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Dawood 04 + 05

Dawood 04+05

epiphysis end of the bone
diaphysis middle of the bone
metaphysis connects the epiphysis and diaphysis
axial center of the skeleton
appendicular arms and legs
oste/o bone
crani/o skull
cervic/o cervix or neck
spondyl/o vertebrae
carp/o carpal, wrist
femor/o thigh bone
cost/o ribs
tibi/o shin bone
tars/o hindfoot or ankle
lumb/o loins, lumbar
brachi/o upper arm or arm
dactyl/o fingers and toes; digits
chondr/o cartilage
arthr/o joint
burs/o sac of fluid near joints
ten,tend,tendin/o tendon
my, muscul, myos/o muscle
fasci/o fascia (membrane supporting muscle
kinesi/o movement
ton/o tension
tax/o order; coordination
paresis partial paralysis
plegia paralysis
genu valgum knock kneed
genu varum bow legged
scoliosis sideways curvature in spine
lordosis excessive inward curvature in spine
kyphosis excessive curvature with pain and stiffness
transverse fracture when the fracture line is perpendicular to the shaft of the bone
oblique fracture when a break is on an angle through the bone
spiral fracture a break thats caused by a twisting force to the long bone
angulated fracture a fracture where the distal portion of the long bone points in a different direction
displaced when a bone is broken but not shifted out of place
closed reduction procedure that sets a bone without breaking the skin
open reduction bones put back in place through surgery
external fixation an external device used to keep fractured bone stable and in alignment
internal fixation a surgical procedure in which fractured bone is kept stable and in alignment by metal plates, pins, or rods
orthotics devices such as splints and braces
prosthesis artificial body part
ACL anterior cruciate ligament: connects tibia and femur
PCL posterior cruciate ligament; connects tibia and femur at the knee joint
MCL medial (inside) collateral ligament; band of tissue on the inside of your knee; connects thighbone to lower leg
LCL lateral (outside) collateral ligament; connects femur to fibula
EMG a diagnostic procedure that evaluates health condition of muscles and the nerves that control them; transmits electric signals that causes muscle to contract and relax
CTS medical condition due to compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist at the carpal tunneL : carpal tunnel syndrome
MD muscular dystrophy
OA osteoarthritis
RA rheumatoid arthritis which is an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack joints
NSAID non-steroidal anti inflammatory drug
ORIF open reduction and internal fixation
PT physical therapy
RICE rest ice compression elevation
THR total hip replacement
TKR total knee replacement
Fx function; fracture
Septic Arthritis infection in the joint
crepitus grating sound caused by bones rubbing against each other
cerebr/o brain
cerebell/o cerebellum
lob/o lobe
crani/o skull
mening, menengi/o membranes covering the spinal cord and brain
dur/o tough outermost membrane covering the spinal cord
neur/o nerves
gangli/o collection of nerve cells
myel/o spinal cord
esthesi/o feeling; sensation
phas/o speech
phren/o psych/o mind
somn, somni, hypn/o sleep
gnosi/o knowledge
mania obsessive preoccupation
phobia fear
neuroglycopenia shortage of glucose in the brain
nystagmus condition of involuntary eye movement that can lead to reduced vision
afferent nerve nerve that passes impulses from receptors to the CNS
efferent nerve passes impulses from CNS to receptors
anesthesiologist medical professional that gives patient meds so they dont feel pain
psychiatrist medical practice that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses
psychology study of the mind, its functions and how it affects behavior
neurogenic conditions caused by nervous system
psychosomatic physical illness or another condition caused by mental factors
CNS central nervous system
CSF cerebral spinal fluid
PNS peripheral nervous system
MS multiple sclerosis
TIA transient ischemic attack
EEG electroencephalogram
EMG electromyography
ICP intracranial pressure
LOC loss of consciousness
LP lumbar puncture
MRA magnetic resonance agiography
PET positron emission tomography
SRS stereotactic radiosurgery
ADHD attention deficit hyperactive disorder
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
ALS amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
CP cerebral palsy
CVA Chronic villus sampling
HD hodgkin disease
Created by: Hijra1
Popular Medical sets




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