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Muscular system
Question | Answer |
what is the ability of skeletal muscles to shorten with force? | contractility |
what is the capability of skeletal muscles to respond to stimulus? | excitability |
what is the ability to be stretched? | extensibility |
what is the ability to be recoiled to original length after being extended? | elasticity |
what is the sheath of connective tissue that surrounds each skeletal muscle? | epimysium |
what is the layer on top of the epimysium that separates the muscles? | fascia |
what layer of loose connective tissue surrounds the muscle fasciculi? | perimysium |
the fasciculi are made of single muscle cells called? | muscle fibers |
each fiber is surrounded by a connective tissue sheath called? | endomysium |
what is the thread like structures that extend from one end of the fiber to the other? | myofibrils |
thin myofilaments? | actin |
thick myofilaments? | myosin |
the basic structural and functional unit of the muscle? | sarcomere |
a sarcomere extends between which lines? | z lines |
light area on striated muscle? | I band |
dark area of striated muscle? | a band |
area between a bands made of myosin? | h zone |
dark band in center of sarcomere/h zone made of actin? | m line |
outside of membrane positively charged & inside negatively charged? | resting membrane potential |
stimulation causes brief reversal of charge called? | action potential |
nerve cells that carry action potentials to skeletal muscle fibers? | motor neurons |
axons enter muscles and branch, each branch that connects to a muscle forms a ? | synapse/neuromuscular junction |
name of a single motor neuron and all skeletal muscle fibers it comes into contact with is ? | motor unit |
enlarged nerve terminal is called the ? | presynaptic terminal |
space between presynaptic terminal and muscle cell is called the ? | synaptic cleft |
the muscle fiber is the ? | postsynaptic terminal |
each presynaptic terminal contains ? | synaptic vesicles |
synaptic vesicles secrete a neurotransmitter called? | acetylcholine |