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Phil Set1

Describe Anatomical Position? Anatomical Position is when the body is standing upright erect with pals facing anteriorly and toes pointing forward and head facing forward.
What are the 12 body systems? Integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system and the urinary system.
What is homeostasis? Homeostasis is the bodies ability to stay within a range or a set point. If it deviates from the set point the body will try to restore it back to normal through different means.
What is negative feedback? Negative feed back is the bodies intent in trying to maintain homeostasis. For example, if your body temperature begins to rise, then the body will begin to seat in order to remove heat through evaporation of sweat removing heat.
Out of the 11 major elements which 4 elements make up 96% of the human body? Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen and Carbon.
What do the numbers mean in the pH Scale? The numbers represent the level of hydrogen and hydroxyl amount in a solution. 0 representing acidic and 14 representing alkalinity and 7 being neutral.
What is DNA made of? DNA is made up of a sugar group and a phosphate group and one of the 4 (DNA) nitrogenous bases.
What is a phospholipid bilayer? A Phospholipid bilayer is a membrane found in most cells that are made of a hydrophilic head and a hydrophobic tail. Many cells link up side by side and opposite to each other making a bilayer with the hydrophobic tails facing away from eachother.
What is the mitochondria? Mitochondria's is the power house of the cell, it is believed to have been a prokaryotic but found its relationship with eukaryotic cell beneficial which then formed a union allowing for eukaryotic cells to use energy much more efficiently.
Where is DNA contained? DNA is believed to be contained in the nucleolus of a cell in the nuclear envelope.
Created by: Phhuerta3
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