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CLA 169 Exam 3

List the vitamin k-dependent coagulation factors 2,7,9,10
Describe the clinical symptoms of hemophilia A and hemophilia B Bleeding into the joints, bruising, pain and swelling
Discuss conditions that contribute to DIC (disseminated intravascular coagulation) Crushing injuries, Rickets, Drug reactions
Name four naturally occuring inhibitors to coagulation S(Protien S), A(antithrombin lll), T(tissue factor), Z(protien Z)
What is the function of plasmin Plasmin acts to dissolve clots
When is the ACT (activated clotting time) test performed during heparin therapy
What is measured in the ACT (activated clotting time) test How long it takes for blood to clot
What reagents are used in the ACT (activated clotting time) test an ACT cartridge
Define activated clotting time and heparin During heparin therapy the ACT is performed to monitor heparin therapy.
Explain how a manual prothrombin time is performed Reagents are warmed in seperate tubes and then combined
List three ways of reporting prothrombin time S(seconds), I(INR), R(ratio)
What type and concentration of anticoagulant is used to collect blood for a prothrombin time 3.2% Sodium citrate 9 parts blood to 1 part sodium citrate
Name two uses of the APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) Monitor heparin therapy and screen for functioning coagulation
List two coagulation factors not measured by the APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) 7, 13
Define APTT and PTT Measured the time that it takes for blood to clot using the liquid portion of thromboplastin
What protein activates fibrinogen to begin clot formation thrombin
Name three possible causes of DIC (disseminated intervascular coagulation) S(surgery), I(infection), C(cancer)
Describe two test methods for D-dimers Rapid manual and point of care
What D-dimer test result would be expected in a patient who has DVT (deep vein thrombosis) Significant increase
What are the differences between humoral and cell-mediated immunity Humoral uses B lymphocytes to create antibodies and Cell-mediated uses T lymphocytes to create antibodies
What are the three characteristics of specific immunity M(memory), R(recognition), S(specificity)
What type of immunity is most commonly develops from vaccinations humoral
Name the five classes of immunoglobulins MADGE
What is the most abundant immunoglobulin G
What are RFs(rheumatoid factors) They are autoantibodies that attack their own tissue
What hormone is detected in pregnancy tests and where is it produced at hCG is produced from the placenta
What specimen is used for a quantitative pregnancy test and why Plasma is used because it is more accurate
What is the effect of aspirin on platelets inhibits platlet agglutination
Created by: armywife.diana
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