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10 13 2020 EMT exam

Joe you better pass

solid organs: definition and examples spleen, liver, pancreas. Bleed when injured.
hollow organs: definition and examples stomach, intestines, bladder, gallbladder
peritoneal cavity abdominal cavity : diaphragm to pelvis
what is the circulatory system
order of the heart right atrium to right ventricle to lungs oxygenated by the lungs left atrium to left ventricle to body (aorta) deoxygenated by the body
order of the lung trachea bronchi bronchioles alveoli (inside alveolar sac)
the giant artery leaving the heart aorta
inferior below
superior above
distal away from: extremities are distal your torso
dorsal back
ventral belly side
proximal near
syncope vasovagal syncope: fainting because your body overreacts to triggers / stimuli blood pressure and heart rate plummet, loss of blood to the brain, lose consciousness also called neurocardiogenic syncope
ESRD end stage renal disease commonly called Kidney Failure, last stage. There is no function left in the kidneys essentially
peritoneal dialysis dialysis involving fluid exchange using the periotoneal (abdominal) cavity . clean fluid is entered using a port, waste fluid is exchanged later
hemodialysis uses the arteries. Involves a machine to clean the blood.
HD graft loop HD machine pulls from loop and puts blood back through loop
anemia low iron count: impacts ability to transmit oxygen
hemophilia excessive bleeding
sickle cell anemia shape of blood cell. leads to outsized amount of clots (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism)
common allergens food (nuts, shellfish, etc.), insects (stinging, venomous insects), plants (oil based irritants like poison ivy, sap based OR fun crystal based irritants!
visceral pain pain of the organs of your torso (thorax and or pelvic and or abdominal regions)
diabetic ketoacidosis high buildup of sugars resulting in high acids (ketones)
type 1 diabetes child onset: no insulin
type 2 diabetes TYPICALLY adult onset: poor regulation of insulin
poison types inhaled, ingested, absorbed, injected
overdose emergencies naloxone (narcotics) activated charcoal (ingested poisons)
inhaled poison sprays, cleaning fluid, gases
injection poisons drugs
ingestion poisons rat poison, lyes, etc.
absorption poisons household cleaners, pesticides
what is the purpose of activated charcoal? given to a patient to prevent absorption of toxins in the stomach
what is the purpose of naloxone? immediately reverses overdose of opiates
alcohol withdrawal can manifest as... DTs: delirium tremens. shakes etc.
hematologic system blood, liver, bone marrow (red), spleen
patient assessment arrive at scene, examine environment, check patient if conscious begin inquiry, ask what the emergency is assess for suicide: threats, plans, previous attempts, depression, aggression or hostility, family information or misinformation
what is involved in a suicide assessment? threats, plans, previous attempts, depression, stress levels, emotional trauma, age (highest rates are young and old, bimodal), sudden improvement from depression
Created by: cheeseman
Popular Medical sets




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