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Gynecology & Obstet.


Gynecology Study of females
Obstetrics Knowledge and practice (of treating women during) pregnancy and childbirth
Anovulation Being without eggs
Ovarian cancer Cancerous tumor of an ovary
Polycystic ovary syndrome When the ovaries contain multiple cysts
Salpingitis Infection or inflammation of the uterine tube
Endometrial cancer Cancerous tumor of the endometrium of the uterus
Endometriosis Condition within the uterus -Occurs when endometrial tissue is in abnormal places outside of the uterus forming "chocolate" cysts
Leiomyoma Benign mass or tumor in the smooth muscle (of the uterus)
Leiomyosarcoma Cancerous mass or tumor of the smooth muscle and connective tissue (of the uterus)
Myometritis Infection or inflammation of the muscle in the uterus
Pyometritis Infection that causes pus in the uterus
Pelvic inflammatory disease Infection of the cervix that ascends to the uterus -Often caused by an STD
Uterine fibroids /Leiomyomata Small or large tumors in the smooth muscle of the uterus
Uterine prolapse Also known as uterine descensus -Descent of the uterus from its normal position
Amenorrhea Without monthly discharge
Dysmenorrhea Painful monthly discharge
Menopause Cessation of a monthly (cycle)
Perimenopausal Pertaining to around the cessation of a monthly (cycle)
Menorrhagia Condition of excessive monthly discharge
Oligomenorrhea Scanty monthly discharge
Premenstrual syndrome Pertaining to before the monthly discharge of blood that you have breast tenderness, fluid retention, bloating, and mild mood changes
Cervical cancer Cancerous tumor of the cervix -Can be caused by HPV
Carcinoma in situ When the cervical cancer is still localized in one site
Cervical dysplasia Abnormal growth of the squamous cells in the surface layer of the cervix
Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial infection of the vagina that causes a white or grayish vaginal discharge that has a fishy odor
Candidiasis Yeast infection of the vagina that causes vaginal itching and leukorrhea
Leukorrhea Cheesy white discharge
Cystocele Herniation of the bladder into the vagina because of a weakness in the vaginal wall
Dyspareunia Condition of painful sexual intercourse
Rectocele Herniation of the rectum into the vagina because of a weakness in the vaginal wall
Breast Cancer Cancerous tumor of the breast -Can be caused by the BRCA-1 or BRCA-2 gene mutation
Lactation Process of (having) milk
Fibrocystic disease Benign condition in which numerous fibrous and fluid-filled cysts form in one or both breasts
Galactorrhea Discharge of milk
Breech When the presenting part of the fetus is the buttocks, buttocks and feet, or just feet
Abruptio placentae Complete or partial separation of the placenta from the uterine wall before the third stage of labor
Cephalopelvic Disproportion When the size of the fetal head exceeds the size of the opening in the mother's pelvic bones, so the fetus cannot be born vaginally
Dystocia Condition of abnormal or difficult childbirth
Ectopic Pregnancy When implantation of a fertilized ovum occurs somewhere other than in the uterus
Hemosalpinx Blood in the uterine tube
Gestational diabetes mellitus Temporary disorder of glucose metabolism that occurs only during pregnancy
Hydatidiform mole Abnormal union of an ovum and spermatozoon
Incompetent cervix Spontaneous, premature dilation of the cervix, during the second trimester of pregnancy
Mastitis Infection or inflammation of the breast
Morning sickness Nausea and vomiting during the first trimester of pregnancy
Hyperemesis gravidarum Excessive vomiting that causes weakness, dehydration, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance
Oligohydramnios Scanty amounts of amniotic fluid
Placenta previa Incorrect position of the placenta with its edge partially or completely covering the cervical canal
Polyhydramnios Too much amniotic fluid
Pre-Eclampsia Hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with increased blood pressure, edema, weight gain, and protein in the urine
Postpartum hemorrhage Continual bleeding from the site where the placenta separates after delivery
Prolapsed cord When a loop of umbilical cord becomes caught between the presenting part of the fetus and the birth canal
Spontaneous abortion Loss of pregnancy due to genetic abnormality or poor implantation of the embryo in the endometrium
Biopsy Process of viewing living tissue
Aspiration A needle is inserted into the mass and a syringe is used to aspirate the tissue
Stereotactic Uses 3 different angles of mammography to precisely locate the mass that is to be biopsied
Incisional An incision is made in the skin overlying the mass and a large part of the mass is removed
Excisional The entire mass is removed along with a surrounding margin of normal tissue
Cytology Study of cells
Ectocervical Pertaining to outside the cervix
Endocervical Pertaining to within the cervix
Amniocentesis Procedure to puncture the membrane around the fetus
Hysterosalpingography Process of recording the uterus and uterine tube -Done as an infertility workup
Mammography Process of recording the breast
Colposcopy Process of using an instrument to examine the vagina
Cryosurgery Process of a cold operative procedure -Option to remove cervical lesions
Amniotomy Process of making an incision in the membrane around the fetus -What they refer to as breaking the water
Nulligravida No pregnancies
Primigravida First pregnancy
Multigravida Many pregnancies
Nulliparous Never given birth
Primiparous First time to give birth
Multiparaous Multiple births
Hysterectomy Surgical removal of the uterus
Laparoscopy Process of using an instrument to examine abdomen
Oophprectomy Surgical removal of an ovary
Salpingectomy Surgical removal of the uterine tube
Hysteropexy Process of surgically fixing in place the uterus
Colporrhaphy Procedure of suturing the vagina
Culdoscopy Process of using an instrument TO examine the cul-de-sac (area behind the cervix)
Lumpectomy Surgical removal of a lump (in the breast)
Mammoplasty Process of reshaping by surgery the breast
Mastectomy Surgical removal of the breast
Radical The removal of the chest wall muscles along with the cancerous mass in the breast
Prophylactic Removal of the breast in women who have a history of breast cancer in their family to prevent breast cancer
Cerclage Procedure to place a purse-string suture around the cervix to prevent it from dilating prematurely
Cesarean section/ C-section Procedure to deliver a fetus through an incision in the abdominal wall and uterus
Episiotomy Process of making an incision in the vulva
Tocolytic Medications given for premature labor
Hormone replacement therapy Medications that treat the symptoms and consequences of menopause caused by a decreased level of estradiol
BSE, D&C, HRT, LMP, PID, PMS Breast self-examination, Dilation and curettage, Hormone replacement therapy, Last menstrual period Pelvic inflammatory disorder Premenstrual syndrome
TAH-BSO Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
Created by: Ash_Nic
Popular Medical sets




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