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Formative Evaluation a practice evaluation done while services are still underway. (needs assessment)
Summative Evaluation evaluation completed after service delivery is completed. (cost-benefit analysis)
Marsha Linehan borderline personality disorder.
Murray Bowen Pioneer of family therapy developed family systems theory
Douglas McGregor Theory Y theory of human motivation.
Selective residual program short-term provided to restricted groups that demonstrates need (Food stamps)
Universal residual program Provides benefits to all members of society.
Selective institutional program Universal institutional program all members of society/provided to restricted group that demonstrates need
Client-Centered theropy/Practice Carl Rogers Congruent, unconditional positive regard, empathetic having clients resolve their own problems by providing a caring, warm, and empathic atmosphere
Crisis intervention 1. Conduct crises/biopsychosocial assessment 2. Establish rapport/relationship quickly 3. Identify presenting problem "last straw" 4. Explore feelings ans emotions (active listening, validation) 5. Gererate Explore alternatives (resources & coping ski
Hegemony Power of one group to lead and dominate others.
Intersectionality The intersecting of systems of privileged and oppressed people.
symbolic interactionism client are active in shaping their own world and social understanding of reality.
Conflict Resolution 1. Recognition 2. Assessment 3. Strategizing 4. Intervention
Structural Family therapy Focuses on the boundaries, communication patterns, and interactions between family members. Point out maladaptive behaviors/ transactions that lead to when boundaries are crossed, ignored, and distorted, the family structure becomes dysfunctional.
Capitation Payment per person rather than a payment per service provided
Fee-for-service Services are paid for separately
Bundled payment Payment covers services delivered by two or more providers during a single episode of care
Margaret Mahler Seperation-individuation process 1.Normal autism (Selfish Child) 2.Normal Symbiotic (Mother & Child fuse) 3.Seperation/Individuation - Differentiation/hatching (Child realizes it can separate from mom) - Practicing (Child moves away and returns
Moral development Kohlberg
Preconventional Moral development stage (Elementary) Obedience/Punishment
Conventional Moral development stage (Early Adolescence) Act to gain approval from other (Good boy Good girl) Follows normal morality
Postconventional Moral development stage (Adult) Genuine interest in welfare of others
Parallel Process the over-identification with a client and their issues.
Countertransference The over-involvment in an emotional way of the therapist.
Synesthesia hallucinogens
Trauma-informed care stages Saftey and stabilization, mourning and remembrance, reconnection and reintegration
Adlerian theory encouraging clients to discover their true personalities in order to succeed
Role theory clients behavior is influenced by his/her social position and his/her expectations of that position
Pure malingering expression of a disorder the client does not have
Partial malingering the exaggeration of real symptoms.
Research design Review previous literature Define what is being measured/what is the research meant to answer Outlined data collection Justified the research
Reality testing SW evaluates a clients ability to judge the external world objectively and to distinguish between it and the ideas that are in the clients mind
Ego-Syntonic Behaviors are in sync with functioning part of the mind
Ego-Dystonic Behaviors that are not in sync with the mind which causes guilt, stress, anxiety, and so on.
Strategic family therapy Helps families discontinue reciprocal interactions in which symptomatic behavior recurs
Reframing SW puts clients behaviors in a more positive context
False Imputation The attribution of symptoms to another source for gain.
Created by: Doneishac22
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