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Chapter 2
Word Abbreviations
Term | Definition |
PMHx | Past medical history Example: Has history of arthritis and carpal tunnel. |
HEENT | Head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat |
WDWN | Well developed, well nourished. The patient has grown or is growing properly and is not lacking in nourishment. |
PERRLA | Pupils are equal, round, and reactive to light and accommodation. (This may be used when one has a fall, or a concussion) |
NPO | Nothing by mouth. Example- No food or medicine in take by mouth. |
VS | Vital signs. Example: Temperature- 98.6, blood pressure- 130/65, respiratory rate- 18, heart rate-76. |
WNL | Within normal limits. Example: Everything has come back normal (MRI, CT, etc.) |
HPI | History of present illness. (story of symptoms) Example: Sore throat, cough, and fever. (possible signs of the flu) |
Rx | Prescription. Example: After a back surgery ones doctor may prescribe them 10 mg of Oxycodone. |
Ht | Height. Example: 67 inches or 5'7" |