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Ch. 5
Term | Definition |
Cardiac | pertaining to the heart |
Cardiovascular | pertaining to the heart and blood vessels |
Myocardium | muscular structure of the heart |
Endocardium | structure within the heart |
Pericardium | structure around the heart |
Thoracic | pertaining to the chest |
Cardiothoracic | pertaining to the heart and chest |
ischemia | condition of blood blocked isch/o- block -emia condition of the blood; substance in the blood |
Angina pectoris | mild to severe chest pain caused by ischemia of the myocardium |
Cardiomegaly | enlargement of the heart |
Cardiomyopathy | disease of the heart muscle |
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) | inability of the heart to pump sufficient amounts of blood. |
Congestive | pertaining to accumulation of fluid that causes heart failure. |
Peripheral edema | fluid accumulation in the legs, ankles, & feet |
Myocardium Infraction (MI) | condition of a small area of dead heart muscle. |
Endocarditis | Inflammation or infection of the innermost (parts) of the heart. |
Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP) | structural abnormality of the heart in which the leaflets of the mitral valve do not close tightly. |
Tetralogy of Fallot: Four defects of the heart | 1. Ventricular septal defect 2. narrowing of the pulmonary trunk 3. hypertrophy of the right ventricle 4. abnormal position of the aorta. |
Murmur | abnormal heart sound created by turbulence as blood leaks through through a defective heart valve |
Pericarditis | inflammation or infection around the heart |
Rheumatic Heart Disease | autoimmune response to a noncardiac streptococcal infection- also known as rheumatic fever* |
Stenosis | condition of narrowing (of a heart valve) |
Arrhythmia | condition of without rhythm (of the heart) |
Dysrhythmia | condition of abnormal rhythm (of the heart) |
Bradycardia | condition of a slow heart (beat) |
Fibrillation | arrhythmia in which there is a very fast, uncoordinated quivering of the myocardium. |
Tachycardia | condition of a fast heart beat |
Asystole | complete absence of a heartbeat |
Palpitation | an uncomfortable sensation felt in the chest during a premature contraction of the heart |
Atherosclerosis | condition of the hardening of the fatty substance (in an artery) |
Aneurysm | area of dilation and weakness in the wall of an artery |
Hyperlipidemia | condition of more than normal amounts of fat in the blood |
Hypertension (HTN) | elevated blood pressure |
Hypotension | low blood pressure |
Orthostatic Hypotension | sudden, temporary decrease in systolic blood pressure that occurs when the patient changes from a lying to a standing position and experiences lightheadedness |
Phlebitis | inflammation or infection of a vein |
Thrombophlebitis | phlebitis with a formation of a blood clot |
Cardiac enzymes | test to measure the levels of enzymes that are released into the blood when myocardial cells die during a heart attack. |
Lipid profile | test that provides a comprehensive picture of the blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and their lipoprotein carriers |
Cardiac catherization | procedure preformed the study the anatomy and pressure in the heart. |
Electrocardiogram (ECG) | picture of the electrical activity of the heart |
Electrocardiography | process of recording the electrical activity of the heart |
Telemetry | procedure to monitor a patient's heart rate and rhythm in the hospital |
Angiography | process of recording a blood vessel |
Angiogram | picture of a blood vessel |
Arteriography | process of recording an artery |
Venogram | picture of a vein |
Echocardiography | process of recording the echo of sound waves of the heart |
Cardioversion | procedure to treat an arrhythmia that cannot be controlled with antiarrhythmic medications |
Defribrillator | a machine that generates an electrical shock coordinated with the QRS complex of the patient's heart to restore the heart to a normal rhythm. |
Sclerotherapy | procedure in which sclerosing drug is injected into a varicose vein. |
Sphygmomanometer | instrument used to measure (the pressure of the) pulse (by using a) thin (inflatable cuff). |
Systolic | the top number in a blood pressure reading, which represents the force of the contraction of the ventricles. |
Diastolic | the bottom number in a blood pressure reading, which represents the resting pressure in the artery. |
Carotid endarterectomy | procedure to remove plaque from an occluded carotid artery |
Anastomosis | the suturing of one blood vessel to another |
Coronary Angioplasty | process of reshaping a coronary artery by surgery |
Pericardiocentesis | procedure that uses needles to puncture the pericardium and withdraw inflammatory fluid accumulated in the pericardial sac |
Ablation | action of destroying (cells causing arrhythmias) |
Valvoplasty | process of reshaping a (heart) valve by surgery |
Angiotensin | -ACE inhibitor -treats congestive heart failure & hypertension |
Antiarrhythmic | medications that treat arrhythmias |
Anticoagulant | meds that prevent a blood clot from forming in patient's with arteriosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, previous myocardial infraction, or an artificial heart valve. |
Antihypertensive | -ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, & diuretics -meds that treat hypertension |
Digitalis | -digoxin -medications that treat congestive heart failure decreases the heart rate & strengthens the heart contractions |
Nitrates | -medications that treat angina pectoris -dilate arteries to decrease the blood pressure |
Thrombolytic | medications that treat a blood clot that is blocking blood flow through an artery |
ACS BP CAD CHF ECG/EKG HTN MI MVP PTCA | -acute coronary syndrome -blood pressure -coronary artery disease -congestive heart failure -electrocardiogram/ electrocardiography -hypertension -myocardial infraction -mitral valve prolapse -percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty |
PVD | peripheral vascular disease |