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Med Term. CH. 1-6

Chapter 1-6

Dorsum Back of hand or foot
Palmar Inside of hand
Plantar Bottom of foot
R Right
L Left
B Bilateral
VS Vital Signs
RR Respiratory Rate
HR Heart Rate
BP Blood Pressure
T Temperature
Ht Height
Wt Weight
BMI Body Mass Index
I/O Input/Output
Dx Diagnosis
DDx Differential Diagnosis
Tx Treatment
Rx Prescription
Hx History
PMHx Past Medical History
FHx Family History
H&P History & Physical
CC Chief Complaint
HPI History of present illness
ROS Review of Symptoms
PE Physical Exam
PCP Primary Care Provider
NKDA No Known Drug Allergies
Pt Patient
y/o Years old
h/o History of
f/u Follow Up
PERRLA Pupil equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation
NOS Not Otherwise Specified
RRR Regular Rate & Rhythm
CTA Clear To Auscultation
A&O Alert & Oriented
NAD No Acute Distress
PO Per os- By mouth
NPO nil per os- nothing by mouth
PR Per Rectum
IM Intramuscular
SC Subcutaneous- under skin
IV Intravenous
CVL Central Venous Line
PICC Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
Sig Instructions
QD Daily
QHS At night
BID Twice A Day
TID Three times a day
PRN As Needed
AC Before Meals
PC After Meals
QID Four Times A Day
Anatomical Position Standing, face forward, arms at side, palms forward
Proximal Closer to the 'trunk'
Distal Further from the 'trunk'
Medial Closer to center
Lateral Further from center
Front Anterior, Antral, Ventral
Back Posterior, Dorsal
Superior Above
Inferior Below
Cranial Front of head
Caudel Bottom back of head
Ipsilateral Same Side
Unilateral One Side
Contralateral Opposite Side
Transverse Plane Horizontal Plane- divides body top to bottom
Sagittal Plane Vertical Plane- divides body left to right
CoronalPlane Vertical Plane- divides body from front to back
Acute Started recently as sharp & severe symptom
Chronic Going on for awhile
Exacerbation Getting worse
Abrupt All of a sudden
Febrile have a fever
Afebrile no fever
Malaise Not feel well
Progressive more & more each day
Symptom something patient feels
noncontributory not related to this problem
lethargic Decrease in level of consciousness
Genetic/Hereditary runs in the family
Oriented being aware of who, where s/he is
Auscultation To listen
Percussion to hit something and listen to sound or feel
Palpation To feel
Benign Safe
Malignant Dangerous
Degeneration Getting worse
Etiology Cause
Idiopathic No known cause
Localized stays in one place
Systematic/Generalized All over the body
Morbidly Risk for being sick
Mortality Risk of death
Prognosis Chances of getting better or worse
Occult Hidden
Pathogen organism that causes the problem
Lesion Diseased tissue
Sequelae Problem resulting from disease or injury
Disposition What happen to patient at end of visit
Prophylaxis Preventative Treatment
Palliative Treating just symptoms
Reassurance Telling the patient the issue is not serious
Supportive care Treating symptoms to make patient feel better
Prone lying on belly
Supine lying on back
CCU Coronary Care Unit
ECU Emergency Care Unit
ER Emergency Room
ED Emergency Department
ICU Intensive Care Unit
PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
SICU Surgical Intensive Care Unit
PACU Post Anesthesia Care Unit
L&D Labor & Delievery
OR Operating Room
Post Op After Surgery
Pre Op Before Surgery
HEENT Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Throat
WDWN Well Developed, Well Nourished
WNL Within normal limits
NEC Not Elsewhere Classified
Penult Second to last syllable
Antepenult Third to last syllable
Arthr/o Joint
Cardi/o Heart
Enter/o Small intestine
Neur/o Nerve
Hepat/o Liver
Gastr/o Stomach
Hem/o Hemat/o Blood
My/o Muscul/o Muscle
Angi/o Vessel
Vas/o Vascul/o Vessel
Derm/o Dermat/o Cutan/o Skin
Pneum/o Pneumon/o Pulmon/o Lung
Gen/o Creation, Cause
