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Histology connective tissue lab notes

What does connective tissue do? provides support and protection to the body while connecting various tissues/organs to on another
What characterizes connective tissue? low cell density with the abundant inter cellular space occupied by a matrix of fibers and ground substance
What three types of fibers make up connective tissues? collagen elastic reticular
collagen fibers are..... most common and important; composed of the protein collagen and in life appear white; under the microscope appear thick, slightly wavy and sometimes branching or in bundles
elastic fibers are.... straight, thin, and yellow in life; composed of elastin and have the ability to be stretched and return to shape
reticular fibers are.... chemically similar to collagen but more delicate and require special staining
What are the 4 types of ground substances? 1)viscous fluid - have the words connective tissue in their names 2)gel - firm yet flexible as in cartilages 3)bone - very hard composed of solidified calcium salts 4)blood - watery fluid matrix of low fiber content
What do fibroblasts do? synthesize the protein fibers and much of the ground substance. "blast" shows that it is active in the formation of new cells/tissues
Where are mast cells especially abundant? along blood vessels
What are mesenchymal cells? undifferentiated cells with the potential to develop into any number of cell types
Areolar connective tissue forms the... superficial fascia which serves to attach epithelium to other underlying tissues and sometimes organs to each other
What does areolar connective tissue look like under the microscope? a jumble of thick pink (collagen fibers and thin purple (elastic fibers) lines with scattered purple blobs in them
In areolar connective tissue, what do the mast cells look like? large cells with coarse granular cytoplasm
What are the numerous purple bodies without granules in areolar connective tissue? fibroblasts
What does Adipose tissue look like under the microscope and why? empty honeycombs because the lipids washed away during staining and left "signet ring" cells
Where is adipose tissue found? under the skin; behind the eyes; in the mesentary; around internal organs; and among skeletal muscles
What is the function of adipose tissue? functions in energy storage, insulation, offers some protection, and rounds body contours to a cosmetic advantage
What does dense regular connective tissue look like under the microscope? its stained a yellowish pinkish color in wavy lines with random dark spots throughout
How is dense regular connective tissue arranged? numerous collagen fibers are arranged in parallel bundles with little rows of cells in between which are usually fibroblasts
What does dense regular connective tissue form? It forms the tendons, ligaments, and aponeuroses
What characterizes dense irregular connective tissue? fibers running in haphazard directions
What does dense irregular connective tissue form? the capsule around solid organs such as kidneys, liver, and testis; the dermis of the skin and deep fascia around muscles
What does dense irregular connective tissue look like under a microscope? yellowish stained fish net with dots randomly scattered throughout
What is cartilage composed of? cells called chondrocytes and fibers embedded in a firm gel-like ground substance
What do chondroblasts do? They can replicate and form new cartilage
What is the space in which the cells in cartilage live in called? lacunae
What is the dense connective tissue that covers cartilage called? perichondrium
What does hyaline cartilage do? it is the prototype cartilage and the most common form
What does hyaline cartilage form? the support rings in the trachea and bronchi, parts of the larynx and nose, costal cartilages connecting ribs to the sternum and articular cartilages at the ends of bones in movable joints
What does hylaine cartilage look like under a microscope? pale pinkish purple Swiss cheese with darker dots in the holes
Elastic cartilage is found where? forms parts of the external ear, larynx, epiglottis and Eustachian tubes connecting the middle ear and pharynx
What does elastic cartilage look like under a microscope? darkly stained with more cells and less matrix
What are bone depositing cells called? osteoblasts
What are Haversain systems? numerous circular areas with black centers in bone
What are the black, sometimes clear, central spots called in Haversian systems and what are they for? Haversian canals which are blood vessels in the bone run longitudinally
What are the canals that intersect the Haversain canals called and what are they for? Volkmann's (or perforating) canals and they are blood vessels and nerves that penterate the bone
What surrounds each Haversain canal? concentric layers called concentric lamellae
What are the lamellae in between Haversain systems called? interstitial lamellae
What surrounds the osteocytes? lacunae
What are the canaliculi? very fine hair like lines radiating out from each lacunae that contain the cytoplasmic extensions of the osteocytes
What three functional forms do osteocytes occur in? osteoblast - deposit new bone osteoclast - decompose osteocyte - maintain
Created by: mastrgurl
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