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Anatomy & Physiology


What hormone increases blood sugar? Glucagon
What does increasing the release of cortisol do? Prolongs stress by inhibiting the body's immune responses
What hormone decreases protein synthesis and triggers a decrease in inflammation? Cortisol
What is due to congenital hypothyroidism? Cretinism
What is considered a physical reaction to a stressor? Increased heart rate
What hormone increases energy production by cells, stimulates protein synthesis, and speeds up the repair of damaged tissues? Thyroid hormones
What gland or organ releases luteinizing hormone? Anterior pituitary
What hormone stimulates the contraction of the prostate and vas deferens during male sexual arousal? Oxytocin
What hormone stimulates production of T lymphocytes? Thymosin
What is the result of excess growth hormone in children? Gigantism
What condition produce too much cortisol? Crushing's syndrome
What stimulates red blood cell production? Erythropoietin
What gland or organ has cells that release glucagon? Pancreas
What is a symptom of Acromegaly? Swelling in hands and feet & developing gaps between teeth
What condition produced too little growth hormone during childhood? Dwarfism
What hormone lowers blood calcium by activating osteoblasts? Calcitonin
What condition is when the thyroid gland does not produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormones? Myxedema
When does Acromegaly usually occur? Excess growth hormones in adults
What releases melatonin? Pineal body
What regulates a person's biological clock? Pineal body
What hormone decreases blood sugar? Insulin
What condition can be experienced after removal of the pituitary gland? Hypothyroidism
What regulates circadian rhythms? Melatonin
What hormones are made of amino acids and do not cross cell membranes easily? Nonsteroidal
What gland releases antidiuretic hormones and oxytocin? Posterior pituitary
What is diabetes mellitus? A high glucose level due to inadequate secretion of insulin
What gland or organ secretes epinephrine and aldosterone? Adrenal
What gland or organ secretes growth hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone? Anterior pituitary
What hormone stimulates the body to retain sodium and water? Aldosterone
What is TSH? The hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland to release hormones
What is Crushing's syndrome? A person with thin skin, high glucose levels, thin extremities, and a large abdomen
What secretes a hormone called erythropoietin? Kidney
When a person develops antibodies that attack the thyroid gland, causing the thyroid to produce too many thyroid hormones that is what? Graves' disease
What releases PTH? Parathyroid
What gland secretes the hormone calcitonin? Thyroid
What is the meaning of endocrine? Within secrete
What are hormones? Chemicals secreted by a cell that affect the functions of other cells
What hormones does ovaries have? Estrogen & progesterone
What does the G-protein cause? Enzymes inside the cell to be turned on
Hormone levels are controlled by what? Feedback loop
The hypothalamus produces what hormones? Oxytocin & antidiuretic hormone
What is the pituitary gland also known as? Hypophysis
What is adenohypophysis? Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland
What hormone stimulates ovulation and production of estrogen? Luteinizing hormone (LH)
What does the hormone prolactin stimulate? Milk production
Is follicle-stimulating hormone in females or males? Both
The hormone that stimulates an increase in the size of the body's muscles and bones is called what? Growth hormone (GH)
What does MSH stand for? Melanocyte-stimulating hormone
What does the MSH stimulate? Synthesis of melanin and its disbursement to the skin cells of the epidermis
The islets of Langerhans consists of what types of cells? Alpha & beta cells
Alpha cells secrete what? Glucagon
Beta cells secrete what? Insulin
What does insulin promote? The cells' uptake of glucose
What does glucagon do? Increases glucose concentrations in bloodstream and slows down protein synthesis
Where is the pineal body located? Between the cerebral hemispheres
Where is the thymus located? Between the lungs
The stomach secretes what hormone? Gastrin
Secretin and cholecystokinin gets released from what organ or gland? Small intestine
What hormone does the heart secrete? Atrial natriuretic peptide
What is a stressor? Any stimulus that produces stress
What is general stress syndrome? The body's physiologic response to stress consists of a group of reactions
What causes general stress syndrome? The release of hormones
What is the results of released hormones? Increase in heart rate, breathing rate, & blood pressure
What is the condition which the kidneys fail to reabsorb water, caused excessive urination? Diabetes insipidus
What is goiter? An enlargement of the thyroid gland causing swelling of the neck
What are the symptoms for cretinism? Stunted growth, abnormal bone formation, mental retardation, low body temperature, and overall sluggishness
What are the causes of myxedema? Removal of the thyroid, radiation treatments to the neck area, & obesity
Addison's disease is what? A condition in which the adrenal glands, specifically the adrenal cortex, fail to produce enough corticosteroids
What condition affects about 1 in every 25,000 people? Addison's disease
The cause of Addison's disease is what? Unknown
Who are more likely to develop diabetes? African Americans
When left untreated, diabetes can result in what? Long-term and life-threatening complications
Supplemental growth hormone is treatment for what? Dwarfism
A goiter is caused by what? Deficiency of iodine in the diet
Insomnia, unexplained weight loss, anxiety, muscle weakness, increased appetite, excessive sweating, vision problems, and increased heart rate are all symptoms of what? Graves' disease
The treatment for cretinism is what? Thyroid hormone replacement
Created by: brcharity-becoat
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