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Weber State Med Term

Chapter 1

a- an- not
anti- contra- against
auto- self
hyper- too much
hypo- sub- too little
neo- new
post- after
pre- pro- before
re- again
ab- away from (abduct)
ad- toward (adduct)
ana - up
ante- before, in front of
apo- from, away from
circum- peri- around
con- with or together
contra- against (place)
de- down or away from
dia- trans through
e- ec- out of
ecto- outside
en- endo- intra- in or inside
epi- supra- upon, on top of
ex- exo- extra- out or outside
hyper- over
hypo- infra- infro- under
inter- between
pre- pro- before, in front of
retro- behind
sub- underneath
sym- syn- with or together
xeno- foreign
dys- bad
eu- perfect, good, true
macro- large
mega- enlarged
micro- small
hemi- semi- half
mono- uni- one
bi- di- two
tri- three
quad tetra- four
penta- pento- five
hexa- hexo- six
pluri- poly- several; more than one
oligo- several; a handful
multi- many
pan- all
brady- slow
chron/o time-dependent
tachy- fast
-ac -al -ar -ary -eal -ic -ous 0tic pertaining to
-algia -dynia pain
-cele hernia (something that sticks out where is shouldn't)
-centesis puncture
-cide killing
-cyte cell
-desis binding (by a disease process)
-ectomy removal (notice ec- in prefixes list means "out of" and -tomy in this list means "cutting" so "cutting out of")
-emia blood condition
-genic creating; giving rise to
-gram visual record
-graph instrument used to produce a visual record
-graphy procedure used to produce a visual record
-ia -y condition; disease; literally, "place" (Bulgaria is the place of the Bulgars; Arabia is the place of the Arabs, Germany is the place of the Germans
-iasis presence of
-iatrics -iatry medical science
-iatrist specialist in the practice of
-icle -ole -ule -ula diminutive suffix; is makes whatever is in front of it smaller (icicle)
-ise -ize ending that makes a noun into a verb (e.g., strategy vs stategize)
-ism condition or procedure or belief
-ist specialist
-itis inflammation
-ium tissue or structure
-lith stone
-logist specialist in the study of
-logy study of
-lysis breakdown; destruction
-malacia softening
-megaly enlargement
-meter instrument for measurement
-metry the process of using an instrument for measurement
-oid resembling
-oma tumor or swelling
-osis condition
-pathy diease
-penia deficiency, lack of
-pexia surgical fixation; binding by a surgical procedure (compare - desis)
-plasty surgical reconstruction or reformation
-ptosis drooping
-rrhage -rrhea excessive flow
-rrhaphy surgical formation of a seam; suturing
-rrhexis rupture
-scope instrument for visualizing something
-scopy process of using an instrument to visualize something
-spasm involuntary contraction
-stomy creation of an opening (see stoma="mouth")
-tion word ending that makes a noun into a process (form vs formation)
-tomy cut; incision
-us condition
afferent going forwards
arthro/o joint
bacteri/o bacteria
bio life
blast rapidly dividing cell
carc/i carc/in carc/ino cancer (Greek word that literally means "crab)
caud/o tail
card/i card/io heart
cephal/o head
chole bile (bodily humor in Greek medical practice)
constrict sten/o narrowing; decreasing the size of an opening (constriction is generally normal where stenosis is generally abnormal)
cyst/o bladder; fluid-filled space
dilate increasing in size of an opening
efferent going away from
enceph/a encephal/o en- + -cephal-head, "inside the head"
eti/o how something came to be, from Greek aitia, "cause" +o + -ology
gastr/o stomach
gen/o cause, origin
genetic inheritance
hem/o hemat/o blood
hepat/o liver
hydr/o water
morph/o change
muscul/o my/o muscle
myc/o fungus
necr/o dead
neur/o nervous system
orth/o straight, at right angles
ost/e ost/eo bone
path/o disease (literally, "suffering")
ped/o children
phag/o eating
plas/o formation
py/o pus
sarc/o flesh, muscle
scler/o hard
stom/a/t mouth
therm/o temperature
troph/o nourishment )e.g, a trophy is nourishment for a job well done)
trop/o moving towards or acting on
ur urine
valv/ulo valve
pericadium (singular Latin) pericardia (plural)
periosteum (singular Latin) periostea (plural)
mitochondrion (singular Latin) mitochondria (plural)
carcinoma (singular Greek) carcinomata (plural)
sarcoma (singular Greek) sarcomata (plural)
iris (singular Greek) rides (plural)
diagnosis (singular Greek) diagnoses (plural)
necrosis (singular Greek) necroses (plural)
cystocentesis (singular Greek) cystocenteses (plural)
mycosis (singular Greek) mycoses (plural)
thorax (singular Greek) thoraces (plural)
Created by: Leotis
Popular Anatomy sets




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