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Blesi8e Ch13 Terms

[MA4] The Skeletal System [Tier 01]

alignment being in proper position
amputate to cut off, remove a part
appendicular pertaining to the limits or things that append to other parts.
arthritis inflammation of a joint
articulation the place where two or more bony parts join together.
axial skeleton pertaining to the spinal column, skull and rib cage of the skeleton
bunion a bursa with a callus formation
bursa a sac or pouch in connective tissue chiefly around joints.
callus in fractures, refers to the formation of new osseous material around the fracture site
cancellous a mesh-like network of spongy bone at the ends and parts of long bones.
carpal bone of the wrist
cartilage a strong, tough, elastic tissue forming part of the skeletal system; pre-calcified bone in infants and young children
cervical pertaining to the neck portion of the spinal column
clavicle the collar bone, articulating with the sternum and scapula
coccyx the tailbone; the last four bones of the spine
comminuted fracture a crushed bone fracture with many fragments
compound fracture with fractures, refers to bone fragments piercing the skin
cranium the skull, the eight bones of the head enclosing the brain
depressed fracture a fracture of the skull where bone fragments are driven inward.
diarthrosis a movable joint; another word for synovial joint
dislocation the displacement of a part; usually refers to a bone temporarily out of its normal position in a joint.
embolus foreign material that obstructs a blood vessel
epiphysis the cartilaginous ends of the long bones that allow for growth
femur the thigh bone of the leg
fibula a long, thin bone in the leg from the knee to the ankle
fracture the sudden breaking of a bone
greenstick fracture an incomplete fracture, occurring in children
humerus the long bone of the upper arm
illium the hip bone, upper "butterfly"
impacted fracture refers to a fracture where the broken ends are jammed together
intervertebral between the vertebrae
ischium posterior and inferior portion of the hip bone, lower "butterfly"
kyphosis a convex curvature of the spine; humpback
laminectomy the removal of a portion of the vertebral posterior arch
ligament fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
lordosis abnormal anterior curvature of the lumber spine
marrow the soft tissue in the hollow of long bones
metacarpal pertaining to the five bones of the hand between the wrist and the phalanges
metatarsal bones of the instep of the foot
osteoporosis a condition resulting from a decrease in the amount of calcium stored in the bone
patella the kneecap
periosteum the fibrous membrane covering the bone except at the articulating surface
phalanges bones of the fingers and toes
phalanx any one of the bones of the fingers or toes
phantom limb an illusion following amputation of a limb that the limb still exists
prosthesis an artificial replacement of a missing body part
radius a long bone of the forearm, thumb side
reduce to restore the ends of a fractured bone to their usual relationship
sacrum five fused vertebrae that lie between the coccyx and the lumbar vertebrae of the spinal column
scapula the shoulder blade
scoliosis lateral curvature of the spine
simple fracture a fracture without involvement of the skin surface
skeletal pertaining to the skeleton or bony structure
spinal fusion the surgical implanting of a bone fragment between the processes of two or more spinal vertebrae to render them immobile
sprain the forcible twisting of a joint with partial rupture or other injury of its attachments
sternum the breastbone, center piece
symphysis pubis the junction of the pubic bones on the midline in front.
synovial a moveable joint; also called diarthrosis
tarsal pertaining to the seven bones of the instep of the foot
tibia a long, larger bone in the leg from the knee to the ankle
traction applied in a straight line to stretch the contracted muscles and permit realignment fo the bone fragments.
ulna a long bone in the forearm from the elbow to the wrist, pinky side
vertebrae the bones in the spinal column
xiphoid a process that forms the tip of the sternum, lower end
Created by: MaesterRay
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