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Med Terms-Week 5
Term | Definition |
Inter- | Between |
Intra- | Within or Inside |
-algia | Pain |
-ar | Pertaining to |
-genesis | Condition of forming or Producing |
-malacia | Softening |
-physis | To grow |
-schisis | To split |
-tome | Instrument used for cutting |
-tomy | Process of cutting |
Arthr/o | Joint |
Cost/o | Ribs |
Gen/o | Producing |
Kyph/o | Humpback |
Lamin/o | Lamina |
Lord/o | Swayback |
Lumb/o | Loins or Lower back |
Metacarp/o | Metacarpals |
Myel/o | Bone Marrow or Spinal Cord |
Orth/o | Straight |
Pedi/o | Child |
Rachi/o | Vertebrae or Spinal cord |
Scoli/o | Crooked or Bent |
Vertebr/o | Vertebra |