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Medical Coding

2022 COC Exam Prep

E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit New Patient, Straight Forward 15-29 minutes 99202
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit New Patient, Low Level 30-44 minutes 99203
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit New Patient, Moderate 45-59 minutes 99204
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit New Patient, High 60-74 minutes 99205
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit Established Patient, No Doctor or OQHCP Presence Required 99211
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit Established Patient, Straight Forward 10-19 minutes 99212
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit Established Patient, Low Level 20-29 minutes 99213
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit Established Patient, Moderate Level 30-39 minutes 99214
E&M Office or Other Outpatient Visit Established Patient, High Level 40-54 minutes 99215
Emergency Department Visit Level 1 Straight Forward 99281
Emergency Department Visit Level 2 Low Level 99282
Emergency Department Visit Level 3 Moderate Level, Moderate Severity 99283
Emergency Department Visit Level 4 Moderate Level, High Severity 99284
Emergency Department Visit Level 5 Poses Immediate Threat to Life (High Complexity) 99285
Mono-, uni- One
bi- two
tri- three
quadri four
hex, sex- six
diplo double
centesis puncture a cavity to remove fluid
ectomy surgical removal (excision)
otomy cutting into (incision)
orrhaphy surgical repair, suture
opexy surgical fixation
oplasty surgical repair
otripsy crushing, destroying
aniso- unequal
-algia pain
-asthenia weakness
-lytic destroy, breakdown
-opathy disease of
-orrhagia hemorrhage
orrhea flow or discharge
-paresis weakness
ad- towards
ipsi- same
anterior / ventral at or near FRONT surface of the body
posterior / dorsal at or near BACK surface of the body
superior above
inferior below
lateral side
distal farthest from center
proximal nearest to center
medial middle
Where is the medial rectus muscle located? One of 6 extraocular muscles locate near the orbit of the eyeball
face up or palm up supine
face down or palm down prone
vertical body plane, divides the body into equal right and left sides sagittal
horizontal body plane, divides the body into top and bottom sections transverse
vertical body plane, divides the body into front and back sections coronal
Surgical repair of a defect in the wall of the vagina colporrhaphy
Process of inserting a balloon catheter into a blood vessel angioplasty
scan that shows blood flow through arteries or veins, or through the heart, using X-rays, computed tomography angiography (CTA) or magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) angiography
joint replacement surgery arthroplasty
surgical incision into an artery arteriotomy
determine the amount of radiation a patient should receive dosimetry
procedure where an instrument is introduced into the body endoscopic
surgical removal excision
surgical cut incision
through the skin percutaneous
surgical incision into the abdomen laparotomy
beneath the skin subcutaneous
used to treat urine retention uretone
used to test balance vestibular function test
popliteal cyst, fluid filled swelling in the back of the knees Baker's cyst
swelling of the glands on both sides of the opening of the vagina Bartholins's duct cyst
opacities / other defects in the lens of the eyes cataracts
surgical infection of cartilage chondritis
S52.53 - Distal Radial Fracture (wrist) Colles Fracture
inflammation of the cartilage between the ribs costochondritis
abnormal stomach condition gastrosis
What is another name for muscle disease? myopathy
What is a nontransmural AMI? Acute Myocardial Infarction that DOES NOT include the full thickness
What does a subendocardio AMI result in? Necrosis
What is a transmural AMI? Acute Myocardial Infarction that INCLUDES the full thickness
What is the sac like structure near the cleft of the butt that contains hair and skin? pilondial cyst
what is the process of cutting out tissue or parts of an organ? resection
what is a birth control procedure where the tubes are tied? tubal ligation
what is a radiographic study of the renal pelvis and ureter? uretopylogram
what is a surgical repair of a heart valve? valvoplasty
what is a word that describes something shaped like a worm? veriform
what is the acetabulum? hip joint
what is meant by autogenic generating from WITHIN the body
what is meant by autologous you are your OWN donor
allogenic replacement of bone marrow from a healthy donor
Connects bone to bone ligament
connects muscle to bone tendon
what is the muscle system used for external sensory somatic muscle system
what system speeds up the body for fight or flight sympathetic nervous system
-ac pertaining to
a-, an- without, lacking
ab-, abs away from
acous, acouso hearing
aden, adeno gland
adip, adipo fat
adren, adreno gland
-alge-, algesi pain
ambi- bothsides
andr-, andro- male
angi, angio blood vessel
