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Indigo complete Terminology Review
aden/o | gland |
fat | adip/o |
albin/o | white |
cancer | carcin/o |
chlor/o | green |
colour | chrom/o |
chem/o | chemical/drug |
crypt/o | hidden |
cold | cry/o |
skin | cutane/o |
dermat/o derm/o | skin |
scab | eschar/o |
hidr/o | sweat |
ichthy/o | dry, scaly |
kerat/o | horny tissue, hard, cornea |
lipid/o | fat |
fat | lip/o |
mamm/o | breast |
breast | mast/o |
melan/o | black |
myc/o | fungus |
death, necrosis | necr/o |
nid/o | nest |
onc/o | tumor |
onych/o | nail |
lice | pedicul/o |
hair | pil/o |
py/o | pus |
wrinkle | rhytid/o |
scler/o | hardening sclera (white of eye) |
seb/o | sebum, sebacous |
squam/o | scale |
steat/o | fat |
sweat | sudor/o |
thel/o | nipple |
tox/o | poison |
trich/o | hair |
nail | ungu/o |
xen/o | foreign, strange |
xer/o | dry |
-al | pertaining to |
-cele | hernia, swelling |
-cyte | cell |
skin | -derma |
excision, removal | -ectomy |
-esis | condition |
-graft | transplantation |
-ia | pertaining to |
pertaining to | -ic |
-is | noun ending |
-ia | condition |
-ism | condition |
-itis | inflammation |
-logist | specialist in the study of |
study of | -logy |
softening | -malacia |
-oma | tumor |
-osis | abnormal condition |
-ous | pertaining to |
disease | -pathy |
-penia | decrease |
carry, transmission | -phoresis |
-plasty | surgical repair |
-poieses | formation, production |
bursting forth | -rrhagia |
suture | -rrhaphy |
discharge, floe | -rrhea |
rupture | -rrhexis |
-therapy | treatment |
a-, an- | without, not |
dia- | through, across |
epi- | above, upon |
hetero- | different |
same | -homo |
excessive, above normal | -hyper |
under, below, defficient | hypo- |
pachy- | thick |
peri- | around |
sub- | under, below |
BCC | basal cell carcinoma |
bx, Bx | biopsy |
C&S | culture and sensivity |
CA | cancer |
chemo | chemotherapy |
CIS | carcinoma in situ |
cm | centimeter |
dc, d/c | discharge |
Decub. | decubitus |
derm. | dermatology |
FS | frozen section |
H2O | water |
incision and draingae | I&D |
ID | intradermal |
IMP | impression |
IV | intrevenous |
T&A | tonsillectomy and adnoidectomy |
TMN | tumor-node-metastasis |
ung | ointment |
xeroderma pigmentosum | XP, XPD |