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MT Chapter 3

List four functions of the skeleton support and shape the body protect tissues and organs stores calcium, phosphorus, and lipids produces certain blood cells with red bone marrow
List four functions of the skeletal muscles produce body movement, maintain posture and body position, support soft tissues, maintain body heat
What specialty is most involved with the study and treatment of the musculoskeletal system? orthopedics
ankyl/o crooked or stiff
arthr/o joint
articul/o joint
brachi/o arm
cervic/o neck
chondr/o cartilage (gristle)
cost/o rib
crani/o skull
femor/o femur
oste/o bone
myos/o muscle
kyph/o humped-back
scoli/o twisted
rhabd/o rod-shaped or striated (skeletal)
Osteitis inflammation of the bone
scoliosis a condition of having a twisted spine
Spondylitis inflammation of the vertebrae
Lumbodynia pain in the lower back
What bones are below the ribs and spine? pelvis
Dactylalgia pain of the fingers or toes
Ankylosis a stiffened joint
Chondroma a tumor that arise from cartilage
bone specialized connective tissue composed of osteocytes (bone cells) and forms the skeleton
sesamoid bones round bones found near joints (like the patella)
bone marrow soft connective tissue within the medullary cavity of bones
intervertebral disk a flat, plate-like structure composed of an outer fibrous part (annulus fibrosus) that surrounds a central gelatinous mass (nucleus pulposus) between the vertebrae that reduces friction
ligament flexible band of fibrous tissue that connects bone to bone
cardiac muscle muscle of the heart
smooth muscle involuntary muscle found in internal organs
synovial fluid joint-lubricating fluid secreted by the synovial membrane
body planes reference planes used to indicate the location or direction of body parts
transverse plane the horizontal division of the body into upper and lower portions, which is also called horizontal plane
anterior the front of the body; also called ventral
posterior the back of the body; also called dorsa
lateral toward the side
axis the imaginary line that runs through the center of the body or a body part
osteoplasty repair of bone
computed tomography a specialized imaging modality that uses an x-ray scanner and a computer to produce cross-sectional images
spondylolisthesis forward slipping of the lumbar vertebra
rhabdomyosarcoma a malignant skeletal muscle tumor
Created by: ghardin
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