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SAT/GED Vocabulary 2

Vocabulary words and simple definitions

arrogate take without justification
artifact piece from ancient society
artisan craftperson
ascertain perceive
ascetic self-disciplined
ascribe to assign,credit
aspersion a curse
aspire to long for, aim
assail to attack
assess evaluate
assiduous hard-working, dilgent
assuage to pacify
astute very clever, crafty
asylum refuge, sanctuary
atone to repent, make amends
atrophy to wither away, decay
attain to achieve
attribute to credit, assign
atypical not typical, unusual
audacious very bold
audible able to be heard
augment to add to, expand
auspicious favorable
austere very bare, bleak
avarice much greed
avenge seek revenge
aversion particular dislike
balk stop abruptly
ballad love song
banal dull, commonplace
bane a burden
bard a poet, singer
bashful very timid, shy
battery assault (threat to harm)
beguile to trick, deceive
behemoth large strong creature
benevolent good, helpful
benign favorable
bequeath to donate, to will
berate to scold vehemently
bereft without
beseech beg, plead
bias prejudice
bilk to cheat, defraud
blandish to coax with flattery
blemish imperfection, flaw
blight plague, scar
boisterous loud, energetic
bombastic very confident, pompous
boon gift, blessing
bourgeois upper middle-class
brazen bold, brash
brusque short, dismissive
buffet to strike forcefully, eat a lot
burnish to polish, shine
buttress to support, hold up
cadence rhythm, sound cadence
cajole urge
nebula galaxy of dust, stars
necromancy black magic
arranged in time order chronological
circuitous roundabout
circumlocution indirect, wordy language
circumscribed marked off, bounded
circumspect cautious
circumvent to avoid, go around authority
clairvoyant can perceive things deeply
clamor loud noise
clandestine secret
cleave to divide or stick together
clemency mercy
clergy Christian leaders
cloying too sweet
coagulate to thicken, clot
coalesce to fuse into a whole
cobbler shoe maker/ repairperson
coerce to force
cognizant mindful, aware
coherent logically consistent, intelligible
collateral secondary
colloquial informal conversation
collusion secret agreement
colossus gigantic thing
combustion burning
commendation approval, recognition
commensurate related to size, amount
commodious roomy
compelling forceful, demanding attention
compensate to pay
complacency self-satisfied
complement to make
compliant to adapt to one's wishes
complicit to be a crime's accomplice
compliment to show approval
a compound a place, a combination of parts
Created by: ccyndimolina
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