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Week 5 - Skeleton

Chapters 11, 12, & 13 - Assignment 1

What are the 5 functions of bones? 1. Support 2. Protection 3. Movement 4. Mineral storage 5. Hematopoiesis.
What is Hematopoiesis? Blood cell formation which occurs because of red bone marrow (myeloid tissue). Myeloid tissue is found at epiphyses (ends) of long bones or in flat bones.
Define Compact Bone Dense/Solid
Define Cancellous Bone Open space with a network of thin/branched crossbeams. AKA spongy bone or trabecular bone.
What are the fie shapes of bones? 1. Long 2. Short 3. Flat 4. Irregular 5. Sesamoid
What are the structures of a long bone? 1. Diaphysis 2. Epiphysis 3. Articular Cartilage 4. Periosteum 5. Medullary Cavity 6. Endosteum
Define Periosteum Dense white fibrous membrane that covers bones. Does not apply to joints.
Define Articular Cartilage Thin layer of hyaline cartilage that covers epiphysis. Cushion.
Define Epiphysis Proximal and distal ends. Cancellous with red marrow.
Define Diaphysis Main shaft. Hollow and thick compact.
Define Medullary Cavity The hollow area in the Diaphysis of the long bone. In adults filled with yellow marrow which is dense with fat.
Define Endosteum Thin, fibrous membrane that lines the medullary cavity. Also lines spaces of spongy bone.
What are the structures of a flat bone and what are they made of? 1. Internal table - compact bone 2. External table - compact bone 3. Diploe - cancellous bone
Bones in the Cranium (8 total) 1. Frontal 2. Parietal 2x 3. Temporal 2x 4. Occipital 5. Sphenoid 6. Ethmoid
Facial Bones (14 total) 1. Nasal 2x 2. Maxillary 2x 3. Zygomatic 2x 4. Mandible 5. Lacrimal 2x 6. Palatine 2x 7. Inferior Nasal Conchae (Turbinates) 2x 8. Vomer
Ear Bones (6 total) 1. Malleus (hammer) 2x 2. Incus (anvil) 2x 3. Stapes (stirrup) 2x
Vertebral Column Bones (26 total) 1. Cervical Vertebrae 7x 2. Thoracic Vertebrae 12x 3. Lumbar Vertebrae 5x 4. Sacrum 5. Coccyx
Sternum/Rib Bones (25 total) 1. Sternum 2. True Ribs 14x 3. False Ribs 10x
Axial Skeleton Sections 1. Head 2. Hyoid Bone 3. Vertebral Column 4. Sternum/Ribs
Upper Extremity Bones (64 total) 1. Clavicle 2x 2. Scapula 2x 3. Humerus 2x 4. Radius 2x 5. Ulna 2x 6. Carpal Bones 16x 7. Metacarpal Bones 20x 8. Phalanges 28x
Lower Extremity Bones (62 total) 1. Coxal 2x 2. Fibula 2x 3. Femur 2x 4. Patella 2x 5. Tibia 2x 6. Tarsal Bones 14x 7. Metatarsal Bones 10x 8. Phalanges 28x
Appendicular Skeleton Sections 1. Upper Extremities 2. Lower Extremities
Define Sutures Immoveable joints between skull bones
Name 4 Sutures 1. Squamous 2. Coronal 3. Lambdoid 4. Sagittal
Define Fontanels Soft spots in a newborns skull where there is a membrane. This allows movement in the fetal skull during delivery.
Name 4 Fontanels 1. Anterior (frontal) 2. Posterior (occipital) 3. Sphenoid (Anterolateral) 4. Mastoid (posterolateral)
Created by: melaniegranato
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