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SAT/GED Vocabulary 3

Vocabulary words and simple definitions

comprehensive including everything
compress to apply pressure, squeeze together
compunction distress from feeling guilty
concede to accept as valid
conciliatory friendly, agreeable
concise brief, direct
concoct to make up, fabricate
concomitant subordinately accompanying
concord harmonious agreement
condolence sympathy, sorrow
condone to pardon, purposely overlook
conduit pipe or channel where things pass
confection sweet, fancy food
confidant person who receives secrets, entrusted
conflagration great fire
confluence gathering together
conformist one who behaves like others
confound to confuse, bewilder
congeal to thicken into a solid
congenial pleasant, agreeable
congregation gathering of people for church or religious services
congruity agreeing
connive to plot, scheme
consecrate to dedicate a thing to a holy purpose
consensus agreed opinion
consign to give something to someone else to care for
consolation comforting
consonant harmonious
constituent essential part
constrain to forcibly restrict
construe to interpret
consummate to complete a deal or ceremony
consumption consuming act
contemporaneous existing at the same time
contentious likes to quarrel or dispute
contravene to contradict, oppose, or violate
contrite penitent, wants to be forgiven
contusion bruise, injury
conundrum puzzle, problem
convene call together
convention assembly of people or rule/ custom
convivial feasting, drinking, merry behavior
convoluted intricate, complicated
copious profuse, abundant, plenty
cordial warm, affectionate
coronation act of crowning (queen, etc)
corpulence great fatness
corroborate to support with evidence
corrosive can erode or eat away
cosmopolitan sophisticated, fancy, worldly
counteract to make ineffective, neutralize
coup a brilliant, unexpected act, overthrow of a government and power assumption
covert secretly a part of
credulity ability to believe
crescendo steady increase of volume or intensity
criteria standards how one is judged
culination climax of progression
culpable blame-worthy
cultivate to nurture, improve
cumulative increasing, builds on self
cunning sly, deceitful
cupidity greed, much desire
cursory brief, superficial
curt abruptly, rudely short
curtail to lessen, reduce
daunting intimidating, makes one lose courage
dearth lack of, scarcity
debacle disaster, failure
debase to lower the quality
debauch to corrupt sensually
debunk to expose falsity of something
decorous socially proper, appropriate
decry to criticize openly to devalue something
deface to ruin or harm something's appearance
defamatory harmful to one's reputation, can be slanderous
defer to postpone, cause it to come later
deferential show respect to one's authority
defile to make unclean or impure
deft skillful, capable
defunct not used, not existing
delegate hand over responsibility to someone
deleterious harmful
deliberate intentional based on consideration
delineate to describe, shed light on
demagogue a leader appealing to people's biases
demarcation marking of boundaries/ categories
demean to lower one's status/ stature
demure quiet, modest, reserved
denigrate to belittle, diminish opinion of one
denounce to criticize publicly
deplore to feel sorrow, disapproval
depravity wickedness
deprecate to belittle, depreciate
derelict abandoned, run-down
deride to laugh at one mockingly, to scorn
derivative taken from another source, not original
desecrate to violate one's sacredness
desiccated dried up, dehydrated
desolate deserted, lifeless, dreary
despondent depressed, hopeless, discouraged
despot one with brutal total power
destitute poor, lacking
deter to prevent, discourage one from doing
devious not straightforward, deceitful
dialect language variation
diaphanous light, airy
didactive to teach, or moralistic
diffident shy, modest, quiet
diffuse to scatter or break up
dilatory causing delay
diligent careful doing one's work
diminutive small, miniature
dirge mournful song as if for a funeral
disaffected rebellious, resentful of authority
disavow to deny knowing, deny being responsible
discern to perceive, detect
disclose to reveal, make public
discomfit to baffle, thwart
discordant not agreeing, not harmonious
discrepancy difference, things don't correspond to each other
discretion being reserved, having good judgment
discursive rambling, lacking order
disdain to scorn, have low esteem of one
disgruntled upset, not content
disheartened losing spirit or morale
disparage to criticize or speak badly of one
disparate sharply differing because of contrasting elements
dispatch to send one to do a duty
dispel to drive away, scatter
disperse to scatter, cause to scatter
disrepute having a bad reputation
conceal to fake
disseminate to spread widely
dissent to disagree, act of disagreement
dissipate to disappear
dissonance lack of harmony/ consistency
dissuade to persuade one not to do something
distend to swell out
dither to be indecisive
Created by: ccyndimolina
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