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Associated with the eye: ocul/o, opthalm/o, opt/o means eye
oculopathy disease of the eye
ophthalmologist medical specialist (physician) of the eye
optometrist specialist of the eye
Associated with the eye: Lacrim/o, dacry/o means tear
lacrimation process of producing tears
dacryorrhea excess tear production
Associated with the eye: Opia, opsia means vision
hyperopia far-sighted
akinetopsia inability to see moving objects
Associated with the eye: blephar/o eyelid
blepharedema swelling of the eyelid
blepharoplasty surgical repair of the eyelid
Associated with the eye: corne/o, kerat/o cornea
coneal transplant replacement of cornea from a donor
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
Associated with the eye: Scler/o means sclera (white of the eye)
scieritis inflammation of the sclera (white of the eye)
Associated with the eye: Cycl/o ciliary body
cycloplegia paralysis of the ciliary body
Associated with the eye: retin/o retina
retinitis inflammation of the retina
retinoscope device that views the retina
Associated with the eye: ir/o, irid/o means iris
iritis inflammation of the iris
iridalgia painful iris
Associated with the eye: vitre/o vitreous humor
vitreous liquid fluid that fills the posterior cavity of the eye
virectomy removal of the vitreous humor
Associated with the eye: phac/o, phak/o means lens
phacoscope device to view the lens
phakitis inflammation of the lens
Associated with the ear: -aur/o, ot/o means ear
aural pertaining to the ear
otoscope device to view the ear
Associated with the ear: acous, audi/o means hearing
acoustic pertaining to sound
audiogram record of hearing
Associated with the ear: acusis means hearing condition
hyperacusis exaggerated hearing
osteoacusis conduction of sound through bones
Associated with the ear: cerumin/o means earwax
ceruminolysis breakdown of earwax
Associated with the ear: salping/o means ear canal
rhinosalpingitis inflammation of the nose and ear canal
Associated with the ear: tympan/o, myring/o means ear drum
tympanostomy creation of opening in ear drum
myringotomy incision into the ear drum
Associated with the ear: mastoid/o mastoid process
mastoiditis inflammation of the mastoid process
Associated with the ear: labyrinth/o means maze
labyrinthitis inflammation of the labyrinth (of the inner ear)
Associated with the ear: vestibul/o means entry way
vestibulitis inflammation of the vestibule (of the inner ear)
Associated with the ear: cochle/o means cochlea (shaped like a snail shell)
cochleitis inflammation of the cochlea
Abb: HEET head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
Abb: OD right eye
Abb: OS left eye
Abb: OU both eyes
PERRLA pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation
Abb: IOP intraocular pressure
Abb: VA visual acuity
Abb: VF visual field
Abb: ARMD age-related macular degeneration
Abb: IOL intraocular lens
Abb: LASIK laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis
Abb: AD right ear
Abb: AS left ear
Abb: AU both ears
Abb: EENT eye, ears, nose, throat
Abb: ENT Ear, nose, throat
Abb: AOM Acute otitis media
Abb: OM otitis media
Created by: Gabgua2083
Popular Medical sets




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