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orbicularis oculi (facial) circular muscle around eye closes eye; winking, blinking, squinting
levator palpebrae superioris (facial) origin on boy orbit of eye; inserts on upper eyelid elevates eyelid (opens eye)
orbicularis oris (facial) encircles mouth closes, purses lip; kissing muscle
buccinator (facial) horizontal cheek muscle; origin on maxilla and mandible; inserts on orbicularis oris flattens cheek; trumpeter's muscle; whistling; helps w/ chewing
zygomaticus (facial) origin on cheekbone; inserts on corner of mouth elevates corner of mouth; smiling muscle
platysma (facial) origin in fascia of shoulder & anterior chest; inserts on mandible, angle of lower mouth pouting muscle; 'open wide' muscle
temporalis (chewing) flat fan-shaped muscle over temporal bone; inserts on mandible closes and retracts jaw
masseter (chewing) covers lateral part of lower jaw; origin on maxilla, zygomatic process of temporal bone; inserts on mandible closes and retracts jaw
sternocleidomastoid (neck) extends along each side of neck contraction of both muscles flexes head at neck; contraction of one rotates head toward opposite side; flexes & rotates cervical vertebral column
trapezius (neck) large, flat, trapezoid-shaped muscle on back of neck & upper back hyperextends head so as to look at the sky; lateral flexion of head; helps maintain spine extension
scalenes (3) (neck) origin on cervical vertebrae, insert on ribs 1 & 2 act synergistically w/ sternocleidomastoid to flex neck
external intercostals located between ribs (intercostal space) breathing--enlarges thoracic cavity during inhale
internal intercostals located between ribs (intercostal space) breathing--decrease thoracic cavity in forced exhalation
Diaphragm dome-shaped muscle that separates thoracic and abdominal cavities breathing--chief muscle of inhalation, enlarges thoracic cavity
External oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis as a group, muscles arranged vertically, horizontally, & obliquely to strengthen abdominal wall as a group--compress abdomen to aid in urination/defecation/childbirth/forced expiration. Also flex & rotate vertebral column
erector spinae extends length of vertebral column from cranium to sacrum extends & laterally flexes vertebral column; rotates head; assista in maintenance of erect posture
Iliopsoas origin on ilium and lumbar vertebrae; inserts on femur flexes vertebral column; flexes & rotates thigh laterally; antagonist to gluteus maximus
Serratus anterior forms upper sides of chest wall lowers should and moves arm forward (as in pushing a cart)
pectoralis major large muscle that covers upper anterior chest adducts and medially rotates arm across chest; flexes and extends arm at shoulder
latissimus dorsi large, broad, flat muscle on mid & lower back adducts & rotates arm medially, behind the back (swimmer's muscle)
deltoid thick muscle that covers shoulder joint abducts arm as in 'scarecrow' pose; flexes, extends, and rotates arm at shoulder
rotator cuff muscles-- supraspinatus, subscapularis, infraspinatus, teres minor group of muscles that attach humerus (insertion) to scapula (origin); tendons form cuff over proximal humerus adduct, extend, and rotate arm at shoulder; the "cuff" stabilizes shoulder joint
teres major origin on scapula; inserts on humerus extends and adducts arm at shoulder; medially rotates arm at shoulder
biceps brachii major muscle on anterior surface of arm flexes & supinates forearm at elbow, flexes arm at shoulder (making a muscle); acts synergistically w/ brachialis & brachioradialis
triceps brachii origin on posterior surface of arm; inserts on ulna extends forearm at elbow, extends arm at shoulder (boxer's muscle)
brachialis origin on humerus; inserts on ulna flexes forearm at elbow
brachioradialis origin on humerus; inserts on radiu flexes forearm at elbow
supinator origin on humerus and ulna; inserts on radius supinate forearm (palm turned up or facing out)
pronator teres origin on humerus & ulna; inserts on radius pronates forearm so that palm faces downward or backward
flexor & extensor carpi group origin on humerus & ulna; inserts on tendon in wrist flex & extend hand at wrist; adduct and abduct hand at wrist
flexor & extensor digitorum group origin on humerus, ulna, & radius; inserts on phalanges (fingers) flex & extend fingers; flex hand at wrist
gluteus maximus largest/most superficial gluteal muscle; located on posterior surface of buttocks forms buttocks; extends & rotates thigh laterally at hip; muscle for sitting & climbing stairs; produces backswing of leg while walking
gluteus medius thick muscle partly behind & superior to gluteus maximus abducts & rotates thigh medially at hip; common site of intramuscular injections
gluteus minimus smallest and deepest of gluteal muscles abducts & rotates thigh medially at hip
Tensor fasciae latae located on lateral thigh flexes and abducts thigh at hip
Adductor group: longus, brevis, magnus as a group, located on anteromedial medial surface of thigh adducts & medially rotates thigh; muscles used by horseback riders to stay on horse
gracilis located along medial thigh adducts & medially rotates thigh at hip; flexes leg at knee
Pectineus located on medial thigh adducts & flexes thigh at hip
Quadriceps femoris, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius located on anterior thigh; all insert on tibia. Rectus femoris origin on ilium, all others irigin on femur group used to extend leg at knee (kicking); vastus lateralis is common site for intramuscular injections in children
Sartorius long muscle that crosses obliquely over anterior thigh; origin on ilium; inserts on tibia allows you to sit in crossed-leg position; flexes, abducts, laterally rotates thigh at hip; flexes leg at knee
Hamstrings-- biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus located on posterior surface of thigh as a group--flex leg at knee, extend thigh at hip; antagonistic to quadriceps femoris
Tibialis anterior located on anterior leg, origin on tibia; inserts on tarsal and metatarsal bones dorsiflexes and inverts foot
peroneus longus lateral surface of leg; origin on fibula and tibia; inserts on metatarsal and tarsal bones plantar flexion and eversion of foot; supports arch
gastrocnemius posterior surface of leg; large two-headed muscle that forms calf; origin on femur; inserts on calcaneus (heel bone) by way of Achilles (calcaneal) tendon plantar flexion foot; toe dancer muscle; flexes leg at knee
Soleus posterior surface of leg plantar flexion of foot
frontalis (facial) flat muscle covering forehead raise eyebrows, surprised look; wrinkles forehead
Created by: laurelSM
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