ante- before, forward
anti- against
arthr-, arthro joint
arteri-, aterio artery
arthero fatty
auto self
bi- two
bio- life
-blast, -blasto, blastic bud, germ
blephar- eyelid
brady- slow
bronch-, bronchi broncus (large airway leads from trachea to lung)
bucc, bucco cheek
what is a burs or burso? bursa (small fluid filled sac that acts as a cushion between bones and moving parts
carcin or carcino cancer
cardi, cardio heart
-cele bulge
-centesis surgical puncture to remove fluid
cephal, cephalo head
chem, chemo chemistry
chlor, chloro green
chol bile
chondr- cartilage
chrom, chromato color
circum around
contra against
coron- heart
cost- rib
crani, cranio brain
cry-, cryo cold
cutane skin
cyano blue
cycl- circle
cyst, cysti, cysto bladder or sac
cyt, cyto cell
cyte, cytic cell
dactyl, dactylo digit (finger or toe)
de away from, ending
derm, dermato skin
desis surgical binding
dextr, dextro right side
dia- across, through
diplo- double
dis- separation, taking apart
duodeno- duodenum (the first part of the small intestine, right after the stomach)
-dynia pain, swelling
dys- difficult, abnormal
-eal, -ial pertaining to
ect, ecto, exo outer, outside
-ectasis expansion or dilation
-ectomy cut out, remove
elect electrical activity
-emesis vomiting
-emia blood condition
en inside
epi upon, outside of
end, endo, ent, enter, entero within, inner
erythr, erythro red
esis state or condition
esthesio sensation
eu good, well
ex, extra beyond
fibr, fibro fiber
gastr stomach
gloss tongue
gluco, glycol glucose, sugar
gnath, gnatho jaw
gram, graph, graphy recording, written
grav heavy
gyn, gyno, gynec female
hem, hema, hemo, hemato blood
hemi half
hepat, hepatico, hepato liver
hetero other, different
hidr, hidro sweat
hist, histio, histo tissue
homo same
hydr, hydro water
hyper above, beyond, excessive
hypo under, deficient
hyster, hysterio uterus
-ia condition
-iasis condition, formation of
idio self, ones own
ileo ileum (lower part of the small intestine)
infra beneath, below
inter between
intra within
irid, iridio iris
ischi, ischio ischium (the lower and back part of the hip bone)
ism condition
iso like, equal
ites, itis inflammation
ity pertaining to
ium structure or tissue
karyo nucleus
kerat, kerato cornea (eye or skin)
kin, kine, kino, kinesi, kinesio movement
kyph, kypho humped
lacrim, lacrimo tear (like from your eyes)
lact, lacti, lacto milk
laryng, laryngo larynx (voicebox)
leuk, leuko white
lingu, linguo tongue
lipo fat
lith, litho stone
lymph, lympho lymph
lysis, lytic, lyso, lys breakdown, destruction, dissolving
macro large, long, big
mal bad, abnormal
malacia softening
mamm, mast, masto breast
mania morbid impulse towards an object/thing
meg, mega, megal, megalo great, large
megally, megaly large
melan, melano black
mening, meningo meninges (membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord)
meso middle
meta beyond, change
meter device used for measuring
metry measurement of
mic, micro small
mon, mono one
morph, morpho shape
multi many
musculo, muscul muscle
my, myo muscle
myc, myco fungus
myel, myelo spinal cord or bone marrow
myring, myringo eardrum
myx, myxo mucus
necro, necr death
neo neo
nephr, nephro kidney
neur, neuri, neuron nerve
normo normal
oculo eye
odont, odonto tooth
odyn pain
oid resembling
olig, oligo few, little
onia tumor
fatty tumor located just below the skin lipoma (it is not cancer and is usually harmless)
a swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue (benign or malignant) tumor
onco tumor, bulk, volume
onych, onycho finger or toe nail
oo egg, ovary
oophor, oophoro ovary
op, opt vision
ophthalm, ophthalmo eye
opsy visual examination
orchid, orchido, orchio testis
orth, ortho straight, normal, correct
osis condition, usually abnormal
osseo bony
ossi bone
ost, oste, osteo bone
ostomy incision to create an opening (digestive or urinary system)
ous pertaining to
oxy sharp, acute, oxygen
ovo, ovi, ovari, ovario ovary
pan, pant, panto all or everywhere
para alongside or abnormal
path, pathy, patho disease
penia deficiency, lack of
per through
peri around
pexy surgical fixation
phagia, phagy eating, swallowing
phalang phalanx (any bone in the fingers and toes)
pharmaco drug, medicine
pharyng, pharyngo pharynx, throat
phasia speech
phleb, phlebo vein
phob, phobia fear
phon, phono sound
phos light
phot, photo light
phren, phreni, phreno, phrenico diaphram
plasia, plastic growth
plasty surgical reconstruction
plegia paralysis
pleur, pleura, pleuro rib, pleura (membrane that wraps outside the chest cavity)
pnea breathing
pneum, pneuma, pneumat, pneumato air, lung
pod, podo foot
poiesis production
poly many, excessive
post behind, after
praxia movement
pre before, infront
pro favoring, supporting
proct, procto anus, rectum
prostat prostate
pseudo false
psych, psyche, psycho mind
ptosis falling, drooping
pyel, pyelo pelvis
pyo pus
pyro fever
quadri four
rachi spine
radio radiation, radius
re again, backward
rect, recto rectum
ren, reno kidney
reticule, reticulo net
retin retina (of the eye)
retro backward, behind
rhabd, rhabdo rod-shaped, striated
