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Digestive System

cecum first part of the large intestines
peritoneum lining of the abdominal cavity
jejun- jejunum
anastomosis surgical joining of two ducts, vessels or bowel segments
esophagus food tube from pharynx to stomach
pharynx throat
chyme semi-liquid form that exists from the stomach
sigmoid- sigmoid
rugae folds in the stomach
rectum last part of the large intestines
descending colon name for the colon as it curves downward from the transverse colon
inguinal hernia protrusion of part of an organ into the groin area
ascites accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity
hepatic ducts channels that carry bile from the liver to the gallbladder
mastication chewing
dent- teeth
pharyng- pharynx
gloss- tongue
villi finger-like projections inside the intestines that absorb nutrients
lingu- tongue
choledoch- bile duct
pyloric sphincter ring of muscle at the end f the stomach
hepatic flexure portion of the large intestines that runs under the liver
-phagia swallowing, eating
anorexia lack or loss of appetite
ulcer open sores of the skin or mucus membranes
dentin main structure of the tooth
papillae projections on the surface of the tongue
col, colon colon
append- appendix
pancreat- pancreas
uvula V-shaped structure at the back of the mouth
pancreas gland that secrets insulin and produces enzymes to help digest food in the duodenum
duodenum first part of the small intestines
cystic duct channel that sends excess bile to the gallbladder for storage
liver organ that produces bile
ascending colon 2nd part of the large intestines
splenic flexure part of the large intestines that runs under the spleen
ulcerative colitis chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestines and rectum
anus very end of the rectum
ileum 3rd part of the small intestines
sigmoid colon S-shaped portion of the colon continuing from the descending colon
an- anus
transverse colon part of the large intestines that crosses from the right side to the left side of the abdomen
soft palate posterior portion of the roof of the mouth
rect- rectum
labi- lip
peristalsis wave like motion that moves food through the digestive system
pylorus funnel shaped terminal portion of the stomach
body large central portion of the stomach
gallbladder organ that stores and concentrates bile
cirrhosis chronic, irreversible, degenerative disease of the liver
jejunum 2nd portion of the small intestines
fundus upper portion of the stomach
flatus gas in the GI tract
sial- salivary
deglutition swallowing
strangulated hernia blood supply cut off to a hernia
omentum fold of the peritoneum that holds the stomach in place
pancreatic duct channel that sends fluids from the pancreas into the duodenum
trachea wind-pipe- one of two tubes that direct air to the lungs
intussusception telescoping of the intestines
duoden- duodenum
esophag- esophagus
borborygmus rumbling or gurgling noises caused by passage of gas in the intestines
appendix worm-like projection that hangs from the cecum
hiatal hernia hernia of the diaphragm
volvulus twisting and turning of the intestines
-emesis vomit
gingiv- gums
bucc- cheek
perforated ulcer that causes a hole to develop in the organ
hard palate anterior portion of the roof of the mouth
hemorrhoids enlarged veins of the anal canal
or- mouth
sphincter ring of muscle
cardiac sphincter ring of muscle at the top of the stomach
mesenteries fold of the peritoneum that hold the intestines in place
antiemetics medications that control nausea and vomiting
Created by: Gerry Rimstidt
Popular Medical sets




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