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Marita Stage of sexually mature worm in the life cycle of flukes.
Metacercaria Invasive stage for a principal host in the life cycle of flukes.
Miracidium The 1st larval stage in the life cycle of flukes.
Redia Larval stage of flukes in which parasitize the 1st intermediate host.
Sporocyst Larval stage of flukes that develops in the organism of the 1st intermediate host from a miracidium.
Cercaria Mobile larva of the fluke that is leaves the mollusk’s organism and gets to water.
Sporogony Stage of life cycle of malaria parasite when its gamates develop in a mosquito.
Gamont (gametocyte) Cell-precursor of a malaria parasite's gamete.
Schizontic malaria Malaria occuring when the invasive stage is an erythrocyte schizont.
Merozoite Vegetative stage in the life cycle of sporozoans.
Merulation Coming out of mature merozoites from erythrocytes into the blood plasma in life cycle of Plasmodium sp.
Ookinete Movable zygote of malaria parasite
Oocyst Life stage of malaria parasite situated on the external surface of the mosquito's stomach and it containing sporozoites.
Pseudocyst Cyst in tissues that is formed as a result of accumulation of trophopzoits of the toxoplasma in a cell.
Schizont Life stage of sporozoans that is capable of schizogony.
True cyst Life stage of sporozoans that is capable of schizogony.
Scolex The head of a tapeworm either in the larva or adult stage.
Proglottid One of the segments making up the body of a tapeworm. Also termed: proglottis.
Neck The connecting tissues between the scolex and strobila of a tapeworm. This part is unsegmented.
Kingdom Highest rank in the classification of living organisms, which encompasses phyla (for animals) and divisions (for plants).
Class In biological classification, one of the groups into which a phylum is divided, and which is itself divided into orders; e.g. Mammalia (mammals), Aves (birds).
Phylum One of the groups into which the animal kingdom is divided. The members of the group, although often quite different in form and structure, share certain common features.
Genus In biological classification, one of the groups into which a family is divided, and which is itself divided into species.
Species (sp) Smallest group commonly used in biological classification and into which a genus is divided. Species are sometimes further divided into subspecies (races).
Coracidium The first larval stage of a pseudophyllidean cestode. This motile stage consists of a ciliated embryophore containing the oncosphere.
Procercoid The second larval stage in the life cycle of a pseudophyllidean cestode,e.g. Diphyllobothrium latum.
Plerocercoid The third stage larva of pseudophyllidea which has a solid body.,e.g. Diphyllobothrium latum.
Axostyle A stiff rod of protoplasm acting as an internal skeletal support in certain protozoa such as Trichomonas, which extends from the kinetosome to the posterior end of the organism.
Metathorax A term used in relation to arthropods. Last or third thoracic segment.
Mesothorax The middle of the three segments in the thorax of an insect, and bears the second pair of legs.
Binary fission Method of reproduction employed by many single-celled organisms such as protozoa, in which the so-called mother cell divides in half (by mitosis), forming two identical, but independent, daughter cells. It is a type of asexual reproduction.
Amitosis (direct cell division) Cell division by simple cleavage of the nucleus and division of the cytoplasm without spidle formation or appearance of chromosomes.
Hypodermis A term used in relation to nematodes. Epidermis. A layer between the cuticle and the somatic musculature.
Epidermis Layer of cells at the surface of a plant or animal. In plants and some invertebrates, it forms a single protective layer, often overlaid by a cuticle which is impermeable to water.
Cuticle The external non-cellular hyaline layer covering the nematodes.
Suckers A term used in relation to trematodes. Adhesive organs. There are generally two suckers, oral and ventral.
Adhesive tape (methods) A strip of fabric or other material evenly coated on one side with a pressuresensitive adhesive material which may be used as a method of collecting ectoparasites.
Anoscopy (methods) The examination of the anal canal with an anoscope.
Anosigmoidoscopy (methods) The endoscopic examination of the anus and distal colon.
Baermann technique (methods) A laboratory method for separating parasite larvae from faeces, soil or herbage for counting or identification.
Impression smear (methods) A smear made by pressing a laboratory glass slide against tissue.
McMaster technique (methods) A rapid, simple, quantitative technique for counting parasite eggs in ruminant faeces (USA: feces), based on flotation on concentrated salt solution (specific gravity of l.l to l.3) in a counting chamber.
Scraping (methods) A scraping of the superficial elements of the skin for laboratory examination for parasitic elements.
Serological test (methods) A test involving examination of blood serum usually for antibody.
Sheather’s flotation method (methods) A method for examining faeces for the presence of worm eggs or larvae by mixing with a saturated solution of sodium chloride or sugar and collecting a sample from the top of a column for microscopic examination.
Hexacanth embryo The infective stage (larvae, oncosphere) in a cestode egg after fertilization takes place.
Oncosphere The larva of the tapeworm contained within the external embryonic envelope within the egg and armed with six hooks. Also termed: onchosphere.
Operculum A lid-like structure covering certain cestode and most trematode eggs.
Cyclops A genus of minute crustaceans with terrestrial life cycles, some species of which act as hosts of Diphyllobothrium and Dracunculus spp. Also termed: water flea.
Prothorax This is the foremost of the three segments in the thorax of an insect, and bears the first pair of legs.
Created by: Zelotes13071976
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