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Blood - Lymphatic

What does the abbreviation for AIDS stand for? Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
An illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus, which is a benign, self-limiting acute infection of the B lymphocytes, occurring primarily in young adults (15 - 20) and is known as the Kissing disease? Mononucleosis
An x-ray assessment of the lymphatic system following injection of a contrast medium into the lymph vessels in the hand or foot is know as? Lymphangiogram
An infectious disease, chronic in nature, primarily affecting the lungs causing large areas of cavitations and caseous (cheeselike) necrosis, that is spread through droplet infection is known as? TB (Tuberculosis)
A malignant neoplasm of the blood vessels, associated with AIDS, characterized by lesions appearing initially as tiny red to purple macules and evolving into sizable modules or plaques is known as? Kaposi's Sarcoma
A form of anemia that is due to a lack of Vitamin b12 absorption that is necessary for the proper maturation of the red blood cells is? Pernicious Anemia
A chronic hereditary form of hemolytic anemia in which the RBCs become shaped like a crescent in the presence of low oxygen concentration is? Sickle Cell Anemia
A term used to define different hereditary defiencies of coagulation factors, such as factor VIII, that result in prolonged bleeding times is known as? Hemophilia
A malignancy of the blood forming cells in the bone marrow, charcterized by excessive uncontrolled increase of immature WBCs in the blood eventually leading to infection, anemia, and thrombocytopenia is known as? Leukemia
A collection of small hemorrhages beneath the skin, appearing as red-purple skin discolorations, is caused from a decreased number of circulating platelets, and is known as? Purpura
A blood test used for screening for an antibody to the AIDS virus is? ELISA
An abnormal proliferation of RBCs, granulocytes, and thrombocytes leading to an increase in blood volume and viscosity (thickness) is known as? Polycythemia Vera
Measurement of the time that is required for bleeding to stop (normally one to nine minutes) is known as? Bleeding Time
Administration of blood or a blood component to an individual in order to replace blood lost through surgery, trauma, or disease is known as? Blood Transfusion
The test that measures the settling distance of red blood cells in normal saline over a one hour period of time is known as? Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
When people receive blood or a blood component that has been previously collected from themselves through a reinfusion it is called? Autologous Transfussion
The test that is an assessment of red blood cell precentage in the total blood volume is known as? Hematocrit
An examination of the RBC on a stained blood smear that enables the examiner to identify the form and shape of the RBCs is known as? Red Blood Cell Morphology
The measurement of the percentage of each specfic type of circulating WBCs present in one cubic millimeter of peripheral blood is known as a? White Blood Cell Differential
A diagnostic analysis for pernicious anemia is the? Schilling Test
What is the medical term for a mature red blood cell? Erythrocyte
What is the medical term for _____ that stimulates and regulates the production of erythrocytes? Erythropoietin
What is the medical term for clumping together of cells as a result of interaction with specific antibodies called agglutinins? Agglutination
What is the medical term for any abnormal condition of the blood or bone marrow? Dyscrasia
What is the medical term for an exaggerated, life threating hypersensitivity reaction to a previously encountered antigen? Anaphylaxis
What is the medical term for the clear, thin, and sticky fluid portion of the blood that remains after coagulation? Serum
What is the medical term for a clotting cell? Platelet
What is the medical term for a clot? Thrombus
What is the medical term for an abnormal decrease in number of white blood cells? Leukocytopenia
What is the medical term for the watery, straw-colored, fluid portion of the lymph and the blood? Plasma
What is the medical term for a form of anemia in which there is failure of all blood cells to develop? Aplastic
What is the medical term for the state of being resistant to or protected from a disease? Immunity
What is the medical term for a form of anemia characterized by extreme reduction in circulating red blood cells due to their destruction? Hemolytic
What is the medical term for the accumulation of fluid within the tissue spaces? Edema
What is the medical term for the disease producing microorganisms? Pathogens
A substance that can produce a hypersensitive reaction in the body but is not necessarily harmful is called? Allergen
The process of transforming a liquid into a solid, especially of the blood, is called? Coagulation
A marked reduction in the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets is known as? Pancytopenia
A systemic infection in which pathogens are present in the circulating bloodstream is known as? Septicemia
An abnormal enlargement of the spleen is called? Splenomegally
A platelet is also called? Thrombocyte
Another name for a clot is? Thrombus
A dislodged, circulating clot is known as? Embolus
A substance, usually protein, that causes the formation of an antibody and reacts specifically with that antibody is known as? antigen
Immunity that is a result of the body's developing the ability to defend itself against a specific agent, as a result of having had the disease or from having received an immunization against a disease is known as? Aquired Immunity
Immunity with which we are born, also called genetic immunity is known as? Natural immunity
When an individual is in a state of having a lack of resistance to pathogens and other harmful agents, the individual is said to be? Susceptible
A reaction to treatment that occurs at the site of administration is known as what type of reaction? Local reaction
Created by: tsloan81
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