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MC Bio 204 ch 4 ET

epithelial tissues

two major types of epithelial tissue lining-and-covering epithelium and glandular epithelium
desmosome a type of junctional complex, specialized for cell-to-cell adhesion || L/simple and stratified ET, among other places
gap junctions F/cell-to-cell communication
tight junctions a type of cell junction || L/in stomach, e.g.
polarity of epithelial cells every epithelial cell has an apical surface and a basal surface
two levels of basement membrane basal lamina and reticular lamina
avascularity of epithelial tissue epithelium never contains blood vessels; instead, it obtains nutrients from the exposed or underlying surfaces
the naming of stratified epithelium stratified epithelium is named according to the shape of the TOP layer of cells
simple squamous epithelium A/both the cells and their nuclei appear flattened || SF/permeable and thin, permitting diffusion and filtration between two regions || F/in serous membranes, SSE secretes serous fluid || L/mesothelium, alveoli, glomerular capsule, capillary endothelium
mesothelium epithelial layer of serous membranes
alveoli air sacs of lungs
glomerular capsule part of the filtration membrane in the kidneys
simple cuboidal epithelium A/nuclei are round; cells look like beads on a necklace || F/designed for secretion and absorption || L/glands, walls of kidney tubules
simple columnar epithelium A/sometimes have microvilii || F/in the stomach, SCE cells themselves secrete digestive juices, and their embedded globlet cells secrete mucus || F/in the small intestine, microvilii increase surface area for absorption || L/GIT, uterine tubes
stratified squamous epithelium two types: keratinized (found in skin) and nonkeratinized (found in the lining of the mouth, esophagus, anus, and vagina)
transitional epithelium A/top layer of cells pear-shaped || F/flexible, allows distension || L/lining of urinary bladder
pseudostratified columnar epithelium A/cells are of varying heights, creating the illusion of layering -- but all cells are actually connected to the basement membrane || F/secretion of mucus by goblet cells || L/lining of nasal cavity, trachea, and bronchi
endothelium internal lining of blood vessels (simple squamous epithelium)
endocardium internal lining of the membrane around the heart (simple squamous epithelium)
endocrine glands ductless; release secretions directly into the bloodstream or lymph
exocrine glands ductal; release secretions onto body surface or into body cavities
Created by: dglenn34
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