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ICD-10 Ch 4 E codes

Coding Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases - Diabetes

What kind of codes are used for diabetes complications? Combination codes that include the type of DM, the body system affected, and the complication(s) affecting that body system.
What is the default type of diabetes - if it is not specified in the medical record? Type 2. E11.--
How does the coder best approach sequencing diagnosis codes for diabetes cases? Sequence according to the reason for the encounter.
How many diabetes codes should be assigned per encounter? As many as needed to identify all the associated conditions the patient has.
If the medical record indicates that a diabetic patient uses insulin, but does not specify the type of DM, what DM type should be coded? Type 2. E11.--
What additional code should be added when a patient routinely takes insulin -- besides the DM type? Z79 Long term (current) use of insulin.
If overdosing or underdosing of insulin results from insulin pump failure, what code should be first-coded? Code T85.6 Mechanical complication of other specified internal/external... device....pump malfunction.
If hyperglycemia results from insulin pump failure, what code should be coded second? Code T38.3X6- Underdosing of insulin/antihypoglycemic drugs.
What other codes should be added when hypoglycemia results from insulin pump failure Code for Type of DM and for any complications due to underdosing
If patient takes both insulln and oral antidiabetic agent(s), what should be coded? Code only Z79 Long term (current) use of insulin.
If hypoglycemia results from insulin pump failure, what code should be coded second? Code T38.3X1-- Poisoning by insulin and oral hypoglycemic drugs, accidental [unintentional]
When a patient has DM, the coder should include additional codes that identify what? How the DM is controlled - insulin vs other DM drugs.
Created by: ZonaB2
Popular Medical sets




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