Hydr/o water
Morph/o Change
Myc/o Fungus
Necr/o Death
Orth/o Straight
Path/o Disease
Phag/o Eat
Plas/o Formation
Py/o Pus
Scler/o Hard
Sten/o Narrow
Troph/o Nourishment, Development
Xen/o Foreign
Pertaining to ac, al, ar, ary eal, ic, tic, ous
Condition ia, ism, ium, osis, y
Diminutive-Small icle, ole, ule(yool), ula(yoo-la)
iatrics, iatry medical science
istrist specialist in medicine
ist specialist
logist specialist in the study
logy study
Algia pain
Dynia pain
Cele hernia
emia blood condition
iasis presents of
itis inflammation
lysis loosen, break down
Malacia abnormal softening
Megaly enlargement
oid resembling
oma tumor
osis condition
pathy disease
penia deficiency
ptosis drooping
rrhage excessive flow
rrhea flow
rrhexis rupture
spasm involuntary contraction
Centesis puncture
Gram Written record
Graph instrument used to produce a record
Graphy Writing
Meter Instrument used to measure
Metry process of measuring
Scope instrument used to look
Scopy process of looking
desis binding, fixation
ectomy removal
pexy surgical fixation
plasty reconstruction
stomy creation of an opening
tomy incision
A & An not
Anti & Contra against
De down, away from
Ante & Pre before
Pro before, on belhalf
Brady slow
Tachy fast
Post after
Re again
Ab away
Ad toward
Circum around
Peri Around
Dia & Trans through
E, Ec, Ex out
Ecto, Exo, Extra Outside
En, Endo, Intra in, inside
Epi upon
Sub beneath
Inter between
Bi two
Hemi, Semi half
Hyper over
Hypo Under
Macro Large
Micro Small
Mono, Uni one
Oligo few
Pan all
Poly, Multi many
Con with, together
Syn, Sym together
Dys Bad
Eu good
Pen almost
Integument Skin- largest organ in the body
What does the Integumentary System consist of? Skin, hair, nails, glands
What does the Sensory System consist of? Taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing
Epidermis Outermost layer of skin
Squamous cell refers to scaly appearance of skin
Dermis Layer of skin under the epidermis. It is much thicker. Detects pressure, temperature and pain.
Where are hair follicles, nerves and glands located? On the Dermis
Hair Follicles Roots of hair.
Pilo/Tricho Hair- Follicles
Hidro Sweat Glands- Helps regulate temperature
Sebace/o, Seb/o Sebaceous Glands
Sebaceous Glands secrete oil as natural moisture for skin and hair
Keratin Hard substance
Onycho, Unguo Nails
Adip/o, lip/o, steat/o Fat
Squam/o Scale
Cerumen Sebum produced in ear- ear wax
Kerato hard or horniness
Xero dryness
leuko whiteness
erythro redness
xantho yellow
melano black
crypto hidden
Chole bile
Pachy thick
ichthy scaly
pruritus itchy
Alopecia hair loss
Hypertrichosis too much hair
Centrifungal rash that starts from the middle and works out
Centripetal rash that spreads from outside in
Papule small bumps
Nodules large bumps: extend deep into skin
Plaques Large flat bumps on skins surface
Vesicles small bumps filled with fluid; blister
Pustules bumps filled with pus
Bulla large vesicle, Blister
Abscess Large pustules
Macules small flat spots, freckles
Patches Large macules
Cherry angioma mass of many blood vessels in one area, Blood vessel tumor
Telangiectasia Heavy concentration of flat blood vessels
Petechiae Small bruise
Ecchymosis Large bruise
What 3 important functions are impaired when the skin is burned? Regulating heat, fight infection and hydration
Excoriation a scratch
Fissure crack in the skin
Cicatrix Scar
Keloid overgrowth of scar tissue
Nevus mole
Verruca Wart
Adipocele Fatty tissue hernia
Keratosis Horny tissue condition
Necrosis tissue death
Onychia nail condition
Pachyderma Tough skin
Steatoma fatty tumor
Hidradenitis Infection of sweat glands
Dermatitis General term for inflammation
Dermatosis Skin condition
Dermopathy Skin disease
Actinic Dermatitis Skin condition related to sun exposure
Atopis Dermatitis Chronic dry, itchy skin.
