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Lea Ybarra

Anatomy Week 1-5

The body as a whole can be subdivided into two major divisions. They are axial and appendicular.
Another name for the midsagittal plane is Median.
A frontal plane is the same as a _______ plane. Coronal.
An example of a tissue in the body is epithelium.
The inguinal region lies where the thigh joins the trunk.
The brain is _____ to the skull. deep.
Which organ is not found din the ventral body cavity? spinal cord.
The ______ system is involved in immunity. lymphatic.
The sternal regions ______ to the scapular region. anterior.
A coronal section through the human body can pass through both ears.
The number of the abdominal region is: nine.
The major cavities of the human body are: ventral/dorsal.
A plane through the body that divides the boy into anterior and posterior is: coronal.
A surgeon removing a gallbladder should know to find in the ____ region right hypochondriac.
Molecules are: atoms combine to form larger chemical aggregates.
From smallest to largest, the levels of organisation of the body are: organism, system, organ, tissue, cellular, organelle, chemical.
A plane through the body that divides the body into right left sides is called: sagittal.
Several kinds of tissues working together are termed (a)n: organ system.
The lungs are located in the: thoracic cavity.
What is the anatomical direction term that means nearer the surface? proximal.
Blood production is a function of which system? skeletal.
Hydrolysis _____ a store molecule. breaks down compounds by adding.
Which of the following is not a subatomic particle? Radon
Salts: can form as the result of a chemical reaction between acids and bases, are electrolytes, will form crystals is the water is removed. all of the are correct.
The most abundant element essential to life is carbon.
An example of an elements would be: Ne
The most abundant and important compound (s) in the body is (are): water.
Which of the following is not one of the major elements in the human body? Zinc.
The approximate pH of gastric fluid is: 2
The organelle has both a cis and a trans face. Golgi apparatus.
This organelle is primarily a sac of powerful digestive enzymes called acid hydrolyses. lysosome.
This organelle is numerous in over and kidney cells. peroxisome.
The cell that contains microfilaments is called: microvilli.
The inner membrane of what double- membrane structure is contorted into folds called cristae? Mitochondrion
Which of the following is not true about ribosomes? Sorrounded by a membrane structure.
The Nucleus is composed chiefly of: rRNA
Which of the following contains osteocytes? bone.
All glands in the body can be classified as either exocrine or endocrine
Which of the following is an example of a serous membrane? Pleura, peritoneum, pericardium all of these are example of a serous membrane.
The basic determinant of skin color is melanin
Adipose tissue is a storage tissue.
Which of the following is not a principal type of tissue? cardiac.
The two major categories of the body membrane are epithelial and connective.
Which principal type if tissue and protects the body surfaces and lines body cavities? epithelial
Which of the following is not a bone in the skull? clavicle
Which two bones compose the shoulder girdle? clavicle and scapula
Which of the following is not a type of bone? flat
Which of the following is not a bone in the leg? mandible
Which of the following is a facial bone? Zygomatic bone, occipital bone, parietal bone. all the above
Which bone is the longest bone and heaviest bone in the body? femur.
Which bone serves as the keystone in the architecture of the cranium? sphenoid
Created by: lybarra1127
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