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Medical Terminology

Medical prefixes, suffixes, and terms

myc/o fungus
scler/o hardening
necr/o dead
corne/o cornea
kerat/o cornea; horn; hard
adip/o fat
lip/o fat
steat/o fat
onych/o nail
cutane/o skin
derm/o skin
dermat/o skin
cyt/o cell
cyan/o blue
albin/o white
leuk/o white
hydr/o water
melan/o black
xer/o dry
pil/o hair
trich/o hair
cirrh/o yellow
xanth/o yellow
path/o disease
morph/o shape
hidr/o sweat
chromat/o color
erythem/o red
erythr/o red
eti/o cause
rhytid/o wrinkle
son/o sound
idi/o unknown; peculiar
seb/o sebum
dorsal back
prone lying horizontally facing downward
ventral front
supine lying horizontally facing upward
super/o above
superior toward or nearer to the head; cranial
protraction scapular abduction; movement of the scapula away from the spinal column
proxim/o nearer to
proximal nearer to the axial body
radial deviation wrist abduction; movement of the wrist away from the body toward the radius
dist/o farther from
distal further from the axial body
infer/o below
inferior toward or nearer to the feet; caudal
ulnar deviation wrist adduction; movement of the wrist toward the body toward the ulna
retraction scapular adduction; movement of the scapula toward the spinal column
supination rotation movement of the forearm to palm up; palm facing foward
adduction movement toward the body
anterior toward or near the front
abduction movement away from the body
base lower, supporting part of any structure
bilateral both sides
contralateral opposite side
deep further into the body
horizontal adduction movement of the arm toward the midline, or anterior, when at shoulder level
posterior toward or near the back
apex pointed tip of a conical structure
unilateral one side
ipsilateral same side
superficial nearer to the surface of the body
medi/o middle
medial toward the midline; nearer to the middle
eversion movement of the ankle causing the bottom of the foot to face toward the side or laterally.
flexion movement toward the front or anterior (exception at the knee joint)
pronation rotation movement of the forearm to palm down; palm facing anterior
medial rotation internal rotation; movement of the shoulder or hip toward the midline
horizontal abduction movement of the arm away from the midline, or posterior, when at shoulder level
lateral away from the midline; toward the side
inversion movement of the ankle causing the bottom of the foot to face toward the midline or medially
extension movement toward the back or posterior (exception at the knee joint)
lateral rotation rotation movement of the shoulder or hip away from the midline; external
-algesia pain
-algesic pain
-algia pain
-dynia pain
-cele hernia
-cidal destruction; killing
-cide destruction, killing
-cyte cell
-cytic cell
-dipsia thirst
-ectomy surgical removal; excision
-centesis surgical puncture
-clasis to break
-clast to break
-derma skin
-ectasis dilation, expansion
-edema swelling
-emia a condition of the blood
-emesis vomiting
-gram record
-graph recording instrument
-ia condition
-ism condition
-iasis pathological condition or state
-gravida pregnant woman
-graphy process of recording
-esthesia sensation
-gen creating, producing
-genesis creating, producing
-genic creating, producing
-genous creating, producing
-meter measuring instrument
-lith stone
-kinesia movement
-kinesis movement
-megaly enlargement
-itis inflammation
-iatrist specialist
-ician specialist
-ician specialist
-logist specialist
-ologist specialist
-lysis destruction
-malacia softening
-ole small
-ule small
-oma tumor
-oid resembling
-oxia oxygen
-paresis slight or partial paralysis
-osis abnormal condition
-opia vision
-opsia view of
-opsis view of
-opsy vision
-pepsia digestion
-penia deficiency
-pause cessation, stopping
-stasis cessation, stopping
-pathy disease
-phasia speech
-metry measurement
-phobia fear
-pexy surgical fixation
-phage eating, swallowing
-phagia eating, swallowing
-plasty surgical repair
-plegia paralysis
-phoria feeling
-plasia formation, growth
-plasm formation, growth
-rrhage bursting forth
-rrhagia bursting forth
-rrhaphy suture, suturing
-ptosis drooping, prolapse
-pnea breathing
-scopy visual examination
-scope viewing instrument
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhexis rupture
-therapy treatment
-stomy mouthlike opening
-tripsy crushing
-stenosis narrowing, stricture
-tome cutting instrument
-trophy nourishment, growth
-uria urine
-osmia smell, odor
-tomy cutting into, incision
-acusia hearing
-acusis hearing
-cusis hearing
-salpinx uterine (fallopian) tube
-static not in motion, at rest
-lepsy seizure
-leptic seizure
-thorax chest
-partum childbirth, labor
-tocia childbirth, labor
-phonia voice
-ac pertaining to
-al pertaining to
-ar pertaining to
-ary pertaining to
-eal pertaining to
-ial pertaining to
-ic pertaining to
-ical pertaining to
-ory pertaining to
-ous pertaining to
-tic pertaining to
-tous pertaining to
-iatrics field of medicine
-iatry field of medicine
-desis surgical fixation of bone or joint, binding, tying together
-logy study of
-ology study of
-constriction narrowing
-cytosis a condition of cells
-dilation widening, stretching, expanding
-spasm sudden involuntary contraction
-necrosis tissue death
-plastic pertaining to formation or growth
-plegic pertaining to paralysis
-pneic pertaining to breathing
-prandial meal
-sclerosis hardening
-uresis urination
tox- poison
tachy- rapid
ambi- both, both sides, around, about
inter- between
hypo- below, beneath
sub- below, beneath
infra- below, beneath
pro- before, forward
dys- bad, painful, difficult
ex- away from, outside, external
exo- away from, outside, external
extra- away from, outside, external
ec- out, outside
ecto- out, outside
neo- new
macro- large
uni- one, single
mono- one, single
multi- many, much
poly- many, much
eso- inward
hemi- half
semi- half
ultra- beyond
oligo- deficiency
quadri- four
tetra- four
para- beside, near
peri- beside, near
re- behind, back
retro- behind, back
hyper- excessive, above
super- excessive, above
supra- excessive, above
eu- good, normal
circum- around
post- after, following
pre- before
mal- bad, inadequate
ab- away from
anti- against, opposite
contra- against, opposite
epi- above, upon
brady- slow
iso- same, equal
tri- three
ad- toward
a- without
an- absence of
in- not
dia- through, across
trans- through, across
bi- two
di- two
micro- small
auto- self
en- in, within, inner
end- in, within, inner
endo- in, within, inner
in- in, within, inner
intra- in, within, inner
Created by: deleted user
Popular Medical sets




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