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Blesi8e Ch09 Terms

[MA1] Anatomy and Structure [Tier 01]

abdominal pertaining to the abdomen
abdominopelvic pertaining to the anterior body cavity below the diaphragm
anatomic pertaining to the anatomy or structure of an organism
anatomy the study of the physical structure of the body and its organs
anterior before or in front of
biochemistry a science concerned with the chemistry of plants and animals
buccal the mouth; oral cavity
cardiac pertaining to the heart
carriers associated with disease inherited: one who carries, transport
caudal refers to direction, toward the feet
cavities a hollow space, such within the body or organs
cell membrane the structure that surrounds and encloses a cell
centrioles an organelle within the cell that plays a role in organizing microtubules that serve as the cell's skeletal system.
cephalic directional term meaning towards the head
chromosomes structures within the cells nucleus that store hereditary information
congenital existing at birth
connective that which connects or binds together: one of the five main tissues of the body
coronal the plane dividing the body into front and back portions
cranial pertaining to the cranium or scull
cytology the study of the cell life and cell formation
cytoplasm thick solution that fills each cell and is enclosed by the cell membrane.
cytotechnologist a laboratory specialist who prepares and examines tissue cells to study cell formation
dehydration withdrawal of water from the tissues naturally or artificially
diaphragm the muscle of breathing that separates the thorax from the abdomen/ or divides the anterior cavity into an upper and a lower cavity
diffusion a process whereby gas, liquid, or solid molecules distributes themselves evenly through a medium
distal farthest from the center, from medial line or from the trunk
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) material within the chromosome that carries the genetic information
dominant gene the prevailing gene
dorsal pertaining to the back
edema a condition of the body tissues containing abnormal amounts of fluid, usually intercellular; may be local or general
elements substances in the simplest form; the basic building blocks of all matter
endocytosis a cellular process to bring large molecules of material into cytoplasm of the cell
endoplasmic reticulum an organelle within the cytoplasm of a cell who's general function is to produce proteins for the rest of the cell to function.
epigastric pertaining to the area of the abdomen over the stomach
epithelial pertaining to a type of cell or tissue that forms the skin and mucous membranes of the body
etiology the cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition
exocytosis a cellular process that moves materials within the cell to the outside
extremities the terminal parts of the body the arms, legs
filtration the movement of solutes and water across a semipermeable membrane as a result of force, such as blood pressure or gravity
frontal anterior; the forehead bone; refers to the plane drawn through the side the body from the head to the foot
gene a substance within the chromosome that dictates heredity
golgi apparatus an organelle that helps process and package proteins and lipid molecules, especially proteins destined to be exported from the cell.
gross anatomy refers to to the study of those features that can be observed with the naked eye by inspection and dissection
histology the study of cells
histotechnologist a laboratory specialist who prepares tissues for microscopic examination and diagnosis
homeostasis maintenance of a constant or static condition of internal environment
horizontal not vertical; flat and even; level; parallel to the plane of the horizon
hypertonic having a higher concentration of salt than found in a red cell
hypochondriac pertaining to the upper outer regions of the abdomen below the cartilage, referring to the ribs
hypogastric referring to an abdominal area in the middle lower third of the abdomen
hypotonic iliac having lower concentration of salt than found in a red blood cell
inferior below, under
inguinal referring to a region where the thigh joints the trunk of the body; the groin
involuntary independent of or even contrary to will or choice
isotonic having the same concentration of salt as found in a red blood cell
keloid an overgrowth of new skin tissue; a scar
lateral pertaining to the side
lumbar pertaining to the back, specifically to the five vertebrae above the sacrum
lysosomes an organelle within the cytoplasm of a cell who's main functions include the breakdown of macromolecules, cell membrane repairs, and response against foreign substances such as bacteria, viruses and other antigens.
medial pertaining to the middle or midline
membrane a thine, soft, pliable layer of tissue that lines a tube or cavity or covers an organ or structure
microscopic anatomy an area of study that deals with features that can be seen only with a microscope
midline the middle
midsagittal an imaginary vertical plane made by dividing the body down the middle, creating equal right and left sides; also known as the midline
mitochondria an organelle within the cytoplasm of the cell responsible for orchestrating cellular energy production
mitosis the division of a cell
muscle a type of tissue composed of contractile cells fibers that effect movement of the body
mutation cellular change caused by an influence
myelin a fatlike substance forming the principal component of the sheath of nerve fibers
nasal pertaining to the nose
nerve a group of nervous tissues bound together for the purpose of conducting nervous impulses
neurilemma a thin membranous sheath enveloping a nerve fiber
neuron a nerve cell
normal saline a solution with the same salt content as that found within a red blood cell
nucleus the vital body in the protoplasm of a cell
orbital refers to the cavity within the skull where the eye is located
organ a part of the body constructed of many types of tissue to perform a function
organelles functional structures within the cytoplasm of a cell
osmosis the process of diffusion of water or another solvent through a elected permeable membrane
osseous bonelike, concerning bones
pathophysiology the study of mechanisms by which disease occurs, the responses of the body to the disease process, and the effects of both on normal function
pelvic pertaining to the pelvis
peritoneum the membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs
phagocytosis ingestion and digestion of bacteria and particles by phagocytes
physiology the study of the function of the cells, tissues, and organs of the body
pinocytosis the process whereby a cell engulfs large amounts of liquid
posterior toward the rear or back or toward the caudal end
proximal nearest the point of attachment
pubic pertaining to the middle section of the lower third of the abdomen, also referred to as the hypogastric
quadrant one of four regions, as of the abdomen, divided for identification purposes
recessive gene apparently suppressed in crossbred offspring in preference for a characteristic from the other parent
retroperitoneal behind the peritoneum; posterior to the peritoneal lining of the abdominal cavity
ribosome an organelle within the cytoplasm of the cell that functions as a micro-machine for making proteins.
skeletal pertaining to the skeleton or bony structure; aslo to the muscles attached to the skeleton to permit movement
smooth a type of involuntary muscle tissue found in internal organs
spinal pertaining to the spinal column, canal, or cord
stem cells cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells
striated a type of muscle tissue marked with stripes or striae
superior above or higher than
syndrome the combination of symptoms with disease or disorder
system a group of organs working together to perform a function of the body
thoracic pertaining to the thorax or chest
tissue a collection of similar cells and fibers forming a structure in the body
trait feature; a distinguishing feature of character or mind
transverse lying across; the segment of large intestine that lies across the abdomen; a line drawn horizontally across the body or a structure
umbilical pertaining to the umbilicus or navel of the abdomen
ventral pertaining to the anterior or front side of the body
voluntary under one's control; done by one's own choice
X-linked connected to the cell's sex chromosome; a characteristic of the sex chromosome
Created by: MaesterRay
Popular Medical sets




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