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C2 Derm Terminology

Dermatology Important Terms Medical Terminology Flathead

epidermis outermost layer of the skin
squamous layer outermost layer of epidermis; "scale-like cells"
exfoliation outer layer of skin shed off " away from leaf process"
basal layer deepest later of the epidermis "pertaining to base of structure"
melanocyte "black cell"
sebaceous "pertaining to oil"
sudoriferous "pertaining to bearing sweat"
diaphoresis process of producing sweat "process of breathe throughout"
piloerection goosebumps "action;condition of hair standing up"
subcutaneous pertaining to skin below;underneath
adipose full of fat
lipocyte fat;lipid cell
dermatome area of distinct edges on the skin
thermoregulation condition;action of heat control
dermatitis infection of;inflammation of skin
hemorrhage excessive discharge of blood
extravasation blood is released to the skin "being having outside the blood vessel"
contusion condition of bruising
ecchymosis abnormal condition of blood in the tissue
hematoma mass;tumor of blood
pruritic pertaining to itching
xeroderma dry skin
albinism white disease from a specific cause
cyanosis abnormal condition of blue
cyanotic pertaining to blue
Jaudice state of yellow
anicteric pertaining to without jaundice
necrosis abnormal condition of dead tissue
abrasion action;condition of scraping off
laceration process of tearing
pediculosis abnormal condition of lice
papilloma skin tag "mass;tumor elevated structure"
anhidrosis abnormal condition of without sweat
alopecia condition;state of bald
onychomycosis abnormal condition of fungus in fingernail;toenail
intradermal pertaining to within skin
incision action cut in;within
antifungal pertaining to against fungus
antipruritic pertaining to against itching
topical pertaining to specific area
transdermal pertaining to through;across the skin
incisional pertaining to the action;condition of cutting in;within (2 suffixes here!)
Created by: Mrs.FoxFHS
Popular Medical sets




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