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Term | Definition |
bil/i | bile |
bucc/o | cheek |
celi/o | abdomen |
cheil/o | lip |
doch/o | duct |
enter/o | small intestines |
gingiv/o | gums |
hepat/o | liver |
inguin/o | groin |
lith/o | stone |
peritone/o | peritoneum |
phag/o | eat/swallow |
proct/o | rectum and anus |
sial/o | saliva |
steat/o | fat |
stomat/o | mouth |
esophagus | muscular tube that moves food from mouth to stomach |
stomach | sac-like organ that mechanically mixes and chemically breaks down food |
small intestine | further digests food from stomach |
large intestine | receives liquid waste products from small intestine, reabsorbs water and minerals, and forms/stores feces for defecation |
anus | opening of rectum to outside the body |
peritoneum | membrane surrounding entire abdominal cavity |
omentum | extension of peritoneum that connects to stomach and lays over the intestines; very vascular |
liver | produces bile that is secreted into duodenum for digestion |
gallbladder | stores and concentrates bile from liver |
pancreas | gland that secretes pancreatic juices into duodenum for digestion |
hypochondriac regions | upper later regions of abdomen just beneath ribs |
acites | fluid accumulation on peritoneal cavity |
dyspepsia | indigestion |
dysphagia | difficulty in swallowing |
eructation | belch |
halitosis | bad breath |
hematochezia | blood in stool |
hyperbilirubinemia | excessive bilirubin in blood, can cause appearance of jaundice |
steatorrhea | fat in stool |
esophageal varices | swollen veins in esophagus that are susceptible to ulceration and hemorrhage |
GERD | chronic reflux that causes burning in lower esophagus, could be due to abnormal function of lower esophageal sphincter |
anal fistula | abnormal, tube-like passageway from anus that may connect to rectum |
colorectal polyps | benign tissue growths of the mucosal membrane lining intestines |
diverticulosis | presence of diverticulum (abnormal pockets) in GI tract, especially the colon |
hernia | protrusion of an organ from its normal location |
cirrhosis | chronic disease of degeneration of liver; mostly caused by alcoholism or nutritional deficiency |