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Urinary System
Term | Definition |
creatinine clearance testing | measurements of the level of creatinine in the blood and in a 24-hour urine specimen to determine the rate at which creatinine is "cleared" from the blood by the kidneys |
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) | procedure using ultrasound outside the body to bombard and disintegrate a stone within; most commonly used to treat urinary stones above the bladder |
rectoscope | urologic endoscope inserted through the urethra to reset (cut and remove) lesions of the bladder, urethra, or prostate |
nephr/o, ren/o | kidney |
ketone bodies, ketone compounds | acetone, beta-hydroxybutyric acid, and acetoacetic acid; products of metabolism that appear in the urine from the body's abnormal utilization of carbohydrates, such as occurs in uncontrolled diabetes or starvation |
VCU or VCUG | voiding cystourethrogram |
renal | pertaining to the kidney |
pH | measure of acidity or alkalinity of urine |
poly- | suffix meaning many |
Bx | biopsy |
urethritis | inflammation of the urethra |
-logist | suffix for a specialist in the study of a special area |
incontinence | involuntary discharge of urine or feces |
pyeloplasty | surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis |
UA | urinalysis |
abdominal sonogram | abdominal ultrasound image of the urinary tract, including the kidney and bladder |
antibacterial | agent that kills bacteria such as soap |
scout film | plain-film x-ray image obtained to detect any obvious pathology before further imaging |
-scope | instrument for examination |
-algia, -dynia | suffix meaning pain |
stent placement | use of a device (stent) to hold open vessels or tubes (e.g., an obstructed ureter) |
cyst/o, vesic/o | bladder or sac |
-oid | suffix meaning resembling |
IVU | intravenous urogram |
ureter/o | ureter |
pyuria | presence of white cells in the urine, usually indicating infection |
nephrolithiasis | presence of stones in the kidney |
straight catheter | a type catheter that is inserted through the urethra into the bladder to relieve urinary retention or to collect a sterile, specimen of urine for testing; the catheter is removed immediately after the procedure |
urethrocytosis | inflammation of the urethra and bladder |
antispasmodic | drug that relieves spasm |
glomerul/o | glomerulus (small ball) |
polyuria | condition of excessive urination |
Bilirubin | chemical test used to detect bilirubin in the urine; seen in gallbladder and liver disease |