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Chap 11 Sp Cord/PNS

Chap 11 The Human Body in Health and Illness 3rd Edition -Evolve

A continuation of the Brain Stem; Tubelike structure Spinal Cord
A hollow needle is inserted into the subarachnoid space, Between L3 & L4 Lumbar Puncture
Composed primarily of cell bodies and interneurons Grey Matter
An opening, or hole, that extends the entire length of the spinal cord Central Canal
Composed primarily of the myelinted axons White Matter
Neuronal axons that are grouped together Nerve Tract
Carry information from the periphery, up the spinal cord, and toward the brain are called Sensory Tract/Ascending Tracts
It carries sensory information for touch, pressure, and pain from the spinal cord to the thalamus in the brain(controls-temp, pressure, pain, light motor) Spinothalamic Tract
Carries information from the brain, down the spinal cord and toward the periphery Motor Tracts/Descending
Major motor tract; motor information is carried from the cortical region(frontal lobe)of the brain toward the spinal cord(controls-skeletal muscle tone,voluntary muscle movement) Pyramidal Tract/Corticospinal
Functions are Proprioception; deep pressure; vibration Dorsal Column
Most nerve tracts cross over from one side to the other this is called Decussation
Fuctions-Propriception Spinocerebeller
Skeletal muscle activity; Balance and Posture Extra Pyramidal
If the spinal cord is severed at the neck region, the trunk and all four extremities are paralyzed. This condition is called Quadriplegia
Lower spinal cord injury, involving only the lumbar region of the spinal cord , the person has funn use of the upper extremities but is paralyzed from the waist down Paraplegia
Attached to the spinal cord, formed by dorsal and ventral roots Spinal Nerves
Sensory nerve fibers from the periphery travel to the cord through the Dorsal Root
The cell bodies of the sensory nerve fibers are gathered together in the Dorsal Root Ganglia
Composed of motor fibers; Distributed to the muscles and glands Ventral Root
The spinal cord serves three major functions Sensory Pathway, Motor Pathway and Reflex Center
An involuntary response to a stimulas is a Reflex
A nerve pathway involved in a reflex Reflex Arc
Sense of smell Olfactory I
Sense of Sight Optic II
Movement of the eyeball, Rasing eyelid, Change in pupil size Oculomotor III
Chewing food, sense in face, scalp, cornea, and teeth Trigminal V
Movement of the eyeball Abducens VI
Facial expressions, secreation of saliva and tears, taste, blinking, sense of hearing and balance Facial VII
Sense of hearing and balance Vestibulocochlear VIII
Swallowing, secreation of saliva, taste, sensory for the reflex requlation of BP, part of the gag reflex Glossopharyngeal IX
Visceral muscle movement and sensations, especially movement and secreation of the digestive system, sensory for reflex regulation of BP Vagus X
Movement of eyeball Trochlear IV
Swallowing, Head and sholder movement, Speaking Accessory XII
Speech and Swallowing Hypoglossal XII
Nerve fibers converging or coming together Plexuses
Supplies the muscles and skin of the neck Cervical Plexus (C1-C4)
Stimulates the contration of the diaphram Pherenic Nerve
Supply the muscles and skin if the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist and hand Brachial Plexus (C5-C8, T1)
Gives rise to nerves that supply the muscles and skin if the lower abdominal wall external genitalia, buttocks, and lower extremities Lumbosacral Plexus (T12, L1-L5,S1-S4)
A spinal nerve that innervates a paticular area of the skin; this distrubution of nerves is called Dermatome
Created by: dhollan127
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