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weeks 6-12

The prime mover can also be called the: agonist.
Which of the following is not a muscle that moves the thigh? Sacrospinalis
Groups of skeletal muscle fibers are bound together by a connective tissue envelope called the: perimysium.
The teres major and teres minor muscles move the: arm.
The covering of individual muscle fibers is the: endomysium.
Muscles that contract at the same time as the prime mover are called: synergists, and fixators
The most common type of lever in the body is a _____-class lever. third
Interneurons reside in the: CNS only
The afferent pathways of the autonomic nervous system: stimulate the fight or flight response and maintain normal resting activity
Neurons in the CNS have less chance of regenerating for all of the following reasons except: microglia lay down scar tissue.
Dendrites conduct impulses _____ cell bodies. toward
The white matter of the nervous system is made up of: myelinated fibers.
In the human nervous system: there are almost equal numbers of glia cells and neurons.
Along a neuron, the correct pathway for impulse conduction is: dendrite, cell body, and axon.
The brain has _____ major divisions. six
The autonomic nervous system includes only efferent neurons. False
The peripheral nervous system includes: only cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and their branches.
“Fight-or-flight” physiological changes include all of the following except: constriction of respiratory airways.
Which is not true about sympathetic postganglionic neurons? They produce acetylcholine.
If you were to damage some of the preganglionic fibers that enter the celiac ganglion, what effect would this have on sympathetic stimulation? Hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla may not reach the various sympathetic effectors, thus delaying the effects of sympathetic stimulation.
Largest purely endocrine gland in the body. thyroid gland
Which of the following minerals is essential for the formation of thyroid hormone? Iodine
Region of the adrenal cortex that secretes DHEA. zona reticularis
Fluid filling the posterior segment of the eye. vitreous humor
Gel-like structure embedded with the tips of cochlear hair cells. tectorial membrane
All of the following are granulocytes except lymphocytes.
A decrease in the amount of white blood cells is called leukopenia.
The heart valves that are located where the trunk of the pulmonary artery joins the right ventricle and where the aorta joins the left ventricle are called semilunar valves.
Which division of the autonomic nervous system sends fibers to the heart? sympathetic and parasympathetic
Erythrocytes begin their maturation sequence in red bone marrow from nucleated cells known as: hematopoietic stem cells.
The _____ is(are) supplied with blood from the left subclavian artery. head and upper extremities
Each cortical nodule is composed of packed lymphocytes that surround a less dense area called a germinal center.
Which of the following is a powerful poison that acts directly on any cell and quickly kills it? lymphotoxin
Recognition of antigens by antibodies occurs when an Antigen's epitopes fit into and bind to an antibody molecule's antigen-binding sites
The presentation of an antigen by an antigen-presenting cell activates the T cell. The cell then divides repeatedly to form a clone of identical sensitized T cells that form effector T cells and memory cells.
Which antibody is synthesized by immature B cells and then inserted into their plasma membranes? immunoglobulin M
The _____ postulates that when an antigen enters the body, it selects the clone whose cells are committed to synthesizing its specific antibody and stimulates these cells to proliferate and to thereby produce more antibodies. clonal selection theory
Which protein interferes with the ability of viruses to cause disease? interferon
_____ refers to a phenomenon in which the genetic characteristics common to a particular kind of organism provide defense against certain pathogens. Species resistance
Which of these substances operate(s) immune mechanisms? sebum, mucus, enzymes, hydrochloric acid in gastric mucosa
Which of the following is not a function of the respiratory system? Distributes oxygen to cells
In the right lung, the superior and middle lobes are separated by the: horizontal fissure.
The function of surfactant is to: prevent each alveolus from collapsing as air moves in and out during respiration.
Olfactory epithelium is found: covering the superior turbinate.
Gas exchange, the lungs’ main and vital function, takes place in the: alveoli.
The respiratory portion of the nasal passage is lined with a mucous membrane made up of _____ epithelium. pseudostratified columnar
Which of the following is not a true statement? Raising the ribs decreases the depth and width of the thorax.
Which of the following does not distribute air? Alveolus
The fauces, one of the seven openings found in the pharynx, opens into the: oropharynx
The smallest branches of the bronchial tree are: bronchioles.
The function of the vibrissae in the vestibule is to: provide an initial “filter” to screen particulate matter from air that is entering the system.
The eustachian tube connects the middle ear with the: nasopharynx.
The approximate length of the trachea, or windpipe, is _____ cm. 11
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