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Ch 6 Cohen Med Term


What is an illness that is said to be sudden, severe; having a short course? Acute
What type of tumor does not spread? Benign
What is a malignant neoplasm composed of epithelial cells? Carcinoma
What is an illness that is said to be of long duration; progressing slowly? Chronic
What is the definition for an accumulation of fluid in the tissue? Edema
What is a cause of a disease termed? Etiology
What is the definition for a protrusion of an organ through an abnormal opening? Hernia
What is a localized response to tissue injury characterized by heat, pain, redness and swelling? Inflammation
What is the definition for a distinct area of damaged tissue? Lesion
What is a tumor that is growing worse; harmful; tending to cause death that has metastasized (spread)? Malignant
What is the characteristic of a cancer that has spread from one part of the body to another? Metastasis (adjective - metastasize)
What is the definition for death of tissue? Necrosis
What is an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of tissue? Neoplasm (adjective - neoplasia)
What is the definition or an organism that is capable of causing disease? Pathogen
What is the definition for the root path/o? Disease
What is the process of the ingestion of organisms, such as invading bacteria or small particles of waste material by a cell? Phagocytosis (phag/o - eat)
What is a malignant neoplasm arising from connective tissue? Sarcoma
What is the definition for harmful microorganisms or other toxins in the blood or other tissues? Sepsis (adjective - septic)
Analgesia is a condition of having what? pain
What does a carcinoid resemble? carcinoma
What does the root in empyema mean? pus
What does the root in cystic mean? cysts
What does the root in lithiasis mean? stone
What is the definition for the root in oncology? tumor
What is the definition for the root in pathology? disease
What is the definition for the root in antipyretic? fever
What is the definition for the root in sclerosis? hard
What is the definition for the root in intoxicate? poison
What is the definition of the prefix in bradycardia? slow
What is the definition for the prefix in dysplagia? difficult, painful, abnormal
What is the definition for the prefix in malabsorption? bad, poor
What is the definition for the prefix in pachydactyly? thick
What is the definition for the prefix in tachypnea? rapid
What is the definition for the prefix in xeroderma? dry
What is the definition for the suffix in neuralgia? pain
What is the definition for the suffix in gastrocele? hernia, localized dilation
Neuralgia causes what to a nerve? pain
What is the definition for the suffix in karyoclasis? breaking
What is the definition for the suffix in cystitis? inflammation
What is the definition for the suffix in hepatomegaly? enlargement
What is the definition for the suffix in urodynia? pain
What is the definition for the suffix in lipoma? tumor
What is the definition for the suffix in nephropathy? any disease of
What is the definition for the suffix in hemorrhage? profuse flow, bursting forth
What is the definition for the suffix in pyorrhea? flow, discharge
What is the definition for the suffix in amniorrhexis? rupture
What is the definition for the suffix in retinoschisis? fissure, splitting
What is the definition for the suffix in vasodilation? widening
What is the definition for the suffix in gastrectasia? dilation, dilatation, distention
What is the definition for the suffix in cephaledema? accumulation of fluid, swelling
What is the definition for the suffix in dialysis? separation, loosening, dissolving, destruction
What is the definition for the suffix in osteomalacia? softening
What is the definition for the suffix in cardionecrosis? death of tissue
What is the definition for the suffix in blepharoptosis? dropping, downward, displacement, prolapse
What is the definition for the suffix in phlebosclerosis? hardening
What is the definition for the suffix in arteriospasm? sudden contraction, cramp
What is the definition for the suffix in menostasis? stoppage, suppression
What is the definition for the suffix in bronchostenosis? narrowing, constriction
What is the definition for the suffix in nephrotoxin? poison
Staphylococcus is a baterium that forms what? grapelike clusters
Streptobacillus is a baterium that forms what? twisted chains
Bacilluria has what in the urine? bacillus
Bacteriostatic stops the growth of what? Bacterium
What is the definition for the root in mycotic? fungus, mold
What is the definition for the root in viremia? virus
What is the type of infectious disease is capable of being passed from one person to another? communicable
What is a disease that breaks out in a large proportion of a population at a given time? epidemic
What is exacerbation? Worsening of disease, increase in severity of a disease or it's symptoms.
What is iatrogenic? caused by the effects of treatment
What is idiopathic? Having no known cause.
What is the definition of in situ? localized, noninvasive; said of tumors that do not spread
What is the definition of nosocomial? An infection aquired in a hospital.
What is the definition of opportunistic? Describing an infection that occurs because of a host's poor or altered condition.
What is the definition of pandemic? A disease that is prevalent throughout an entire region or the world.
What is remission? A lessening of disease symptoms.
What is septicemia? Presence of pathogenic bacteria in the blood; blood poisoning.
What is systemic? Pertaining to the whole body.
What is an abscess? A localized collection of pus.
What is ascitis? Accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity.
What is cellulitis? A spreading inflammation of tissue.
What is effusion? Escape of fluid in to a cavity or other body part.
What is exudate? Material that escapes from blood vessels as a result of tissue injury.
What is a fissure? A groove or split.
What is a fistula? An abnormal passage between two organs or from an organ to the surface of the body.
What is gangrene? Death of tissue, usually caused by lack of blood supply.
What is hypertrophy? An increase in size of an organ without increase in the number of cells; may result from an increase in activity, as in muscles.
What is induration? Hardening, an abnormally hard spot or place.
What is a polyp? A tumor attached by a thin stalk.
What is purulent? Forming or containing pus.
What is suppuration? Pus formation
What is meaning for the abbreviation CA? cancer
What is meaning for the abbreviation CIS? Carcinoma in situ
What is meaning for the abbreviation FUO? fever of unknown origin
What is meaning for the abbreviation MRSA? methicillin-resistant Staphlococcus aureus
What is meaning for the abbreviation VRSA? Vancomycin-resistant Staphlococcus aureus
Created by: NurseAngela
Popular Medical sets




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