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Med.Term Ch.11 CF
Chabner, Language of Medicine 11th edition-Chapter 11 Combining Form
Combining Form | Meaning |
aneurysm/o | aneurys |
angi/o | vessel |
aort/o | aorta |
arter/o, arteri/o | artery |
ather/o | yellowish plaque |
atri/o | atrium |
axill/o | armpit |
brachi/o | arm |
cardi/o | heart |
cholesterol/o | cholesterol |
coron/o | heart |
cyan/o | blue |
isch/o | to hold back |
my/o | muscle |
myx/o | mucus |
ox/o | oxygen |
pericardi/o | pericardium |
phleb/o | vein |
pulmon/o | lung |
rrhythm/o | rhythm |
sphygm/o | pulse |
steth/o | chest |
thromb/o | clot |
valv/o, valvul/o | valve |
vas/o, vascul/o | vessel |
ven/o, ven/i | vein |
ventricul/o | ventricle |