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Gynecology & Obstet.
Term | Definition |
Gynecology | Study of females |
Obstetrics | Knowledge and practice (of treating women during) pregnancy and childbirth |
Anovulation | Being without eggs |
Ovarian cancer | Cancerous tumor of an ovary |
Polycystic ovary syndrome | When the ovaries contain multiple cysts |
Salpingitis | Infection or inflammation of the uterine tube |
Endometrial cancer | Cancerous tumor of the endometrium of the uterus |
Endometriosis | Condition within the uterus -Occurs when endometrial tissue is in abnormal places outside of the uterus forming "chocolate" cysts |
Leiomyoma | Benign mass or tumor in the smooth muscle (of the uterus) |
Leiomyosarcoma | Cancerous mass or tumor of the smooth muscle and connective tissue (of the uterus) |
Myometritis | Infection or inflammation of the muscle in the uterus |
Pyometritis | Infection that causes pus in the uterus |
Pelvic inflammatory disease | Infection of the cervix that ascends to the uterus -Often caused by an STD |
Uterine fibroids /Leiomyomata | Small or large tumors in the smooth muscle of the uterus |
Uterine prolapse | Also known as uterine descensus -Descent of the uterus from its normal position |
Amenorrhea | Without monthly discharge |
Dysmenorrhea | Painful monthly discharge |
Menopause | Cessation of a monthly (cycle) |
Perimenopausal | Pertaining to around the cessation of a monthly (cycle) |
Menorrhagia | Condition of excessive monthly discharge |
Oligomenorrhea | Scanty monthly discharge |
Premenstrual syndrome | Pertaining to before the monthly discharge of blood that you have breast tenderness, fluid retention, bloating, and mild mood changes |
Cervical cancer | Cancerous tumor of the cervix -Can be caused by HPV |
Carcinoma in situ | When the cervical cancer is still localized in one site |
Cervical dysplasia | Abnormal growth of the squamous cells in the surface layer of the cervix |
Bacterial vaginosis | Bacterial infection of the vagina that causes a white or grayish vaginal discharge that has a fishy odor |
Candidiasis | Yeast infection of the vagina that causes vaginal itching and leukorrhea |
Leukorrhea | Cheesy white discharge |
Cystocele | Herniation of the bladder into the vagina because of a weakness in the vaginal wall |
Dyspareunia | Condition of painful sexual intercourse |
Rectocele | Herniation of the rectum into the vagina because of a weakness in the vaginal wall |
Breast Cancer | Cancerous tumor of the breast -Can be caused by the BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 gene mutation |
Lactation | Process of (having) milk |
Fibrocystic disease | Benign condition in which numerous fibrous and fluid-filled cysts form in one or both breasts |
Galactorrhea | Discharge of milk |
Breech | When the presenting part of the fetus is the buttocks, buttocks and feet, or just feet |
Abruptio placentae | Complete or partial separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before the third stage of labor |
Cephalopelvic Disproportion | When the size of the fetal head exceeds the size of the opening in the mother's pelvic bones, so the fetus cannot be born vaginally |
Dystocia | Condition of abnormal or difficult childbirth |
Ectopic Pregnancy | When implantation of a fertilized ovum occurs somewhere other than in the uterus |
Hemosalpinx | Blood in the uterine tube |
Gestational diabetes mellitus | Temporary disorder of glucose metabolism that occurs only during pregnancy |
Hydatidiform mole | Abnormal union of an ovum and spermatozoon |
Incompetent cervix | Spontaneous, premature dilation of the cervix, during the second trimester of pregnancy |
Mastitis | Infection or inflammation of the breast |
Morning sickness | Nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy |
Hyperemesis gravidarum | Excessive vomiting that causes weakness, dehydration, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance |
Oligohydramnios | Scanty amounts of amniotic fluid |
Placenta previa | Incorrect position of the placenta with its edge partially or completely covering the cervical canal |
Polyhydramnios | Too much amniotic fluid |
Pre-Eclampsia | Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with increased blood pressure, edema, weight gain, and protein in the urine |
Postpartum hemorrhage | Continual bleeding from the site where the placenta separates after delivery |
Prolapsed cord | When a loop of umbilical cord becomes caught between the presenting part of the fetus and the birth canal |
Spontaneous abortion | Loss of pregnancy due to genetic abnormality or poor implantation of the embryo in the endometrium |
Biopsy | Process of viewing living tissue |
Aspiration | A needle is inserted into the mass and a syringe is used to aspirate the tissue |
Stereotactic | Uses 3 different angles of mammography to precisely locate the mass that is to be biopsied |
Incisional | An incision is made in the skin overlying the mass and a large part of the mass is removed |
Excisional | The entire mass is removed along with a surrounding margin of normal tissue |
Cytology | Study of cells |
Ectocervical | Pertaining to outside the cervix |
Endocervical | Pertaining to within the cervix |
Amniocentesis | Procedure to puncture the membrane around the fetus |
Hysterosalpingography | Process of recording the uterus and uterine tube -Done as an infertility workup |
Mammography | Process of recording the breast |
Colposcopy | Process of using an instrument to examine the vagina |
Cryosurgery | Process of a cold operative procedure -Option to remove cervical lesions |
Amniotomy | Process of making an incision in the membrane around the fetus -What they refer to as breaking the water |
Nulligravida | No pregnancies |
Primigravida | First pregnancy |
Multigravida | Many pregnancies |
Nulliparous | Never given birth |
Primiparous | First time to give birth |
Multiparaous | Multiple births |
Hysterectomy | Surgical removal of the uterus |
Laparoscopy | Process of using an instrument to examine abdomen |
Oophprectomy | Surgical removal of an ovary |
Salpingectomy | Surgical removal of the uterine tube |
Hysteropexy | Process of surgically fixing in place the uterus |
Colporrhaphy | Procedure of suturing the vagina |
Culdoscopy | Process of using an instrument TO examine the cul-de-sac (area behind the cervix) |
Lumpectomy | Surgical removal of a lump (in the breast) |
Mammoplasty | Process of reshaping by surgery the breast |
Mastectomy | Surgical removal of the breast |
Radical | The removal of the chest wall muscles along with the cancerous mass in the breast |
Prophylactic | Removal of the breast in women who have a history of breast cancer in their family to prevent breast cancer |
Cerclage | Procedure to place a purse-string suture around the cervix to prevent it from dilating prematurely |
Cesarean section/ C-section | Procedure to deliver a fetus through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus |
Episiotomy | Process of making an incision in the vulva |
Tocolytic | Medications given for premature labor |
Hormone replacement therapy | Medications that treat the symptoms and consequences of menopause caused by a decreased level of estradiol |
BSE, D&C, HRT, LMP, PID, PMS | Breast self-examination, Dilation and curettage, Hormone replacement therapy, Last menstrual period Pelvic inflammatory disorder Premenstrual syndrome |
TAH-BSO | Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy |