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urinary/male lists

urinary and male word lists

Acute Having a rapid onset, severe symptoms and a short course
Anuria The absence of urine
Azotemia Metabolic wastes in the blood
Bladder An expandable hollow organ which acts as a temporary reservoir for urine
Bowman's Capsule Part of the renal corpuscle;surrounds the glomerulus of the nephron
Calculi Commonly called stones;usually composed of mineral salts
Calyx The cuplike division of the kideny pelvis (pl. calyces)
Catheterization To insert a catheter into a cavity to remove body fluid
Cystitis Inflammation of the bladder
Cystectomy Excision of the bladder
Cystography The introduction of dye into the bladder providing visualization of the bladder
Cystoscopy Visual examination of the bladder
Dialysis Removal of the products of urine from the blood by passage of the solutes through a membrane
Diuretic Substance which increases the production of urine
Dysuria Painful urination
Elimination To remove,get rid of,exclude;also to pass urine from the bladder or stool from the bowel
Excretion The process of expelling material from the body
Fistula An abnormal tube-like passage from a normal cavity or an abcess to a free surface
Frequency The need to void urine often;though usually only a small amount at one time
Glomerulus The microscopic cluster of cappillaries within the Bowman's capsule of the nephron
GU Genitourinary
Hematuria Blood in the urine
Hemodialysis Mechanical removal of wste substances from the blood
Hesitancy Difficulty in starting a urine stream
Hilum The recessed area of the kidney where the ureter and blood vessels enter
Hydrocele The accumulation of serous fluid in a cavity. excessive amount of fluid within the scrotum
Intravenous pyelography (IVP) The insertion of a radioplaque material into the vein for the purpose of x-raying the kidneys and urters
Incontinence Involuntary discharge of urine due to obstructive masses
Kidney Fist-sized organs in the abdominal cavity whose function is to cleanse or purify the blood
Laparoscopy Visual examination of abdomen,through an incision just below the naval
KUB Kidney,ureter,bladder. Radiographic exam of the kidneys
Lithotriptor A device that destorys urinary stones with laser technology
Micturition Voiding
Nephrolith Kidney stone
Nephrolithiasis Presence of or condition of or formation of a kidney stone
Nephrolysis Surgical seperation of an inflammed kidney from adhesions(scar tissue)
Nephron Microscopic blood filtering units located in the kidney tissue that continually adjust body conditions to add or remove substances from the blood, functional unit of the kidney
Nephropexy Suspension (suturing) of the kidney
Nephrotomography A study in which several planes of the kidney are visualized
Nocturia Night urination
Oliguria Scanty/decreased urination
Peritoneal Pertaining to the peritoneum (the membrane which lines the abdominal cavity and covers the abdominal organs)
Polycystic Kidney Disease A condition of mulitple cysts in the kidneys
Prostatocystalgia Pain in the prostate and bladder
Prostatectomy Excision of the prostate
Prostatomy Incision into the prostate
Ptosis A dropping or dropping of an organ or part,for example the eyelid of the kidney
Pyelitis Inflammation of the renal pelvis
Pyelolithotomy Removal of a stone from the renal pelvis by an incision
Pyuria Pus in the urine
Renal Pertaining to the kidney
Renal Artery Carries waste laden blood to the tubules within the kidney for purification
Renal Pelvis An enlarged funnel-shaped extension of the ureter
Renal Vein Structure which carries the blood away from the kidney
Residual Pertaining to that which is left as a residue
Retention Inability to void urine which is present in the bladder
Secretion Seperation of certain materials from the blood by the activity of a gland
Stricture The narrowing of an opening,tube,or canal,such as the urethra or esophagus
TUR/TURP Transurethral resection (of the prostate gland)
Uremia Toxic condition of nitrogenous wastes in the blood
Ureter A slender tube that conveys and transports urine from the kidney to the bladder
Ureterectasis Dilation of the ureter
Ureterectomy Removal of a ureter
Ureteropyelostomy Anastomosis of ureter and renal pelvis
Ureterovesicostomy Reimplantation of a ureter into the bladder
Urethra A membranous tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body
Urethrectomy Removal of the urethra
Urethritis Inflammation of the urethra
Urethropexy Surgical fixation of the urethra
Ureroplasty Surgical repair of the urethra
Urethroscopy Visual examination of the urethra
Urgency The sudden need to expel urine or stool sudden need to void immediately
Urinalysis Urine test which provides general information on the health of the body as a whole
Urinary System Elimination harmful products in the blood and filters them through urination
Urochrome Urine colour
Urologist One who specializes in the study of urinary system
Varicocele Swelling and distention of veins of the spermatic cord
Created by: zeldafan
Popular Medical sets




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