Ichthyosis Skin is thick, dry and scaly
Name 3 Tumors associated with sun exposure- Basal Cell Carcinoma- most common Melanoma- brown in color; responsible for most deaths Squamous Cell Carcinoma- begins as small papule, leads to an ulcer
Actinic Keratosis Horny skin condition caused by sun exposure
Decubitus Ulcer Bed sore
Psoriasis Patches of itchy, dry, red, scaly skin
Sclerodermatitis Inflammation of skin, with thickening and hardening
Impetigo Highly contagious bacterial infection of the skin
Tinea Fungus- known as ringworm
Steatitis Inflammation of fat tissue
First degree burn affects only top layer of skin (epidermis)
Second degree burn Deeper burn affecting epidermis and dermis
Third degree burn deep burn affecting epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer
Forth degree burn Affects all layers of skin down to muscle, fascia or bone
Anesthetic Drug that temporarily blocks sensation
Antipruritic Prevents or relieves itching
Epidermal Pertaining to the skin
Incision & Drainage I & D
Lipectomy Removal of fatty tissue
Rhytidoplasty Reconstruction of wrinkled skin
Autograph Skin transplant taken from different place on patient body
Homograph Skin transplant taken from different person
Heterograph (medical definition) Skin transplant taken from different species
ABCDE (abbreviation) Asymmetry, border, color, diameter, evolving
AK (abbreviation) Actinic Keratosis
Bx (abbreviation) Biopsy
C&S (abbreviation) Culture & Sensitivity
Derm (abbreviation) Dermatology
ID (abbreviation) Intradermal
SC & SQ (abbreviation) Subcutaneous
Osteocytes Bone cells
Epiphysis (medical term) end of the bone
Diaphysis (medical term) long shaft of bone
physis (suffix) growth Physics is study of matter, energy and motion
Vertebrae (medical definition) smaller bones in the spine
Cervical (medical term for) neck
Thoracic (medical term for) chest/upper back
Lumbar & Sacral (medical term for) Lower back
Costo (medical term for) ribs (ribs attach vertebrae to thoracic section)
Brachio (medical term for) Upper arm
Radius & Ulna (medical term for) Forearm
Carpe (medical term for) Wrist
Phalanges (medical term for) Fingers
Femur (medical term for) Thigh bone
Tibia & Fibula (medical term for) Shin Bone
Tarsal (medical term for) Ankle
Oste/o (root) bone
How many bones did you have at birth? 300
As a full grown adult, how many bones do you have? 206
Crani/o (root) head/skull
Cervic/o (root) neck
Spondyl/o (root) vertebra
Lumb/o (root) lower back
Dactyl/o (root) finger
carp/o (root) wrist
Femor/o (root) thigh bone
asthenia (medical term for) weakness
por (medical term for) pore
thomb (medical term for) clot
hypno (medical term for) sleep
tibi/o (root) shin bone/tibia
tars/o (root) ankle
Name the 4 bones that belong to upper extremity- Humerus, Ulna, Radius, Carpus
Flexion (medical definition) bending joints
Abduction (medical definition) widening of joint to move parts away from body
Adduction (medical definition) Narrowing of joints to bring parts back toward the body
What is the job of the tendon? to hold muscle to bone
What is the job of a ligament? to hold bone to bone
What is Cartilage? Surrounds bones at the joint and allows smooth movement.
Bursae (medical term) Fluid sacs under tendons/cartilage to keep bone and muscle moving smoothly
Chondr/o (root) cartilage
Burs/o (root) bursa
Striations (medical term) muscle fibers bundled together to form a muscle
Striated Muscle (medical term) Skeletal muscle
Fascia (medical term) thick membranes that encases skeletal muscle- fibrous connective tissue binding muscles together
Tendinitis (medical term) inflammation of tendon
Myomalacia (medical term) softening of muscle
Myotonia (medical term) muscle tone
ten/o, tend/o, tendin/o (root) tendon
Kinesi/o, kinet/o (root) movement
ton/o (root) muscle tone or tension
tax/o (root) Arrangement, order, coordination
ankyl/o (root) stiff/bent
Ostalgia/Ostealgia (medical term) bone pain
Ankylosis (medical term) Joint stiffness
Crepitation (medical term) crackling sound heard in joints
Genu Valgum (medical term) knocked kneed
Genu Varum (medical term) bowlegged
Taxia (root) coordination
Kyph (root) bent
Lord (root) bent backwards
scoli (root) crooked
lith (root) stone
luxation (medical term) dislocation
clonus (medical term) turmoil
sarc (medical term) Flesh
carcin (root) cancer
clasia (root) breaking
ACL (abbreviation) Anterior cruciate ligament
MCL (abbreviation) medial collateral Ligament
LCL (abbreviation) Lateral Collateral Ligament
PCL (abbreviation) posterior cruciate ligament
C1-C7 (abbreviation) cervical (of the neck) vertebrae
T1-T12 (abbreviation) Thoracic (of the chest) vertebrae
L1-L5 (abbreviation) Lumbar (of the loin) vertebrae
S1-S5 (abbreviation) Sacral vertebrae
DTR (abbreviation) Deep Tendon Reflexes
EMG (abbreviation) electromyogram
FROM (abbreviation) full range of motion
NSAID (abbreviation) nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drug
OA (abbreviation) Osteoarthritis
ORIF (abbreviation) Open reduction internal fixation
PT (abbreviation) physical therapy
RA (abbreviation) Rheumatoid arthritis
RICE (abbreviation) rest, ice, compress, elevate
ROM (abbreviation) range of motion
WB (abbreviation) weight bearing
WBAT (abbreviation) weight bearing as tolerated
What is the peripheral nervous systems roll? To collect information, temperature, pain, light and pressure from surroundings and transmit through nerves.