rrhage, rrhagic bleeding
rrhea flow or discharge
salping, salpingo tube
sarco muscular, fleshlike
schisto split, cleft, division
schiz, schizo split, cleft
sclera, sclero hardness
sclerosis hardening
scoli, scolio twisted
scope, scopy examine, for examining
semi half
sial, sialo saliva, salivary glands
sigmoid, sigmoido sigmoid colon
sinistr, sinistro left, leftside
sis condition
somat, somatico, somato body, bodily
spasm muscle condition
spasmo spasm
sperma, permato, spermo sperm
spirat breath
splanchn, splanchno, splanchini viscera (internal organ)
splen, spleno spleen
spondyl, spondylo vertebra
stasis level, unchanging
steno, sten narrowed, blocked
stern sternum
stom, stoma, stomat, stomato mouth
stomy surgical opening
sub under
super above
supra above, upon
sy, syl, sym, syn, sys together
tachy fast
taxis movement
tetra four
thel, thelo nipples
therm, thermo heat
thorac, thoracico, thoraco chest
thrombo, thromb blood clot
thyr, thyro throid gland
tomy cutting, incision
tono tone, tension, pressure
trache, tracheo trachea
trans across, through
tri three
tripsy crushing
trophy growth
tympan, tympano eardrum
uni one
ur, uro urine
uri, uric, urico uric acid
uria in the urine
vagin vagina
varic, varico duct, blood vessel
ven, veno vein
vertebr vertebra spine
vesic, vesico vesicic (cyst or pouch)
xanth, xantho yellow
di- twice, double, twofold
AMI acute myocardial infarction
CABG coronary artery bypass graph (in patient procedure only)
IOL Intraocular Lens (cataract surgery)
Can you use a path report for the measurement of skin lesions? No, the measurement must be taken prior to the excision
occurrence code 32 beneficiary informs provider of intent to bill for procedures
phreno diaphram
pulmono lung
tosis prolapse, drooping
ology study of
genic formation, produce
poly excessive
scope instrument
Another name for a broken bone fracture
diplopia double vision
flu influenza
pruritus itching
erythem redness
verruca wart
where is the axilla? armpit
Where is the femur located bone in the upper leg
where is the clavicle located collar bone
tympanum, tympanic membrane eardrum
calcaneus heel bone
lower chamber of the heart ventricle
What is the scapula? shoulder blade
What is another name for the upper jaw bone maxilla
abdominal wall laparo
entero encephalo
intestine entero
lip cheilo
nose rhino
air in the chest causing a collapse of the lung pnemothorax
what is a decubitus ulcer bed sore
what is a break in the skin or mucous membrane ulcer
what is a term for the drooping of one's eyelids blepharoptosis
what is a term for fungus of the nail onychomycosis
what is a term for dizziness vertigo
inflammation of the joints arthritis
myopia near sightedness
What is a term for softening of the cartilage chondromalacia
What is a term for the hardening of the arteries arteriosclerosis
I50.9 CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)
Respiratory Failure Due to CHF J96.90, I50.9
Bronchitis J40
chemotherapy z51.11
ankyl/o crooked or stiff
kyph/o hump
crani/o cranium, skull
desis surgical fixation of bone / joint
lysis setting free, loosening
oss/e/i bone
spondyl/o vertebrae, vertebral column
lord/o bent, backward
scolio curved
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves certain infectious and parasitic diseases A00-B99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves neoplasms C00-D49
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves diseases of the blood/blood forming organs & disorders D50-D89
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves the endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders E00-E89
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental conditions F01-F99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves diseases of the nervous of the system G00-G99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the eye and adnexa H00-H59
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the ear and mastoid process H60-H95
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the circulatory system I00-I99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the respiratory system J00-J99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the digestive system K00-K95
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the subcutaneous tissue L00-L99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the musculoskeletal system M00-M99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves disease of the genitourinary system N00-N99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium O00-09A
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves certain conditions originating in the perinatal period P00-P96
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves congenital malformations, deformations, and chromosomal abnormalities Q00-Q99
In the ICD-10-CM code book 3 digit category code set involves symptoms, signs, abnormal clinical and laboratory findings R00-R99
In the ICD-10-CM code book 3 digit category code set involves injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes S00-T88
