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Lesson 1

Basic Medical Language - Intro to medical language, body structure, and oncology

muscle tissue cells that have the special ability to contract, usually producing movement
nerve tissue found in nerves, spinal cord, and brain; coordinates and controls body movement
connective tissue connects, supports, penetrates, and encases various body structures; forms bones, fat, cartilage, and blood
epithelial tissue major covering of external surface of the body; forms membranes that line body cavity and organs; major tissue in glands
cell basic unit of all living things
tissue group of similar cells that perform a specific function
organ two or more kinds of tissues that together perform special body functions
system group of organs that work together to perform complex body functions
cranial cavity brain
spinal cavity spinal cord
thoracic cavity heart, aorta, lungs, esophagus, trachea, and bronchi
abdominal cavity stomach, intestines, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen, and uterus
pelvic cavity urinary bladder, certain reproductive organs, parts of the small and large intestines, and rectum
integumentary system covers and protects body, regulates body temperature, and helps manufacture vitamin D
respiratory system exchanges oxygen and carbon dioxide between blood and external environment
urinary system removes waste material (urine), regulates fluid volume, and maintains electrolyte concentration
reproductive system produces offspring, secretes hormones that produce feminine and masculine physical traits
cardiovascular system pumps and transports through the body
lymphatic system provides defense against infection and other diseases and drainage of extracellular fluid
digestive system prepares food for use by the body's cells and eliminates waste
musculoskeletal system provides movement and framework for the body, protects vital organs, stores calcium, and produces blood cells
nervous system regulates specific body activities by sending and receiving messages
endocrine system secretes hormones that regulate specific body activities
carcin/o cancer
cyt/o cell(s)
epitheli/o epithelium, epithelial tissue
hist/o tissue(s)
lip/o fat, fat tissue
my/o muscle(s), muscle tissue
neur/o nerve(s), nerve tissue
onc/o tumor(s)
path/o disease
radi/o x-rays (ionizing radiation)
sarc/o flesh, connective tissue
viscer/o internal organs
-al pertaining to
-genic producing, originating, causing
-logist one who studies and treats (specialist, physician)
-logy study of
-oid resembling
-oma tumor
-plasm growth (substance or formation)
-stasis control, stop
meta- beyond
neo- new
carcinogenic producing cancer
carcinoma cancerous tumor
cytoid resembling a cell
cytology study of cells
epithelial pertaining to epithelium
epithelioma tumor composed of epithelial tissue
histology study of tissues
lipoid resembling fat
lipoma tumor composed of fat tissue
metastasis (pl. metastases) beyond control
myoma tumor composed of muscle tissue
neoplasm new growth
neuroma tumor composed of nerve tissue
oncologist physician who studies tumors and treats them
oncology study of tumors
pathogenic producing disease
pathologist physician who studies disease
pathology study of disease
radiologist physician who studies and treats using x-rays (and other diagnostic imaging procedures)
radiology study of x-rays (and other diagnostic imaging procedures)
sarcoma tumor of connective tissue
visceral pertaining to internal organs
benign not malignant, nonrecurring
biopsy removal of living tissue to be viewed under a microscope for diagnostic purposes
chemotherapy treatment of cancer using pharmaceuticals
diagnosis identification of a disease
infection invasion of pathogens in body tissue
inflammation localized, protective response to injury or tissue destruction characterized by redness, swelling, heat, and pain
Created by: katey.6
Popular Medical sets



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