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Haney Medterm c10

Haney Medterm c10-SNP

1) What is the center of the circulatory system? Heart
2) Where is your carotid artery located at? Along the side of your neck
3) Where does deoxygenated blood enter? Right atrium
4) What arteries carry oxygen-poor blood to the capillary network of the lungs? Pulmonary
5) What is the common wall between the right and left side of the hear? septum
6) An abnormal rhythm is called? dysrhythmia
7) What is hepatomegaly? It is the enlargement of the heart
8) What condition is characterized by weakness, breathlessness, and abdominal discomfort? Congestive heart failure
9) Diagnostic x-ray technique that uses ionizing radiation to produce a cross-sectional image of the body. Computed axial tomography (CAT)
10) What is the Holter monitor used for? To detect heart dyrhythmias
11) What is an abnormal growth of tissue around a vale? Vegetation
12) What is roughly the size of a heart? Size of a clenched fist
13) What is the heart enclosed by? Thin, double-walled, membranous sac
14) What is the thin membranous sac surrounding the hear called? Pericardium
15) The inner layer of the pericardium is? visceral pericardium
16) What is the outer layer of the pericardium called? parietal pericardium
17) What is the small space in between the parietal and visceral pericardium called? pericardial cavity
18) What does the pericardial cavity contain? Very small amount of fluid that lubricates the surface of the heart and reduces friction during cardiac muscle contraction
19) How many layers is the heart composed of? 3 layers
20) What is the middle layer of the heart? myocardium
21) What is the outer layer of the heart? epicardium
22) What is the inner layer of the heart? endocardium
23) How many chambers is the heart broken up into? 4 chambers
24) What is the upper chambers known as? right and left atria
25) What are the lower chambers known as? right and left ventricles
26) Where do ventricles pump blood to? Lungs
27) What brings blood from the head, thorax, and upper limbs to the heart? Superior vena cava
28) What happens in the lungs? Exchange of gases
29) What is the circulation of the blood from the heart to lungs for oxygenation and back to the heart known as? Pulmonary circulation
30) What veins are the only veins in the body that carry oxygenated blood? pulmonary veins
31) What is the fibers called the bungle of His? Bundle of specialized muscle fibers
32) What are large, thick-walled vessels that carry the blood away from the heart? Arteries
33) What is one cardiac cycle equivalent to? 1 complete heartbeat
34) What measures blood pressure? sphygmomanometer
35) What is sweat? Persperation
36) What is the lack of color; paleness? Pallor
37) What is the narrowing of the coronary arteries? Coronary artery disease
38) What is myocarditis? Inflammation of the myocardium
39) Where is the apex located? In between the fifth and sixth ribs
40) What is the pacemaker of the heart? sinoatrial nod (SA node)
Created by: SarahMarie
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