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Med Term Ch 6

Roots for Eye ocul/o, ophthalm/o, opt/o
Roots for Tear lacrim/o, dacry/o
Suffixes for Vision Condition -opia, -opsia
Roots for Eyelid blephar/o
Roots for Cornea corne/o, kerat/o
Roots and meaning of Conjunctiva conjunctiv/o ; conjuctiva is a clear membrane that covers the sclera and lines the eyelids. The root comes from two latin words "con"(with/together) and junct (join).
Roots and meaning of Sclera scler/o White of the eye
Roots and meaning of Vitreous Liquid (aka vitreous humor) Vitre/o liquid in the eye that helps focus light on the back of the retina
Roots and meaning of Ciliary Body cycl/o Ciliary body is a circle of tissue surrounding the lens
Roots and meaning of retina retin/o Netlike pattern of light-sensitive tissue on the inside surface of the eye
Roots and meaning of Iris ir/o, irid/o Colored part of the eye
Roots of Lens phac/o, phak/o
Roots of Ear aur/o, ot/o
Roots of Sound, Hearing acous/o, audi/o
Suffix for Hearing Condition -acusis
Roots for Ear Wax cerumin/o
Roots and meaning for Eustachian tube salping/o Connect middle ear to the throat
Roots for Eardrum tympano/o, myring/o
Roots and meaning for Mastoid process mastoid/o ; mast=breast, oid=resembling Protuding part of skull behind your ear; sticks out from the side rear portion of the skull
Roots and meaning of Labyrinth labyrinth/o Innermost part of ear; contains 2 structures; chochlea (controls hearing) and vestibular system (controls balance)
2 structures of labryinth chochlea - controls hearing vestibular system- controls balance
Vestibule vestibul/o Small space at the beginning of a canal; in ear- area in front of semicircular canals; contains structure that help regulate balance
Cochlea cochle/o spiral snail shaped tube in the inner ear that contains hearing receptors
Akinetopsia uh-KEE-nah-TOP-see-ah a=no, kinet= movement, opsia= vision condition inability to see objects in motion
Ambiopia AM-bee-OH-pee-ah ambi=both, opia= vision condition double vision
Amblyopia AM-blih-OH-pee-ah ambly=dull, opia= vision condition decreased visoin; when it occurs in one eye, it is referred to as lazy eye
Asthenopia AS-then-OH-pee-ah asthen=weak, opia= vision condition weak vision (ie eye strain)
Diplopia dih-PLOH-pee-ah dipl=double, opia=vision condition double vision
hemianopsia HEH-mee-an-OP-see-ah hemi=half, an=not, opsia= vision condition blindness in half the visual field
Hyperopia HAI-per-OH-pee-ah hyper=over, opia= vision condition farsightedness
Myopia mai-OH-pee-ah my=shut, opia= vision condition nearsightedness
Presbyopia PREZ=bee-OH-pee-ah presby= old age, opia=vision condition decreased vision caused by old age
Scotopia skaw-TOH-pee-ah scot= darkness, opia= vision condition adjustment of the eye to seeing in darkness
Blepharoplegia BLEF-ah-roh-PLEE-jah blepharo=eyelid, plegia= paralysis paralysis of the eyelid
Blepharospasm BLEF-ah-roh-SPAZ-ism blepharo= eyelid, spasm-involuntary contraction involuntary contraction of an eyelid
Dacryoadenalgia DAK-ree-oh-AD-en-AL-jah Dacry=cry, aden=gland(sac), algia=pain a pain in the tear sac
Dacryorrhea DAK-ree-oh-REEah dacryo= cry, rrhea=excessive discharge excessive tearing
Dacryohemorrhea DAK-ree-oh-HIM-oh-REE-ah dacryo=cry, hemo=blood, rrhea= excessive discharge blood in tears
ophthalmalgia awf-THAL-moh-PLEE-jah opthalmo=eye, plegia= paralysis eye paralysis
xerophthalmia ZER-off-THAL=mee-ah xer=dry, ophthalm=eye, ia=condition dry eyes
Astigmatism ah-stig-mah-TIZ-um a=no, stigmat= point, ism= condition vision problem caused by the fact that light rays entering the eye aren't focused on a signle point in the back of the eye
corneal xerosis KOR-nee-al-ZER-oh-sis corne= cornea, al xer= pertaining to dry osis= condition dryness of the cornia
