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General Patient Care


equation to convert height from inches to feet and inches? divide inches by 12
45 inches 3 feet 8 inches
height is a part of a routine physical to track what? normal development, monitor conditions such as scoliosis or osteoporosis, and assist in determining BMI.
medications are often determined by? Weight
What are reasons weight is obtained? BMI, predisposition to medical conditions, and the monitoring of eating disorders and weight management.
weight is measured in? pounds or kilograms
equation to convert pounds to kilograms divide the weight in pounds by 2.2
equation to convert kilograms to pounds multiply the weight in kilograms by 2.2
20 lbs=kg 9.09 kg
65 kg=lb 143 lbs
4 ft 5 in 53 inches
equation to convert feet and inches to inches times ft and in by 12
BMI equation lbsX703 divided by height in inchesX 2
normal BMI 18.5 to 24.9
underweight BMI less than 18.5
overweight BMI greater than 24.9
obese BMI 30 and greater
Pediatric measurements monitor growth
what is completed during a routine physical exam in pediatrics? height, weight, and head circumference
if a child is unable to stand erect what should you do? lay the child or infant flat on a paper covered table. Place a mark at the top of the head and at the heel of the flexed foot.
weight in pediatrics is more accurate when? the infant is able to lie down or sit in an infant scale.
head circumference using a tape measure, measure head circumference at the widest area, which is usually right across the eyebrows, measuring in inches or centimeters.
vital signs are key indicators of? homeostasis
what factors can affect vital signs? stress, food, liquid intake, medical conditions, age, and physical activity
measuring temperature is used for? determining the relationship of heat production and the heat loss in the body, also referred to as metabolism.
whats the most common cause of pyrexia (fever)? infection
symptoms of a fever chills, anorexia, malaise, thirst, and generalized aching
temperature is measured how? orally via a digital thermometer, aurally using a tympanic thermometer, or temporally using a temporal artery scanner.
axillary and rectal temperatures determine what? skin and core temperature and are not commonly performed.
normal oral, tympanic, and temporal temperatures are 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees celcius)
axillary temperature is one degree cooler on average
rectal temperature average one degree higher
heart rate is a reflection of a pulse
when is a heart rate best palpitated? when an artery can be pushed against a bone.
which fingers should be used to determine pulse? second and third fingers
radial pulse located on the thumb side of the wrist and is the most common site for taking and adult pulse.
brachial pulse inside the upper arm and is the most common for children.
carotid located in the neck just below the haw bone and is the most common for use in emergency procedures.
in addition to palpitation, pulse can also be determined by? auscultation
auscultation listening, usually with a stethoscope
apical pulse is counted by listening to the heart beat at the apex of the heart
pulse is evaluated on rate, rhythm or regularity, and volume or strength.
pulse rate depend on patient age and condition, time of day, activity level, and medications.
respirations are evaluated on rate, rhythm, and depth.
respiratory rhythm is the breathing pattern
respiratory depth describes how much air is inhaled
one respiration includes an inhale and an exhale
normal respiratory rate in a newborn 30 to 50/min
normal respiratory rate in an adult 12 to 20/min
the provider should be notified if you hear wheezing, rales, or rhonchi. these are all abnormal
blood pressure the single most important vital sign in identifying the force of the blood circulating through the arteries
equipment used to determine blood pressure sphygmomanometer, blood pressure cuff, and stethoscope.
systolic pressure is recorded when the first sharp tapping sound is heard, which is often when the blood begins to surge into the artery that has been occluded by the inflation of the pressure cuff.
diastolic pressure is noted when the last sound disappears completely and the blood is flowing freely.
phase I and V systolic and diastolic pressure are heard in these phases
phase II there is a swishing sound as more blood flows through the artery
phase III sharp tapping sounds are noted as even more blood is surging.
phase IV the sound changes to a soft tapping which begins to muffle
Korotkoff sounds the five phases of articular relaxation that are audible while obtaining a manual blood pressure
infants and children blood pressure between 60/30 and 100/80 mm Hg
adult blood pressure 100/60 to 140/80 but blood pressure under 119/79 is still considered normal.
hypertension 140/90 or higher
prehypertension between 120 and 139 for the top number or 80 to 89 for the bottom number
Created by: elshalance
Popular Medical sets




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