In the ICD-10-CM code book 3 digit category code set involves external causes of morbidity V00-Y99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code involves factors influencing health status and contact Z00-Z99
In the ICD-10-CM code book what 3 digit category code that involves the use of codes for special purposes U00-U85
In ICD-10-CM coding, what character is used as a placeholder, i.e. the guideline requires more characters than what the code has X
What does the term NEC mean? Not Elsewhere Classified, meaning the doctor provided an exact diagnosis, but not code exist, i.e. "bubble gum phobia" (think specific documentation but no code matches)
What does the term NOS mean? Not Otherwise Specified (think poor or lack of documentation, unspecified)
What are some of the main components of the appendicular skeleton (Appendages) shoulder, arms, hands, legs, feet
What are some of the main components of the axial skeleton skull, rib cage, vertebral column
Where is a biventricular pacing device inserted? in the right and left lower chamber of the heart
What is the purpose of the cardiac aorta main artery that carries blood AWAY from your heart to the rest of your body
Any fine branching blood vessels that form a network between the arterioles and venules capillary
what returns deoxygenated blood from the myocardium to the right atrium. The blood then flows to the lungs for reoxygenation and removal of carbon dioxide cardiac vein
what is a dense tissue that DOES NOT require a blood supply and is a component of joints cartilage
What is the body's message center? central nervous system
What is the neck region of your spinal column or backbone cervical spine
is movement a feature on the integumentary system No (the correct answer is protection, moister control, and temperature control)
What is a heterologous bone marrow transplantation transplant from a DIFFERENT species
what SLOWS the body's response down parasympathetic nervous system
where is the pituitary gland located brain
What carries the blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs pulmonary artery
fibrous tissue connecting bone to another bone ligament
name 3 muscle types cardiac, striated, smooth
A dark cyst with syrupy or chocolate like contents made of a collection of hemosiderin, which occurs after local hemorrhage sampson's cyst
what system controls the muscular system and external sensory receptors, such as touch somatic nervous system
Sternum breastbone protects the organs in your torso from injury and serves as a connection point for other bones and muscles
testis male's gonads
what anchors muscle to bone? tendons
what is the three areas of the bladder located between the two ureter trigone
zygomatic arch cheek bone
when coding an adjacent tissue transfer Code only the tissue transfer (see 11400 - 11446 excision of benign lesion and 11600 - 11646 excision of malignant lesion)
When is a neoplasm of "uncertain behavior" coded? when the tumor shows BOTH benign and malignant behavior, based on the PATHOLOGIST'S report.
When coding for the wrong dose of medication, what is the correct order for the codes? Code first the poisoning code followed by the signs and symptoms
what is the time frame for listing a sequela (late effects) code there is no time limit
What code is used for the residual effects of a prior ACUTE injury or illness that has terminated character S for the Sequela effects on the ICD-10-CM code
Asymptomatic HIV Z21
if admitted for a confirmed case of HIV, which code is primary followed by any related conditions B20 (confirmed case of HIV)
Which type of diabetes is an autoimmune disease type I
Which type of diabetes requires insulin? type I
Can a code described as disease classified elsewhere be listed as a first listed code? No, they can never be listed as a primary listed code
When a patient is given oral contrast, the code chosen should indicate? without contrast
Who requires the use of ICD-10-CM code sets HIPPA
What condition code is used to reported when services are not covered and a patient demands a bill be submitted Condition Code 20
The provider is requesting a denial notice from Medicare to bill Medicaid or other insurer. Condition Code 21
beneficiary informed of provider's intent to bill for the procedure Occurrence Code 32
ABN signed as a requirement for services to be performed Procedure Code GA
Patient is informed Medicare will not pay, but the patient insists it will, no ABN signed Procedure Code GZ
What code is used for a MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infection when the site is UNSPECIFIED A49.02
What code is used for a MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) infection when the site is SPECIFIED B95.62
when hypertension is secondary to an underlying condition, how many codes are required? 2, one to identify the underlying etiology and one from category I15. The sequence depends on the chief reason for the examination
Created by: BANT16656
Popular Medical sets




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