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A&P Ch 21 & 22

Ch 21&22

Anatomy Study of body stuctures
Physiology Study of body function
Epithelial Tissue covers the body and most organs
Muscle Tissue contracts and relaxes,can be voluntary or involuntary
Nervous Tissue sends electrical messages
Organs made up of 2 or more tissue types
Homeostasis the relative consistency of the body's internal environment
Anatomical Position standing upright, facing forwards with arms at the sides and palms facing forward
Transverse Plane divides body into superior and inferior sections
Anterior front
Superior towards the head/upper
Distal away
Lateral further away from the midline of the body
Medial closest to the midline of the body
Superficial closer to the surface
Proximal toward/near the trunk or point of origin
Abdominal Cavity contains most of the digestive organs
Pelvic Cavity contains the bladder and internal reproductive organs
Metabolism overall chemical functioning of the body
Carbohydrates used to make energy
Triglycerides used to store energy
Proteins the structural materials for building solid body parts
DNA contains genetic information of the cell
Body Temperature Regulation plays a role by dilating or constricting blood vessels
Vitamin D Production uses sunlight exposed to convert a molecule to Vitamin D for calcium absorption
Epidermis contains keratin
Dermis contains all major tissue types
Hypodermis also known as the subcutaneous layer
Subcutaneous layer made up of mostly adipose tissue and loose connective tissue
Cyanosis bluish discoloration of the skin resulting from low oxygen
Melanin a pigment that absorbs UV radiation from sunlight
Arrector Pili responsible for causing goosebumps
Inflammation redness, swelling, warmth and pain
Melanoma most aggressive type of skin cancer
Rule of 9's use to estimate extent of burns
ABCDE rule lists signs & symptoms of malignant melanoma
Cellulitis inflammation of connective tissues caused by bacteria
Alopecia hair loss
Herpes Simplex caused by a virus
Pediculosis caused by a parasitic lice
Created by: krsmith1
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