cycloplegia SAI-kloh-PLEE-jah cyclo= ciliary body, plegia= paralysis paralysis of the ciliary body
iridalgia IH-rid-AL-jah irid=iris, algia=pain pain in the iris
Miosis mai-OH-sis abnormal contraction of the pupil
mydriasis mi-DRAI-ah-sis abnormal dilation of the pupil
scotoma skaw-TOH-mah scot=darkness, oma= tumor dark spot in the visual field
hyperacusis HAI-per-ah-KOO-sis hyper= over, acusis= hearing condition excessively sensitive hearing
hypoacusis HAI-poh-ah-KOO-sis hypo=under, acusis= hearing condition excessively insensitive hearing
osteoacusis AW-stee-oh-ah-KOO-sis osteo=bone, acusis= hearing condition hearing through bone
presbycusis PREZ-bih-KOO-sis presby=old age, cusis= hearing condition loss of hearing due to old age
mastoidalgia MAS-toid-AL-jah mastoid=mastoid, algia=pain pain in the mastoid
otalgia oh-TAL-jah ot=ear, algia=pain ear pain
otodynia OH-toh-DAI-nee-ah oto=ear, dynia=pain ear pain
otorrhea OH-toh-REE-ah oto=ear, rrhea=excessive discharge discharge from the ear
tinnitus tih-NAI-tis ringing in the ears
Vertigo VER-tih-goh sensation of moving through space (while stationary)
ophthalmoscope awf-THAL-mah-SKOHP ophthalmo=eye, scope- instrument for looking instrument for looking at the eye
optomyometer AWP-toh-MAI-oh-MEE-tir opto=eye, myo=muscle, meter= instrument for measuring device used to determine the strength of eye muscles
phacoscope FAY-koh-SKOHP phaco=lens, scope=instrument for looking instrument for looking at the lens
retinoscope RET-in-aw-SKOP retino=retino, scope=instrument for looking instrument for looking at the retina
retinoscopy RET-in-AWS=koh-pee retino=retina, scopy=looking procedure procedure for looking at the retina
Tonometer TOH-naw-MEE-tir tono=tension, meter=instrument for measuring instrument for measuring tension or pressure in the eye (intraocular pressure)
binocular bai-NAW-kyoo-lar bin=two, ocul=eye, ar=pertaining to pertaining to both eyes
iridokinesis IR-ih-doh-kin-EE-sis irido=iris, kinesis=movement the movement of the iris
lacrimation LAH-krih-MAY-shun lacrim=tear, ation=condition formation of tears (ie crying)
nasolacrimal NAY-zoh-LAH-krih-mal naso=nose, lacrim= tear, al=pertaining to pertaining to the nose and tear system
ophthalmic awf-THAL-mik ophthalm=eye, ic=pertaining to pertaining to the eye
opthalmologist AWF-thal-MAW-loh-jist ophalmo=eye, logist= specialist eye specialist
optic AWP-tik opt =eye, ic = condition pertaining to the eye
optokinetic AWP-toh-kih-NEH-tik opto= eye, kinet= movement, ic=condition pertaining to eye movement
optometrist AWP-TAW-meh-trist specialist in measuring the eye
retinal REH-tih-nal retin= retinal, al=pertaining to pertaining to the retina
blepharedema BLEF-ar-eh-DEE-mah blephar=eyelid, edema= swelling eyelid swelling
blepharoptosis BLEF-ar-awp=TOH-sis blepharo=eyelid, ptosis=drooping drooping eyelid
blepharopyorrhea BLEF-ah-roh-PAI-oh-REE-ah blepharo = eyelid, pyo=pus, rrhea= discharge discharge of pus from eyelid
dacryolith DAK-ree-oh-lith dacry= tear, lith=stone hard formation (stone) in the tear system
ectropion ek-TROH-pee-on ec=out, tropion=turn outward turning of the eye
entropion en-TROH-pee-on en=in, tropion= turn inward turning of the eyelid, toward the eye
exophthalus EKS-of-THAL-mus ex=out, opthalmus-eye protrusion of the eyes out of the socket
nystagmus nih-STAG-mus involuntary back and forth movement of the eyes
strabismus stuh-BIZ-mus condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
esotropia AY-soh-TROH-pee-ah eso=inward, trop=turn, ia=condition condition where the eyes deviate when looking at the same object
Created by: cayla.marie
Popular Medical sets



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