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GED/SAT Vocabulary 8

Words and simple definitions

serendipity good luck in finding good things without searching for them
serene calm, untroubled
servile subservient, humble
sinuous lithe, serpentine (like a dancer's movement)
sobriety act of being sedate, calm
solicitous concerned, attentive
solipsistic being selfish, that only that person exists
soluble (ADJ) able to dissolve
solvent (NOUN) substances that dissolve into other substances or (ADJ) able to pay debts
somnolent sleepy, drowsy
sophomoric immature, uninformed
sovereign having absolute authority in a particular realm
speculative not based in fact
spurious false but plausible
stagnate to become or remain inactive, not develop
staid sedate, serious, self-restrained
stingy not generous, not inclined to spend or give
stoic unaffected by passion or feeling
stolid showing little senses, unemotional
strenuous requiring a lot of energy or stamina
strident harsh, loud
stupefy to astonish, make insensible
subjugate to subdue, to bring under control
sublime lofty, grand, exalted
submissive easily yielding to authority
succinct compact and precise
superfluous exceeding what is necessary
surfeit an overabundant supply
surmise to infer with little evidence
surreptitious stealthy, sneaky
surrogate one acting in place of another (like a mother's substitute)
swarthy (ADJ) of dark color or complexion
sycophant (NOUN) one who flatters to gain something
tacit expressed without words
taciturn not inclined to talk, peevish
tangential incidental, peripheral, divergent
tantamount equivalent in value or significance
tedious dull, boring
temerity audacity, recklessness
temperance moderate action or thought
tenuable can be defended or maintained
tenuous having little substance or strength
terrestrial relating to the land
timorous timid, fearful
tirade a long speech with harsh or biting language
toady one who flatters to gain favors
tome a large book
torpid lethargic, dormant, not moving
torrid (ADJ) giving off a lot of heat, intensely passionate
tortuous winding
tractable easily controlled
tranquil calm
transgress to violate, go over a limit
transient passing through briefly, in and out of existence
transmute to change or alter in form
travesty a grossly inferior imitation
tremulous fearful
trenchant (ADJ) effective, articulate, clear-cut
trepidation fear, apprehension
trite not original, overused
truculent ready to fight, cruel
truncate to shorten by cutting off
turgid swollen, embellished in style or language
turpitude depravity, moral corruption
ubiquitous existing everywhere, widespread
umbrage resentment, offense
uncanny of supernatural character or origin
unctuous smooth or greasy (behavior, appearance like a bad politician)
undulate to move in waves
upbraid to criticize or scold severely
usurp to seize by force, possess something without right
utilitarian relating to usefulness
utopia an imaginary and remote perfect place
vacillate to fluctuate, hesitate
vacuous stupid, lacking content or ideas
validate to confirm, support, corroborate
vapid dull, not lively
variegated diversified, distinctly marked
vehemently having a lot of force or emotion
veneer a superficial or deceptively attractive appearance, façade
venerable deserving respect because of age or achievement
venerate to respect or honor
veracity truthfulness, accuracy
verbose wordy, loud
verdant green in color, tint
vestige a mark or trace of something lost or gone
vex to confuse or annoy
vicarious experience through another's experiences
vicissitude event that happens by chance, causes hardship or pain
vigilant watchful, alert
vilify to lower in importance, defame
vindicate to avenge, to set free
vindictive vengeful
virtuoso one who excels in an art, a highly skilled musical performer
viscous syrupy, thick and slow-flowing
vitriolic having a caustic quality
vituperate to berate, say mean things
vivacious lively, sprightly
vocation profession, job
vociferous loud, boisterous
wallow to become or remain helpless, feeling self-pity
wane to get smaller, dwindle
wanton undiscplined, lewd, lustful
whimsical fanciful, full of whims
wily crafty, sly
winsome charming, pleasing
wistful very sad, yearning
wizened dry, shrunken, wrinkled
wrath vengeful anger, punishment
yoke to join, link
zealous fervent, eager to pursue something
zenith highest point, culminating point
zephyr a gentle breeze
Created by: ccyndimolina
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