What is the Central Nervous System? A collection of cells in the brain and spine that process details and formulate a response.
What is the Peripheral Nervous System? Nerves that send and receive signals from the brain.
Myelo (medical term) Brain & spinal cord
Cerebrum (medical term) Largest portion of your brain
Cerebellum (medical definition) located under the cerebrum and controls coordination of movement
Meninges (medical definition) protective membrane over central nervous system (brain & spine)
Cerebr/o (root) brain
encephal/o (root) brain
cerebell/o (root) cerebellum
Lob/o (root) lobe(sections)
Cephal/o (root) head
Dur/o (root) dura- Tough outer membrane surrounding brain and spinal cord
gangli/o (root) nerve bundle
myel/o (root) spinal cord, bone marrow
esthesi/o (root) feeling/sensation
phas/o (root) speech
phren/o, psych/o (root) mind
schizo (root) break from reality
phobia (medical term) fear/sensitivity
Mania (medical term) passion
somn/o, somn/i (root) sleep
gnosi/o (root) know
auto (root) self
somato (root) body
paresis (suffix) Slight/partial paralysis
plegia (suffix) paralysis
aphasia (medical term) inability to speak
Ataxia (medical term) lack of coordination
Cataonic (medical term) condition characterized by reduced muscle tone
Delirium (medical term) brief loss of mental function
Dementia (medical term) loss/decline of mental function
caus (root) burn
Apathy (medical term) Lack of emotion
Agnosia (medical term) inability to comprehend
Glyco (root) sugar
Afferent Nerve (medical term) nerve that carries impulse to central nervous system
Efferent nerve (medical term) nerve that carries impulse away from central nervous system
Neurogenic (medical term) nervous system- originating from/created by nerves
Idiopathic (medical term) having no known cause
ictal (root) seizure
clonus (medical term) muscle pain or twitching
Craniosynostosis (medical term) premature closure of of skull bones
Hydrocephalus (medical term) to much fluid around the brain
hemorrhagic stroke (medical term) stroke where blood loss is caused by rupture of blood vessels
Ischemic Stroke (medical term) stroke where blood loss is caused by blockage
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) mini stroke caused by blockage of blood vessel that resolves in 24 hrs
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) degenerative disease of central nervous system causing loss of muscle control- known as Lou Gehrigs disease
Myasthenia (medical term) muscle weakness
Anesthetic (pharmacology) drug that causes loss of sensation
Analgesic (pharmacology) relieves pain
Anxiolytic (pharmacology) lessen anxiety
Ocul/o, Opt/o (root) eye
Ophthalm/o (root) eye
Lacrim/o (root) tear
Dacry/o (root) tear
Lacrimal (medical term) tear
Opia, Opsia (suffix) vision condition
Blephar/o (root) eyelid
Corne/o, Kerat/o (root) Cornea
Conjunctiva (medical definition) clear membrane that covers the sclera and lines eyelids
Sclera (medical definition) white of the eye
Ciliary Body root- cycl/o Circle of tissue surrounding lens
retin/o (root) retina
ir/o, irid/o (root) iris
phac/o, phak/o (root) lens
aur/o, ot/o (root) ear
acous/o, audi/o (root) sound/hearing
What is the pinna? Where is it located? Pinna is the fleshy outer part of our ear. It sits on the mastoid bone.
Salpinx (medical definition) tube in middle ear that connects the nose and throat
What 3 bones is the eardrum connected to? incus, stapes, malleus
cerumin/o (root) ear wax
Eustachian Tubes root- salping/o connect middle ear to the throat
tympan/o, myring/o (root) eardrum
Cochlea (medical definition) shell shaped organ in the inner ear controls hearing
Labyrinth (medical term) inner ear
Vestibular System (medical definition) inner ear- controls balance
Vestibule root- vestibul/o small space at the beginning of the ear
presby (suffix) old age
ARMD (abbreviation) Age Related Macular Degeneration
IOL (abbreviation) IntraOcular Lens
IOP (abbreviation) IntraOcular Pressure
OD (abbreviation) Right Eye
OS (abbreviation) Left Eye
OU (abbreviation) both eyes
VA (abbreviation) Visual Acuity
VF (abbreviation) Visual Field
AD (abbreviation) Right Ear
AOM (abbreviation) Acute Otitis Media
AS (abbreviation) Left Ear
AU (abbreviation) Both Ears
OM (abbreviation) Otitis Media
EENT (abbreviation) Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat
Created by: sgomez16
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