness. Contusion = ICH on CT
Test to assess CSF leak Send fluid for b2-transferrin. If positive = fluid is CSF
Steroid use in TBI Used to be given, but now there is no indication for empiric steroids
Seizure prophylaxis in TBI YES, must do seizure prophylaxis. Literature says phenytoin x7 days, but clinically Keppra
When ok to rejoin sports after head trauma Must: no symptoms + normal exam + no pain meds. NO duration guideline, just restart gradually
Post-TBI fatigue medications Methylphenidate, modafanil, amantadine
Post-TBI agitation medications Try propanolol first. Then go for antipsychotics
Acute SCI symptoms Early LMN is still flaccid and areflexic. Atonic bladder, constipation
Most important intervention in acute SCI Foley! { atonic bladder = sympathetic collapse (\/HR, \/BP, code blue) }. Also DVT prophylaxis
Chronic SCI symptoms Late LMN is spastic and hyperreflexic. Bladder retention, \/rectal tone (fecal incontinence)
SCI level with high risk of autonomic dysreflexia Injury must be higher than T6. Sympathetic plexus runs from T1 to L2
Conus medularis Only end part of cord (not roots) = perineal anestheia and \/ ankle reflex, minimal pain/retention
Cauda Equina Roots = perineal+saddle anesthesia, \/ ankle reflex, sciatica (radiculopathy), urine retention
Best MRI sequence for spinal cord pathology Sagital STIR and axial T2
Most sensitive test for spinal cord injury ESR. Random fact, but clinically useless because it's very non-specific
SCI level with high risk of respiratory failure Above T5. Diagpharm is innervated by peroneal nerve T4
Steroid use in SCI Steroids if cancer or disc herniation. Generally avoided in trauma and spinal stroke
How to clear C-collar? Must: (1) CT: no injury + (2) full motion with no pain. Altered pt = MRI to r/o ligamentous injury
AED with reflex bradycardia Phenytoin
DAI pathophysiology Sudden acceleration/deceleration/rotation that causes angular or shear injury to white matter
DAI MRI findings Microhemorrhages, corpus callosum hyperintensities, diffuse white matter hyperintensities
DAI histopathology Axon spheroids (swollen bulbs/balloons), disconnected axons. Use H&E or silver stain
Coup-contracoup injury most common location Coup = primary = orbitofrontal, contracoup = secondary = occipital
1st sign of AIDP on EMG Absent F-wave
Antibody in Miller Fisher syndrome Anti-GQ1b
Acute AIDP crisis treatment (1) airway, (2) evaluate for dysautonomia. Then IVIG or PLEX. Never steroids
Drugs that exacerbate myasthenia gravis Aminoglycosides, quinine, IV-magnesium, beta-blockers, calcium-channel blockers, pencillamine
Acute MG crisis treatment (1) airway (stop ACEi pyridostigmine b/c /\secretions), (2) IVIG/PLEX. Then consider steroids
FVC and NIF numbers in respiratory failure FVC <20% of normal, NIF < -30
Botox mechanism Block SNARE and SNAP proteins = block vesicle fusion with membrane = \/ Ach release
Critical Illness Neuropathy vs Myopathy histopathology CIN = microvascular axonal injury. CIM = absent myosin filaments
Central Core Myopathy gene RYR1 on chromosome 19q13 (same as for malignant hyperthermia)
Seretonin syndrome presentation /\ sympathetic activity, /\ GI motility, /\ reflexes, /\ tremors. {""Seretonin=move, NMS=rigid""}
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome presentation /\ parasymp (sweat, saliva), \/ reflexes, rigidity/bradykinesia. {""Seretonin=move, NMS=rigid""}
Seretonin syndrome treatment Stop SSRI/SNRI/MAO/TCA/etc. Cyproheptadine (5HT antagonist), benzos
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome treatment Bromocriptine (DA agonist), dantrolene, amantadine, benzos
Sympathetic storming treatment Propanolol, gabapentin, clonidine
Paroxysmal intermittent /\BP /\RR /\Temp Sympathetic storming. Rule out infections
Created by: amitchaudharimd
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